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A Project Report On



Submitted by

Omkar Bhimrao Jadhav

Seat No. 1689557

Under the guidance of


People Education Society’s

Siddharth College of Commerce & Economics
Anand Bhavans, Dr D.N Road , Fort, Mumbai ,-400001
A Project Report On



Submitted by

Omkar Bhimrao Jadhav

Seat No. 1689557

Under the guidance of


People Education Society’s

Siddharth College of Commerce & Economics
Anand Bhavans, Dr D.N Road , Fort, Mumbai ,-400001

I , MR. Omkar Bhimrao Jadhav the Student of T.Y.B.M.S Semester VI

(2022-2023) here by declare that i have complete the project on “THE
STUDY ON INTERNET BANKING’’ in partial fulfilment of the
Requirement of the Third Year of the bachelor of management studie course
For the academic year 2022-2023.
The information submitted is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

Omkar Bhimarao Jadhav

Place: Mumbai

Date of submission:

Seat no: 1689557

People’s Education society’s
Siddharth college of commerce & Economics,
Anand Bhavan,Dr. D. N. Road, Fort, Mumbai -400001.


This is to certify that Mr . Omkar Bhimarao Jadhav SeaT NO .

of Third Year B.M.S. Semester VI (2022-2023) has successfully complete the

Project on, “THE STUDY ON INTERNET BANKING” under the guidance of prof.

I further certify that the information submitted is true and original to the best of
my knowledge

Place : mumbai
Dated :

Prof. Devika Suryawanshi Dr. U. M. Maske

BMS Co-ordinators Principal
Internal guide

External Examiner

To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous and the dept is
so enormous.

I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh
dimensions in the completion of the project.

I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai for giving me chance to do
this project.

I would like to thank my Principal, DR.U.M. Maske for providing the necessary
facilities required for completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank our Co-ordinator Prof. Devika Suryawanshi, for her
moral support and guidance.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide Prof.Devika
Suryawanshi whose guidance and care made the project successful.

I would like to thank my College Library, for having provided various reference books
and magazines related to my project.

Lastly, I would like to thank each and every person who directly or indirectly helped
me in the completion of the project especially my Parents and Peers who supported
me throughout my project.
Executive Summary

E-Banking is web-based Banking. Nowadays due to the emerging global economy, e-

commerce and e-business have increasingly become a necessary component of business
strategy and a strong catalyst for economic development. As a third world developing
country, Bangladesh is far behind to reach the expected level of the global banking system.
At present the banks in Bangladesh are using the limited electronic banking services. E-
banking products and services include wholesale products for corporate customers as well as
retail and fiduciary products for individual customers. Foreign commercial banks and private
commercial banks are relatively in a better position to provide online banking services.Dutch
bangla bank is acting as a pioneer in this sector. Customers who are habituated with
onlinebanking think that onlinebanking services are relatively better than the manual system,
but they are not satisfied with the quality of services and banking personnel behaviour to that
extent. Although E banking activities are experiencing lots of limitations and constraints such
as lack of awareness and human capital, inadequate infrastructure, this sector has a high
prospective. People are now getting interested in online transactions and the government has
laid out some plans for developingICT infrastructure.Bangladesh bank take some major
initiative in this regard and nationalised banks should concentrate on improving their online
services spread and quality.

Chapter Particulars Page No.


1. Chapter 1: Introduction 10 to 39


1.2 Meaning
1.3 Definition
1.4 History
1.11 challenge and indicators of e-banking
1.12 security

2. Chapter 2: Research of methodology 40 to 50

2.1 an introduction to research methodology

2.2 scope of E-banking
2.3 global view
2.4 objectives of e-banking
2.5 advantage, limitations and disadvantage
2.6 Type of risk
2.7 methods of data collection

3. Chapter 3: literature receive introduction 51 to 53

4. Chapter 4: data analysis interpretation and presentation 54 to 68

5. Chapter 5: 69 to 73

5.1 strategies
5.2 internet banking versus traditional banking

6. Chapter 6: conclusion and suggestion 74 to 75

7. Chapter 7: bibliography 76 to 77

8. Chapter 8: annexures 78 to 81


Electronic banking is an umbrella term for the process by which a customer may
perform banking transactions electronically without visiting a brick-and-mortar
institution. The following terms all refer to one form or another of electronic banking:
personal computer (PC) banking, Internet banking, virtual banking, online banking,
home banking, remote electronic banking, and phone banking. PC banking and
Internet or online banking is the most frequently used designations. It should be
noted, however, that the terms used to describe the various types of electronic banking
are often used interchangeably.

Electronic banking is an activity that is not new to banks or their customers. Banks
having been providing their services to customers electronically for years through
software programs. These software programs allowed the user's personal computer to
dial up the bank directly. In the past however, banks have been very reluctant to
provide their customers with banking via the Internet due to security concerns.

Today, banks seem to be jumping on the bandwagon of Internet banking. Why is there
a sudden increase of bank interests in the Internet? The first major reason is because
of the improved security and encryption methods developed on the Internet. The
second reason is that banks did not want to lose a potential market share to banks that
were quick to offer their services on the Internet.

Many of the banks like ICICI, HDFC, IndusInd, IDBI, Citibank, Global Trust Bank
(GTB), Bank of Punjab and State bank of India (SBI) were offering E-banking
services. The analysts' comments that India had a high growth potential for e-banking
the players focused on increasing and improving their E-banking services. As a part of
this, the banks began to collaborate with functions online.

Why is there a sudden increase of bank interests in the Internet? The first major
reason is because of the improved security and encryption methods developed on the
Internet. The second reason is that banks did not want to lose a potential market share
to banks that were quick to offer their services on the Internet.

E-banking is defined as the automated delivery of new and traditional banking

products and services directly to customers through electronic, interactive
communication channels. E-banking includes the systems that enable financial
institution customers. Individuals or businesses, to access accounts, transact business,
or obtain information on financial products andservices through a public or private
network including the Internet, Customers access e-banking services using an
intelligent electronic device.

The E-banking was firstly introduced in India by the ICICI around 1996. There after
many other banks like HDFC, SBI, IDBI, Citibank Trust Banks, UTI, etc followed the
service. As today private and foreign bank had started capturing the market through e-
banking hence "the
competition is heating up and the lack of technology can make a bank loose a
customer" so now the public banks are breaking the shackles of traditional set-up and
gearing up to face the
competition posed by the private sector counterparts.

