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``Cato's long wig, flower'd gown, and lacquer'd chair.


reformer, but continued to act regularly at the St James's.

gongs. With this may be contrasted the culture of the Bantu

In any vase, the conception of Adonis as a swine-god does not

trans-continental railway, connecting the eastern states with

aethereal force; it thereby produces an aethereal electric

littoral, and to connect them with her colonies in West Africa,

of a British subject, may be made by a naturalized British

part of the next, the British and French naval forces in North

pass. The contrary is a fact proved by many monumental

up to pleasure during the remainder of his reign, which

ABATEMENT OF FREEHOLD takes place where, after the death of

ALARIC II. (d. 507), eighth king of the Goths in Spain,

the tombs have been nearly destroyed by successive plunderers;

the Japanese went so far as to prepare beforehand spare parts

Akyab was the metropolitan province of the native kingdom of

he sent an agent over to Spain to ask for the support of

of the parlement of Grenoble, when exiled to Saumur, for a

Alexander II. by his second wife Mary de Coucy, was born in

The government found, therefore, in the educated classes a

in A. von Haller's Bibliotheca Medicinae Pract. (4 vols.

Into that silent sea.''

Franco-German War of 1870-71 was modified and extended by the

in the tropics, and have maintained themselves for several

aide-de-camp to Marshal Soult. He was exiled in 1815, and

is payable on the appreciated currency. (c) Lastly, in

practical guide in life. Thus his criterion of imagination

often surprised at the strange mixture of savagery and lofty

undeserving of a sincere attachment as those he had hitherto

observed to alight on the water. and continues its flight,

prosecutions made mixers more careful. Abundant evidence,

The Nahuatl lapidaries had at hand many varieties of workable

abandoned his liberal principles to become a supporter of the

is purchasing something particularly choice and excellent.

to the existence of a chromatophore, he with others finds

AGORANOMI, magistrates in the republics of Greece, whose

Europe. The cheek teeth are short crowned (brachyodont),

from England rarely blossom, and never yield seed; plants

ingeniously that the alphabet was taken over from Crete by the

its lead supoort suffers from a local action, which reduces

Deffand and Mme. de Tencin, but they are above all of interest

John Adams, sixth president of the United States, was born

land is ordinarily made use of promiscuously for feeding of

it is allowed to escape into a large rubber bag, connected

of Afghanistan is worthy of attention. The great mass of it

England as the result of a royal commission appointed at

&c., being manufactured here--and also has mineral wool

government. Her death dissipated these dreams, and as George

Luzon, Philippine Islands, near an inlet on the W. shore

and the whole effect is one of the most airy lightness and

For the latter purpose land is often leased or allowed to

remarked, as illustrative of the flexibility of the system,

4th of March 1888. Alcott was a Garrisonian abolitionist.

terms. Three others have since been formed, the Nederlandsche

costume, he visited Morocco, Tripoli, Egypt, Arabia and

if only they give to their adulterated article a euphonious

Clar. Press, 1892-1899; parallel texts and translation,

right side, while the mouth is a large orifice on the left

ingot, yields at the best 5 cubic feet of gas per pound under

he had pursued a policy of opportunism to a fatal conclusion.

the tenant into four divisions or breaks, as they call them,

1 This discharge is here compared with the charge that

the ``Martyrs of Cordova,'' one of the most remarkable

over 2000 m. A decree of 1857 granted to the Paris-Lyons

that of Rio de Janeiro, founded by John VI. of Portugal in

channels, the chief links in their order from north to south

do not exist in the case of most seed-plants. From the

as Oedogogonium, Ulothrix, Coleochaete, similar zoospores

He also wrote short epics, epigrams and elegies, the

3. Sources.--So far from the recognition of a plan in Acts

there was a small strip extending from Alost to the isles of

in the stoat and ermine, and among birds, in the ptarmigan,

air-channel (g), there is first the proper fluxing bed (h),

be, he at once hastened to receive him whom heaven had

afrik. Kontinents (Leipzig, 1893); A. B. Ellis, The

introduced by Sir J. Y. Simpson, the direct pressure of

moderately strong sulphuric acid (140 deg. Twaddell), blowing in

with seven persons in the car to the height of about 3000

to a general appraiser and to boards of general appraisers.

broad-cast sowing; two-furrow; three-furrow; digging (a)

It is not our purpose in this article to discuss minute or

Compendium), 2 vols., 2nd ed. (1904-1907); F. Hahn and W.

and to every caprice of taste.'' The culture of the vine

Central Africa (Edinburgh, 1821 ); Idem, Geographical Survey

It crystallizes in long needles; forms salts C5H5N5.2HI and

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