1.1Problem Definition
In India, Banking sector Has been doing traditional business of accepting deposits and
lending money to do business activites.In traditional banking system customer had to
visit the bank personally for withdraw and deposit the money, to fill up the bank
passbook , to collect the cheque book , to make fixed deposit in to the bank, to get
available loan facility and So On.

With traditional banking, the client has the need to travel to the banking branches , in
order to carry out transactions , obtain cash , procedures etc.In banks physically you
are given a personalised services , unlike online banking where transaction made by
using electronic gadgets with the use of internet connectivity .

Internet banking is the term used for the new age banking system. Internet banking is
also called online banking and it is an outgrowth of PC banking. Internet banking uses
the internet as the delivery channel by which to conduct banking activity, for
example, transferring funds, paying bills, viewing checking and savings account
balances, paying mortgages and purchasing financial instruments and certificates of
deposits (Haque et al, 2009). Internet banking is a result of exploring the possibility to
use internet applications in one of the various domains of commerce. It is difficult to
infer whether the internet tool has been applied for the convenience of bankers or for
the customers’ convenience.

But ultimately it contributes in increasing the efficiency of the banking operation as

well providing more convenience to customers. Withouteven interacting with the
bankers, customers transact from one corner of the country to another corner. There
are many advantages of online Banking. It is convenient, it isn’t bound by operational
timings, there are no geographical barriers and the services can be offered at a
cost (IAMAI’s, 2006). Electronic banking has experienced explosive growth and has
transformed traditional practices in banking (Gonzalez et al., 2008).

Private Banks in India were the first to implement internet banking services in the
banking industry. Private Banks, due to late entry into the industry, understood that
establishing network in remote corners of the country is a very difficult task. It was
clear to them that the only way to stay connected to the customers at any place and at
any time was through internet applications. They took the internet applications as a
weapon of competitive advantage to corner the great monoliths likeState Bank of
India, Indian Bank etc. Private Banks are pioneers in India To explore the versatility
of internet applications in delivering services to customers. As per prediction of
Broadie et al(2007)the e- banking is leading to a paradigm shift in marketing practices
resulting in high performance in the banking industry.
Delivery of service in banking can be provided efficiently only when the background
operations are efficient. An efficient background operation can be conducted only
when it is integrated by an electronic system. Then components like data,hardware,
software, network and people are the essential elements of the system. Banking
customers get satisfied with the system when it provides
them maximum convenience and comfort while transacting with the bank. Internet
enabled electronic systems facilitate the operation to fetch these results. An in-depth
analysis would help to understand that an internet enabled electronic bank system
differentiates from traditional banking operation through faster delivery of
information from the customer and service provider. Additionally, it has to be noted
that the banking operations does not transfer physical currencies, instead it transfers
the information about the value for currencies. I-banks enable transfer of information
more swiftly on- line. ( Salawu et,al,2007). In service organisations like banks,
information flows more than physical items.

In The commercial world, especially in most advanced societies today,money is

rather carried in information storage mediums such as cheques,credit cards and
electronic means than in its pure cash form. According tochristopher et al (2006), E
banking has become an important channel to sell the products and services and is
perceived to be a necessity in order to stay profitable and successful. The perception
is formed as a result of interpreting the experience. There is a growing interest in

the users’ experience (Hiltunen et al.,2002 .); as it is observed as a larger

concept than user satisfaction. From this perspective ,assessing the user experience is
essential for many technology products and services(Wilson & Sasse, 2004)
Customers have started perceiving the services of the bank through the internet as a
prime attractive feature than any other prime product features of the bank. Customers
have started evaluating the banks based on the convenience and comforts it provides
to them. Bankers have started developing various product features and services using
internet application
Electronic banking (e-banking) is characterised as the mechanised conveyance of new
and conventional financial items and administrations straightforwardly to clients through
electronic, intelligent correspondence channels (Daniel, 1999; Sathye, 1999). Proficient usage
of supporting innovation for permitting an assortment of electronic banking has purchased
another unrest for the conveyance of banking offices. With the expanding prevalence and
advantages of e-banking, a ton of banks have perceived the significance, rivalry and
difficulties completed with this new innovation and are adjusting to this trendy banking.

E banking is a type of web based financial that empowers clients to execute bank exchanges
from E-banking by means of a modem. In most E banking adventures, the bank offers the
client an exclusive monetary programming program that permits the client to perform
monetary exchanges from their home PC.
The client at that point dials into the keep money with their modem, downloads information,
and runs the projects that are occupant on the client's PC. At present, numerous banks offer E
banking frameworks that permit clients to get account adjusts and financial records, take care
of bills, and move assets between accounts. Web banking, now and then called internet

banking, is an outgrowth of E banking. Web banking utilises the Internet as the conveyance
channel by which to direct financial action, for instance, moving assets, covering bills, seeing
checking and investment account adjusts, paying home loans, and buying monetary
instruments and endorsements of store .

The story of technology in banking started with the use of punched card machines like
accounting machines or ledger posting machines.If further developed with the birth of online
real time system and vast improvement in telecommunications during late 1980s and 1990s it
a resulted in a revolution in the field of banking.Through upcoming online technology
banking, the bank is carried to the doorstep of the customer.

In India,traditional banking services were become important for the people of the country
.Inearly’s 1990, when banking services were introduced to online banking services people
were scared about the services as this services will affected their transaction, they were
assuming the services will lost their savings. It was a slow start for the people of india were
banking services started their online services.Some Indian private sector banks also started
their ATM by the end of 2000’s . Indian Banks Association (IBA) in Mumbai initiated a
project network of 160 Atms of 30 member banks came up in the form of SWADHAN,which
has 30000-40000 transaction per month .The concept of credit card was introduced by citi
bank and it found large acceptance in metro and biggest cities in india . Debit card become
popular in 1999 only when Visa card and mastercard accept the agreement with Indian and
Foreign banks.The Reserve Bank Of India (RBI) constituted various committee for the
introduction of various operations in banking industry based on Computers and information
technology.These were some of the committee First Rangarajan committee(1985-89),the
Second Rangarajan committee (1990 -94 ), The Saraf committee (1994).Also I.T Act was
passed in 2000, Which was the most important step by the Government of India in bringing
E-volution.Kamakodi et al. (2008) communicated that a broad hole
exists in human help in Indian banking while IT-based offices are past the assumptions.
Qureshi T M, Zafar M K and Khan M B (2008) assessed the client acknowledgment of
internet banking study infers that larger part of clients are tolerating web based financial
culture as a result of positive elements and convenience, security and protection.

Uppal R K (2010) communicated in his exploration, ATMs is the best while portable
doesn't stand firm on a solid footing in public area banks, Mobile financial clients are
additionally the most elevated in E-Banks which decidedly affect net benefit also, business
per representative. Mishra (2011) conveyed a helpful guidance to defend the wellbeing of
web based exchanges (IBT). The client of the banks ought not answer to any SMS, calls or
Emails, mentioning secret words and not to interface on any connection for banks site. E-
Banking has emerged from a particularly progressed improvement. Zamdi et al
(2013),examining 56 nations more than 2008-12, figure that USD 983 billion were added to
their total genuine GDP due to expanded card utilisation. Among the arising economies,
India at a lower level of 0.047%. Dhananjay B and Suresh Chandra
B (2015) communicated that retail electronic instalment framework has advanced in the new
years. The production of NCPI set the stage for the improvement of Electronic instalments.
In this proportion of electronic clearing developed from one percent to three percent.
Mukhopadhyay (2016) in their investigation of advantages from credit only economy found
that as more instalments are straightforwardly credited to the record, credit only instalments
increment altogether. Dr. Karunagupta, Mr. Ravindraarya, (2017) zeroed in on arising
patterns in the financial area in India, he zeroed in on the financial area concerning
digitalization.The digitalization of banking framework prompts a solid establishment in of
economy and to prepared to get credit only economy to change the Indian financial industry.

● The study is conducted only in kolkata.

● The time constraint was one of the major problem because of which the sample size is
limited to only 50 responded for primary research
● Banking sector was quite similar in offering and product and because of that it was
very difficult to discriminate between our product and products of the competitors.
● Target customer and respondent were too busy person that to get their time and view
for specific questions was very difficult
● Sensitive of the industri was also very frequent factor, which was very important to
measure currently
● Area covered for the project while doing the job also was very large and it was very
difficult to have two different customer/respondent views in one.
● Every financial customer has his/her own need and according to the requirement of
the customer product customization is not possible.

E-banking services are the fast and safest mode to get your transaction completed. With E-
banking you can open up Fixed deposit and recurring deposit online . you can make bill
payment , money transfer , online purchasing of shares , and now you can also open your
Demant account as well as your Savings account online through your bank website.
Here are some of the characteristics for E-Banking services:

Electronic banking as a segment of electronic business, which, in turn, encompasses all types
of business performed through electronic networks. Electronic channels are used for both
business-to-business and business-to-customer transactions, such as ordering goods,
delivering software or paying for such transactions. E-banking is considered to be a segment
of e-business to the extent that banks are involved in the conduct of business transactions via
electronic media; other non-banking financial products and services (e.g. insurance), not to
mention products and services from other sectors of business, may be sold electronically as
well In other words, e-banking is not a banking product; rather, it describes the way
transactions are conducted. Establishing E-banking infrastructure has been a challenging task
for the developing countries like Bangladesh. At present, there is no infrastructure for
performing Electronic-banking activities in Bangladesh. Nowadays, in fact, banks are
involved in e-business in a variety of ways, including cooperation with Internet service
providers (ISP’s), the issuing of e-money or the execution of payment

E-Banking provides faster transaction facility for its customer an instant money transfer
features which helps the customers for fast and safest money transfer in their particular
accounts directly .People don’t need to stand in queue for the transfer of money in banks, E-
banking services also helps in eco-friendly atmosphere as there is less paper works and its
safe lots of time for the customers.


The most important feature of E-banking services is to provide customers 24/7 services.
Customers can easily access their account information and facility provided by the bank
online at anytime and anywhere with the help of internet connectivity.customers can do their
payments of bills , money transfer etc. online at their home.

E-banking services in india has reduced the chance of human error. the role of the human in
the whole transaction process is reduces. E-banking services system works fully electronic
and automated over the internet. All customers transactions are recorded and stored digitally
in e banking systems. There is no need to manually maintain record in books of account.
Customers have the proof of their transaction on their mobile phones and other electronic
devices .

Mistakes happen. It’s a fact of life. We’ve even created language around our ability to own
and wave off mistakes like “it happens to the best of us,” “it’s all good” and “no worries.”
But it doesn’t work that way when banks make mistakes. Instead, you get PR disasters and
dire news like the following recent headlines:

“Bank Accidentally Deposits $31,000 in Teens Account”

“Small Banks Vanish Under Weight of Regulations”

“Bank X Apologizes for Problem that Emptied Customer Accounts”


E-Banking services has removed all distances . Customers don’t need to travel to other banks
They can do all their transactions at home or anywhere at any time . they can also transfers
funds or other banking activity domestically as well as internationally . the travelling charges
that face by the customers has been removed due to better e-banking services in india.


• ATMs (Automated Teller Machines)

• Telephone Banking
• Electronic Clearing Services
• Smart Cards
• EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) System
• Mobile Banking
• Internet Banking
• Door-step Banking


The Automated teller machine (ATM) is a Automated banking machine (ABM) that permits
the client to finish essential exchanges with no assistance from bank agents. There are two
kinds of Automated teller machines (ATMs). The essential one permits the client to just draw
money and get a report of the record balance.

Another is a more intricate machine that acknowledges the store, gives Visa
instalment offices and reports account data. By utilising a mechanised teller machine or
ATM we can perform distinctive monetary exchanges, for example, money stores,
withdrawals, move reserves, data of record, ATM PIN change, and furthermore connecting
the Aadhaar number to the financial balance so the communication between the bank staff
and the client can be decreased. As its work 24/7 services for all the people .

In India, the advancement of ATMs was moderate since they were dispatched in the mid
1990s to the Indians and helped through unfamiliar banks. At the point when the majority of
the banks were dealing with extreme issues in view of the absence of a solid branch
framework, at that point computerised teller machines seemed like the best answer for these
issues. The ATM machine was executed to decrease the blocks of the branch organising by
contacting the clients by offering agreeable administrations with less exchange charges. From
that point onward, numerous enhancements in this innovation have shown up and likewise
client availability has additionally improved through limits

These machines are orchestrated on a different premise, which implies that the bank has
where there is just an ATM machine then this turns into an offsite ATM. This should be
possible to ensure that the bank contacts more geological areas to use its administrations by
individuals in any event, when there is no part of the bank inside the district. So these
machines will work outside of the bank areas.
Telephone Banking

Telephone banking is an assistance given by a bank or other monetary organisation, that

empowers clients to perform via phone a scope of monetary exchanges which don't include
money or Financial instruments (like cheques), without the need to visit a bank office or
ATM. To utilise a monetary foundation's Telephone banking office, a client should initially
enrol with the organisation for the help. They would be allotted a client number (which isn't
equivalent to the record number) and they might be surrendered or set their own secret word
(under different names) for client confirmation.

Clients would call the uncommon telephone number set up by the bank and would validate
their personality through the client number and a numeric or verbal secret word or security

questions asked by a live delegate. The help can be given utilising a mechanised framework,
utilising voice acknowledgment capacity, DTMF innovation or by live client care delegates.
In India, a variety of phone banking using missed call numbers, doled out to explicit errands,
(for example, checking equilibriums or performing cash moves), is offered by significant

Electronic Clearing Services

Electronic Clearing System (ECS) is an electronic technique for store move starting with one
financial balance then onto the next. It is for the most part utilised for mass exchanges
performed by organisations for making instalments like profit, interest, compensation,
annuity, and so forth ECS can likewise be utilised to cover bills and different charges, for
example, instalments to service organisations like phone, power, water, or for making
compared regularly scheduled payments instalments on advances just as SIP speculations. In
this article, we take a gander at the working cycle of ECS in detail.

ECS instalments can be performed by any establishment (ECS client) that needs to make
mass or monotonous instalments to various beneficiaries or recipients. They start the
exchanges in the wake of enlisting themselves with an endorsed clearinghouse. ECS clients
additionally need to acquire an assent, for example, the record points of interest of the
recipients for participating in the ECS clearings. Under the plan, the recipients of the dull or
normal instalments can likewise require the paying organisation to make ECS (credit) for
instalment. The ECS clients hope to impact instalments and to introduce the information in
a recommended configuration to any of the perceived clearinghouses. The clearinghouse will

charge the record of the ECS client through the client's bank on a specific day and credit the
records of the beneficiary banks, for giving ahead credit to the records of a definitive


Credit Card: Everybody conveys a card nowadays. A Visa is fundamentally a plastic card
with an attractive strip created with the expectation to work on the muddled financial
interaction for a person in case he/she is shy of money, be it something easygoing like
shopping or something serious like an crisis circumstance. Different banks and private
monetary associations have now begun giving Mastercard office to their customers to offer
them better and less difficult monetary arrangements to their issues' Mastercard by and large
works by giving its holder a quick position to buy administrations and products like travel
and inn reservations just as looking for stock in and outside your own country. All the
Mastercard accompanies a credit limit,

A credit card is an instalment card gave to clients (cardholders) to empower the cardholder
to pay a vendor for merchandise and ventures dependent on the cardholder's guarantee to the

card backer to pay them for the sums in addition to the next concurred charges. The card
guarantor (normally a bank) makes a spinning record and awards a credit extension to the
cardholder, from which the cardholder can get cash for instalment to a dealer or as a loan.

A credit card is unique in relation to a charge card, which requires the equilibrium to be
reimbursed in full every month or toward the finish of every assertion cycle. conversely,
credit cards permit the customers to construct a proceeding with equilibrium of obligation,
subject to intrigue being charged. A credit card additionally contrasts from a money card,
which can be utilised like cash by the proprietor of the card. A credit card contrasts from a
charge card likewise in that a credit card ordinarily includes an outsider substance that pays
the merchant and is repaid by the purchaser, though a charge card just concedes instalment
by the purchaser until a later date.

Debit Cards:A debit card (otherwise called a bank card, plastic card or check card) is a
plastic instalment card that can be utilised rather than money when making buys. It is like a
Mastercard, however not at all like a Mastercard, the cash is quickly moved straightforwardly
from the cardholder's financial balance to pay for the exchange. A few cards convey a put
away an incentive with which an instalment is made (pre-loaded card), however most hand-
off a message to the cardholder's bank to pull out assets from the cardholder's assigned
financial balance. At times, the essential record number is allocated solely for use on the
Internet and there is no actual card. This is alluded to as a virtual card.

In numerous nations, like the vast majority of Western Europe, the utilisation of debit cards
has become so boundless they have surpassed checks in volume, or altogether supplanted
them, and in certain occurrences, additionally generally supplanted money exchanges. The
advancement of debit cards, dissimilar to Mastercards and charge cards, has commonly been
nation explicit, bringing about various frameworks around the globe, which were regularly
incongruent. debit cards are the cards that directly deducts cash straightforwardly from a
buyer's checking record to pay for a buy. Debit cards wipe out the need to convey money or
physical checks to make buys. Furthermore, debit cards, likewise called check cards, offer the
accommodation of Mastercards and large numbers of the same customer assurances when
given by significant instalment processors like Visa or MasterCard. Dissimilar to

Mastercards, they don't permit the client to stray into the red, with the exception of maybe for
the record holder has pursued overdraft inclusion. In any case, debit cards normally have
every day buy limits, which means it may not be conceivable to make a particularly huge buy
with a debit card.
EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) System
Transactions including put away estimation of electronic cash, potentially in a private money.
Electronic bill instalment in internet banking, which might be conveyed by EFT or paper
check . Wire move by means of a worldwide financial organisation like SWIFT Direct
charge instalments, now and again called electronic checks, for which a business charges the
purchaser's ledgers for instalment for products or administrations.Direct store instalment
started by the payer . Cardholder-started exchanges, utilising an instalment card, for
example, a credit or debit card .


COMPUTER .ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER Entering Bank Account Information.
Entering Payment Instrument Defaults . Entering Supplier Master Information . Interaction




Different methods of EFT in India-NEFT,RTGS,IMPS Funds move through

NEFT requires a moving bank and an objective bank. The National Electronic Funds
Transfer is a cross country cash move framework which permits clients with the office to
electronically move assets from their particular ledgers to some other record of a similar bank
or of some other bank organisation . NEFT-NATIONAL ELECTRONIC FUNDS
TRANSFER Any amount of cash can be moved utilising the NEFT framework with a most
extreme capital of Rs. 10,00,000.Before moving assets by means of NEFT you register the
recipient, getting reserves. For this you should have data like name of the beneficiary,
beneficiary's bank name, a substantial record number having a place with the beneficiary and
his particular bank's IFSC code.

RTGS instalment passage, kept up by the Reserve Bank of India makes exchanges between
banks electronically. The moved sum is immediately deducted from the record of one banks
and credited to the next ledger's.It is a continuous finances move framework which
encourages you to move assets starting with one bank then onto the next progressively or on a
gross premise. The exchange isn't put on stand-by and got out in a split second. .The
transmitting client needs to add the recipient and his financial balance subtleties before

executing reserves by means of RTGS. The subtleties required while moving assets would be
the recipient's name; his/her record number, beneficiary's bank address and the IFSC code of
the separate bank. The base worth that can be moved utilising RTGS is Rs. 2 Lakhs or more.
Anyway there could be no upper cap on the sum that can be executed.

IMPS is offered on all the cell gadgets by means of Mobile Banking or through SMS office.
IMPS offers moment electronic exchange administration utilising cell phones. The IMPS
administration additionally includes a protected exchange entryway and a prompt affirmation
on satisfied requests. The National Payments Corporation of India presented a pilot versatile
instalment project otherwise called the Immediate Payment Service (IMPS). IMMEDIATE
PAYMENT SERVICE .Thus IMPS empowers clients to utilise portable instruments as a
moment cash move entryway, encouraging client accommodation and saving time and

engaged with different methods of move.To have the option to move cash by means of IMPS
course you should initially enlist for the quick instalment administrations with your bank .

Internet Banking & Mobile Banking

Internet Banking, otherwise called net-banking or web based banking, is an electronic
instalment framework that empowers the client of a bank or a monetary foundation to make
monetary or non-monetary exchanges online by means of the web. This assistance gives
online admittance to pretty much every financial help, generally accessible through a
neighbourhood office including store moves, stores, and online bill instalments to the clients.
Web banking can be gotten to by any person who has enrolled for web based banking at the
bank, having a functioning ledger or any monetary establishment. Subsequent to enlisting for
internet banking offices, a client need not visit the bank each time he/she needs to benefit a
financial help. It isn't simply advantageous yet additionally a safe technique for banking. Net
financial gateways are gotten by interesting User/Customer IDs and passwords.

Special Features of Internet Banking

Here are some of the best features of internet banking:

• Provides access to financial as well as non-financial banking services.
• Facility to check bank balance any time
• Make bill payments and fund transfer to other accounts
• Keep a check on mortgages, loans, savings a/c linked to the bank account
• Safe and secure mode of banking
• Protected with unique ID and password
• Customers can apply for the issuance of a chequebook
• Buy general insurance
• Set-up or cancel automatic recurring payments and standing orders
• Keep a check on investments linked to the bank account


There is an expanding assumption from clients for better help from their banks. The
accessibility of ATMs for 24 hour banking is additionally not seen as adequate. An ever
increasing number of clients search for completing financial exchanges sitting in their homes
or workplaces. This has prompted the idea of Doorstep Banking getting an ever increasing
number of volumes. While, the administrations to be offered are basic; the idleness and
earnestness towards the client represents a major test explicitly in light of the fact that the
geological reach are vital.

These administrations are now being taken care of well through calls and outsider specialist
organisations. Notwithstanding, to deal with higher volumes with decreased blunders we

have advanced the Doorstep Banking arrangement. As additionally characterised in

Regulatory rules, Banks presently offer the accompanying financial administrations to the
entirety of their clients at their doorstep:

• Cash get and conveyance

• Instruments/Cheque get
• Instruments (DD/PO) conveyance

To oversee/track/assess these administrations midway, there is need of powerful framework

coordinating focal unit, centre branches, talked branches and specialist co-op office. This
framework should empower the

quicker method of correspondence between focal unit, centre point branches, specialist co-op
and client accordingly decreasing the turnaround time with the goal that every client is
overhauled viably.

Doorstep banking programming has been worked with a target to offer help to any doorstep
administrations suppliers. A powerful construction of each get organisations their announcing
branches and every Customer is kept up. Through framework produced cautions each CIT is
co-ordinated hence decreasing manual exertion, cost and disarray


Banks all throughout the planet are working in developing fresher innovation to change the
whole banking and monetary space. Innovation will zero in on taking out manual endeavours
in all exchanges and move towards robotization. Current strategies for login, composing and
keying exchange will be supplanted with programmed techniques like biometrics, discourse
acknowledgment, motion acknowledgment. Advanced mechanics, stand, brilliant intelligent
gadgets, and interfaces will replace Banking staff and agents. Hardly any innovations that
have been carried out as of late or being worked on in different pieces of the world and what
they will mean for the eventual fate of banking.


Mobile wallets are instrument to make and get instalments through mobile telephones.
Mobile wallets are developing at a incredible speed. The accommodation of making
instalments through mobile telephones is supplanting cash instalments and credit card
instalments. Mobile wallets are changing the way cash exchanges occur all throughout the
planet. The demonetisation reported by the Indian Government on eighth November 2016
will drive more individuals to move towards mobile wallets instead of money exchanges.
With in excess of a billion advanced cell holders in India, the utilisation of mobile wallets is
limited By Authentication, I allude to the interaction of a Banking client setting up his
character with the financial frameworks like Client ID and secret key on account of web
banking, PIN in the instance of ATM, Mobile PIN on account of Mobile Banking, TPIN for
the situation of telebanking. These strategies for validation will be supplanted by Biometrics
like fingerprints and Iris check, social biometrics like the manner in which clients type in the
key board, click the mouse, outward appearance (favour the face, flicker of eyes), signals,
discourse acknowledgment. Numerous banks in US and Europe have effectively executed
them furthermore, barely any banks in India also have begun utilising these strategies. With
increasingly more of banking occurring through Mobile and Web, imaginative biometric
verification will become request of the day. This won't just fill the need of client
accommodation and convenience, yet in addition upgrade the security highlights related with

Now-a-days the mobile wallets are developed too fast and easy that a person from a long
distance can easily perform any of his banking activities. Some of the mobile wallets
application such as Paytm, Google Pay , Amazon Pay etc

Innovation has been created to perform banking capacities while driving a vehicle. Versatile
Banking Apps cooperate with programming in vehicle to perceive voice and exchange can be
performed by talking with the framework. Capacities like finding a branch or ATM and even
exchange like finances move and balance check can be performed with this innovation. While
vehicles in cutting edge nations as of now have intuitive frameworks, it is just matter of time
this innovation will be broadly utilised in India also. The utilisation of savvy like Apple
Watch and Android brilliant watches is developing at exceptional speed. The innovation
to construct banking application in keen watches is additionally making up for lost time
Brilliant watches will be utilised to do banking exchanges and interface with brokers. We
will likewise see innovation being created where clients will actually want to enter a bank
by examining their savvy Banks in US and Europe have effectively set up Smart Bank
Branches. Savvy Branches will be automated. They are outfitted with savvy booths through
which clients can cooperate to play out their banking exchanges. Savvy branches will be
small in size contrasted with size of the current branches (1/tenth of the current branch sizes),
along these lines diminishing the expense of working a branch. Cutting edge clients will
appreciate the experience of banking in a savvy branch.
Robotics will play the part of bank staff. Client will be ready to interface with Robots for
their financial exchanges. Robots will work utilising discourse acknowledgment innovation
furthermore, outward appearance acknowledgment. While Robotics might be savvy in cutting
edge nations where cost of working banks are extremely high, it might in any case take some

time in India as the expense of Robotics will be definitely more than the advantage. Anyway
it is again a short time these advancements is brought to India

With progression of innovation in Data examination and Fake, comprehend their longings
and needs and offer items and administrations which will suit their requirements. The
different advances that are being developed (keen watch, advanced cell, and web-based
will all be coordinated furthermore, interface with one another empowering flawlessly
banking. For example, information from interpersonal organisation media will be utilised by
banks to offer redid items and administrations, a long time before the client moves toward the
bank. Enormous information will work with information mining and investigation to show up
at client needs. The tweaked items and administrations will be advertised to their clients
through their online media account. At the point when the client acknowledges the item, the
data will be consequently steered to the financial programming, which will measure the
item/administration and delivery the credit office to the client or their recipient. Every one of
these exchange handling will be programmed with no human impedance what's more, will be
finished in a matter of no time. While a large portion of these innovations are ahead of time
phases of advancement and execution in created economies, it is just a matter of time India
will arrive, as India consistently has the historical backdrop of jump in adjusting more current
The appearance of Internet has started an electronic upheaval in the worldwide banking area.
The dynamic and adaptable nature of this correspondence channel just as its pervasive reach
has made a difference in utilising an assortment of banking exercises. New banking middle
people offering completely new kinds of banking administrations have arisen because of
creative e-plans of action. The Internet has arisen as one of the significant dissemination
channels of banking items and administrations, for the banks in US and in the European

At first, banks advanced their centre capacities i.e., items, administrations and exhortation
through Internet. At that point, they entered the online business market as
suppliers/wholesalers of their own items furthermore, administrations. All the more as of late,
because of advances in Internet security also, the approach of important conventions, banks
have found that they can assume their essential part as monetary intermediators and
facilitators of complete business exchanges through electronic networks particularly through
the Internet. A few banks have picked a course of building up an immediate web presence
while others have decided on either being a proprietor of monetary administrations driven
electronic commercial centre or being members of a non-monetary administrations driven
electronic commercial centre. The pattern towards electronic conveyance of banking items
and administrations is happening somewhat because of customer interest and part of the way
in light of the expanding serious climate in the global banking industry. The Internet has
changed the customers behaviours who are demanding more customised products/services at
an lower price.

Moreover, new competition from pure online banks has put the profitability of even
established brick and mortar banks under pressure. However, very few banks have been
successful in developing effective strategies for fully exploiting the opportunities offered by
the Internet. For traditional banks to define what niche markets to serve and decide what
products/services to offer there is a need for a clear and concise Internet commerce
strategy.Banking transactions had already started taking place through the Internet way back
in 1995. The Internet promised an ideal platform for commercial exchange, helping banks to
achieve new levels of efficiency in financial transactions by strengthening customer
relationship, promoting price discovery and spend aggregation and increasing the reach.
Electronic finance offered considerable opportunities for banks to expand their client base
and rationalise their business while the customers received value in the form of savings in
time and money.

Worldwide E-banking industry is covered by the accompanying four sections:

• E-banking Scenario: It discusses the real state, prospects, and issues related to E-banking in
Asia with a core interest on India, US and Europe. It additionally deals with the effect of
Ebanking on the banking business structure.

• E-banking Strategies: It reveals the key strategies that banks should implement to derive
greatest value through the online channel. It likewise brings guidance for those banks, which
are wanting to fabricate online businesses.

• E-banking Transactions: It discusses how Internet has fundamentally transformed banking

exchanges. The section focuses on cross border exchanges, B2B exchanges, electronic bill
payment and presentment and mobile payments. In spite of all the hype, E-banking has been
a non-starter in several countries.

• E-banking Trends: Discuss the development of new technologies in banks

India is as yet in the early stages of E-banking development and development. Competition
and changes in technology and lifestyle over the most recent five years have changed the face
of banking. The changes that have taken place impose on banks extreme guidelines of

competition and compliance. The issue here is – 'Where does India remain in the scheme of
Ebanking.' E-banking is likely to bring a large group of opportunities just as unprecedented
dangers to the fundamental nature of banking in India. The effect of E-Banking in India isn't
yet apparent. Numerous worldwide research companies believe that Ebanking reception in
India in the near future would be moderate compared to other significant Asian
countries.Indian E-banking is as yet nascent, in spite of the fact that it is quick becoming a
strategic necessity for most commercial banks, as competition increases from private banks
and non banking monetary establishments. Despite the worldwide economic challenges
confronting the IT software and services sector, the viewpoint for the Indian business remains
hopeful. The Reserve Bank of India has additionally set up a "Working Group on
E-banking to examine different aspects of E-banking. The gathering focused on three
significant areas of E-banking Despite the worldwide economic challenges confronting the IT
software and services sector, the viewpoint for the Indian business remains

The Reserve Bank of India has likewise set up a "Working Group onE-banking to analyse
various parts of E-banking. The gathering zeroed in on three significant spaces of E-banking
for example (1) Technology and Security issues (2) Legal issues and (3) Regulatory and
administrative issues. RBI has acknowledged the rules of the gathering what's more, they
a decent knowledge into the security prerequisites ofE-banking.The significance of the effect
innovation and data security can't be questioned. In any case, the quick development of the
Internet has presented a totally new degree of safety related issues. The issue here is that
the Internet isn't directed innovation and it is promptly available to a great many

individuals, there will consistently be individuals who need to utilise it to makeunlawful

additions. The security issue can be tended to at three levels.The first is the security of client
data as it is sent from the client's PC to the Web worker. The second is the security of the
climate where the Internet banking worker and client data set live. Third, safety efforts should
be set up to keep unapproved clients from endeavouring to long into the web based financial
segment of the site.

From a legitimate viewpoint, security system received by banks for validating clients should
be perceived by law as a substitute for signature. In India, the Information Technology Act,
2000, in area 3(2) accommodates a specific innovation (viz., thelopsided crypto framework
and hash work) as a methods for confirming electronic record. Some other technique utilised
by banksfor validation ought to be perceived as a wellspring of legitimate risk..Regarding the
administrative and administrative issues, just such banks which are authorised and directed
and have an actual presence in India will be allowed to offer E-banking items to inhabitants
of India. With foundations getting increasingly worldwide and mind boggling, the idea of
dangers in the global monetary framework has changed. The actual Regulators who will
presently be paying considerably more thoughtfulness regarding the subjective parts of

the executives have perceived this. Despite the fact that the Indian Government has declared
digital laws, mostcorporate are not satisfactory about them, and feel they are deficient for the
development of E-business. Absence of purchaser assurance laws is another issue that should
be handled, if individuals need to feel more agreeable about executing on the web.

Tax assessment from E-business exchange has been perhaps the most discussed issues that
are yet to be settled by India and generally othernations. The touchy development of web
based business has driven numerous heads to address how their organisations can
appropriately direct expenses on Internet deals. Without deals charge, online merchants get a
value advantage over physical organisations. While web based business has been making loss
of duty incomes theGovernment, numerous lawmakers keep on demanding that the Net
mustremain tax-exempt to guarantee proceeded with development, and that gathering deals
charges on Net trade could limit its extension.
One has to approach the branch in person ,to withdraw cash or deposit a cheque or
request a statement of account. In true internet banking ,any inquiry or transaction is
processed online without any reference to the branch ( anywhere banking ) at any time,
providing internet banking increasingly becoming a ‘need to have “than a “ nice to have
“service.the net banking thus , now is more of a norm rather than an exception in may
developed countries due to the fact that cheapest way of providing banking services

Banks have traditionally been in the forefront of harnessing technology to improve their
product service and efficiency. They have , over a long time ,been using electronic and
telecommunication networks for delivering a wide range of value added product and service.
The delivery channel includes direct dial-up connection ,private network, public networks
and the devices include telephone . personal computers include the automated teller machine
(ATM), etc with the popularity of pcc’s easy access to internet and world wide web (www),
internet is increasing used by banks as channel for receiving instruction and deliver their
products and services to their customers .this from of banking is generally referred to as
internet banking
1.11 Challenges and indicators of e-banking
Infrastructural barriers are one of the challenges for implementation and development of

Knowledge barriers are one of the challenges for implementation and development of e-

Legal and security issues are one of the challenges for implementation and development
of e-banking.

Social and cultural barriers are one of the challenges for implementation and
development of e-banking.

Economic factors are one of the challenges for implementation and development of e-

Management and banking issues are one of the challenges for implementation and
development of e-banking
1.12 Security:

● The Branch where the customer maintains his/her account will assign:

1. User-id &

2. Password

● The User-id and Password given by the branch must be replaced by User Name and
Password of customer's choice at the time of first log-on. This is mandatory.

● Bank will make reasonable use of available technology to ensure security and to
prevent unauthorised access to any of these services. The OnlineSBI service is
VERISIGN certified which guarantees, that it is a secure site. It means that

1. You are dealing with SBI at that moment.

2. The two-way communication is secured with 256-bit SSL encryption technology,

which ensures the confidentiality of the data during transmission.

● These together with access control methods designed on the site would afford a high
level of security to the transactions you conduct.SBI will soon be implementing
PKI/Digital Signature.
● You are welcome to access OnlineSBI from anywhere anytime. However, as a matter
of precaution, customers may avoid using PCs with public access.

● There is no way to retrieve a password from the system. Therefore if a customer

forgets his/her password, he/she must approach the branch for re-registration.


Research Methodology – is an approach to methodically tackle a research issue. It is a study
of concentrating how research is done logically. Basically it is the method by which their
searchers approach their work of portraying, assessing and foreseeing marvel. It expects to
give the work plan of research.Research methodology is an approach to deliberately tackle
the research issue. It could be perceived as a study of concentrating how research is done
deductively. In it we study the different steps that are by and large received by a researcher in
contemplating his research issue alongside the rationale behind them. It is fundamental for
the researcher to know not just the research strategies/methods yet in addition the
methodology.Researchers not just need to realise how to build up certain records or
tests,apply specific research procedures, yet they likewise need to know which of these
strategies or methods,are significant and which are not, and what might they mean and show
and why. Researchers tooneed to comprehend the suppositions hidden by different methods
and they need to know the rules by which they can conclude that specific strategies and
techniques will be material to specific issues also, others won't. This implies that it is
fundamental for the researcher to plan his methodology furthermore, on what premise he
chooses specific size, number and area of entryways, windows and ventilators,the research
choices to assess before they are carried out. He needs to indicate unmistakably and correctly
what choices he chooses and why he chooses them with the goal that they can be assessed by
others moreover.
2.2 Scope of E banking
● The traditional mode of banking is a manual .It is a paper based .it is now no longer
acceptable in the changing global commerce electronic import and export , electronic
procurement of goods.electronic trade Economic with the widespread internet
technology ,the business is also electronic -electronic Mobile banking ,etc

● The banking sector ,if it is to survive in the 21st century ,shall have to change the
entire life banking structure .It shall have to provide better , economical and quick
monetary services through the use of advanced electronic tech .

● customer of the banking are fast becoming computer literate.they are now able The to interact
more fluently with the provision of basic electronic services

● the needs of the customer have also changed .they require the services of bank at home,in
offices ,24 hours a day seven days a week, anywhere , anything and anyhow

● the bank are quite alive to the changing needs of the customer .they fully realise that if they
are to complete they shall have to provide electronic delivery of financial services to the

● they are rendering services such as electronic fund transfer (ETF) , payment by phone
services,personal computer banking ,point of sale transfer ,electronic check conversation,etc

● the scope of E-banking is now fast expanding in the developed and also under -developed
countries of the word

Since the inception, interest banking has experienced strong and sustained growth .The world
bank report on leapfrogging in e-finance pointed out that the three countries with impressive
progress in information technology in this sense are Estonia, Republic of korea and brazil.
Creation of the world’s leading electronic banking system has been done at remarkable low
cost compared to other world-class internet banks .in the european union,60 million
people ,representing 18 percent of the adult population .use online banking france ,then
number of online banking accounts, estoniya is the country that has become a leader in
internet banking not only among estimate european countries but also in word
ranking ,troughna combination of easy to-us software ,free-of-charge transactions and
behaviour changes resulting from the influence of the nordic countries IT culture on estonia
1. The banking at any point of time can give the customers information related to their
➢ Account and accounts status
➢ The balance equity
➢ The fund transfer standard
➢ The cheque book request
2. The system can provide information related to the different types of accounts that are
existing within the bank

3. The system can provide the bank administration with the information on the number of
customer who are existing in the system

4. The system at any point of time can provide the information related to the executed
transaction by the customers

5. The system with respect to the necessities can identify all the history details of theatrical
participant along with their outcome

6.the system with respect to the necessities can provide the status of research and
development process that is under schedule the organisation currently.

7. With proper storage of the data in a relational environment can applegate itself to cater to
the standards of providing a clear and easy path for future search standard that may arise due
to organisation policies
2.5 Advantages and Limitations

All the advantages of e-banking are closely related to each other; from convenience to
Efficiency, I have list out 10 advantages of net banking.
• Benefits and Rewards
• Notifications and Alerts
• Faster Transactions
• Convenience
• Security

• Easy Access
• Speed and Efficiency
• Lesser Limitations
• More Features
• Better Customer Service

Let us look at them one by one.

Benefits and Rewards

A ton of online banks offer more advantages and awards to their clients that advantage the
bank as well as advantage their clients. Online banks will offer higher loan fees and better
exchange administrations to their clients who routinely utilise web based banking. This
happens halfway because of the way that the banks need to bear diminished costs when
serving on the web clients. Thusly, the general financial experience is clearly better compared
to that of visiting an actual bank office and taking care of a similar exchange

Notifications and Alerts

Clients are immediately cautioned or told about new changes in the framework. From
changes in the approach to logins from new gadgets, clients get moment warnings and
notification. Be that as it may, in case you're related with a genuine bank, you would
presumably get a text-based notification or a client care specialist will call you to inform
about significant changes. Odds are, you're passing up a great deal of changes. Banks
additionally underwrite new items, administrations and plans like new speculation choices,
changes in the credit approaches, and so on to online clients first.

Faster Transactions
E-Banking provides faster transaction facility for its customer an instant money transfer
features which helps the customers for fast and safest money transfer in their particular
accounts directly .People don’t need to stand in queue for the transfer of money in banks, E-
banking services also helps in eco-friendly atmosphere as there is less paper works and its
safe lots of time for the customers.

You can advantageously deal with your record exchanges without all the problem of being in
the line on a hot evening. E-banking is very advantageous in the event that you have a fair
web association (wifi or 5G/4G information). You can get to the site from a place without
really visiting the bank. On the off chance that your financial necessities don't include the
with the help of any staff member or an administrator, web based banking is the most ideal
choice for you.

With E- banking, you can generally screen your record exercises.This not just fills in as a
background marked by every one of the exchanges yet additionally causes you distinguish
dangers and dubious exercises before any serious harm should be possible to your record.
Online records are secured with encryption programming that guarantees total wellbeing to
the client. Alarms identified with passwords and computerised marks are sent intermittently
to keep up the security of the record.

Easy Access

Customers can enjoy easy access with online accounts by simply typing in the log-in
credentials. In addition to that, customers can also handle several accounts at a time.Since the
internet remains the medium of connection, users can also access different accounts in
different banks from a single device.

Speed and Efficiency

In a rush to apply for an educational loan? Or on the other hand rapidly need to take care of
paying bills? Or then again play out any financial exchange without squandering a large
portion of your day? Do it by means of the web. There's no holding up nor do you need to
race through anything – you can take as much time as is needed and play out all financial
exchanges with tolerance and it will be done in almost 1/tenth the time spent on really driving
down to the bank and completing it.

Lesser Limitations
Traditional banking have a few imperatives like working hours, the actual area of the bank
office, occasions, and so on .You don't need to contemplate whether it's an occasion with web
based banking, or what time is it to play out an exchange. Be it Sunday or the centre of the
evening and you can in any case do everything (and considerably more) through their
application or site as it's accessible 24 hours per day, consistently.
More Features
Aside from being adaptable, a few banks make a special effort to fulfil their clients by not
punishing on withdrawals on the endorsement of stores, allowing clients to keep up accounts
with no base equilibrium, and so forth .Additionally, banks commonly offer more offers and
limits using a loan and check cards utilised by clients who have online records.

Better Customer Services

Banking sites and applications accompany redid pages to address client inquiries and
regularly have a devoted 'Habitually Asked Question' (FAQs) area that helps in noting basic
client questions. You can talk with a client care specialist or call them on the off chance that
you need more assistance. This saves the hour of the clients as well as that of the bank
representatives who can move their concentration to more significant things.
Disadvantages of e-banking

“Every bean has its black”

Everyone and everything has some shortcomings.

Similarly, there are some limitations of net banking; from security to technology issues, I
have listed out 7 disadvantages of net banking.

• Difficult for Beginners

• Trust and Responsibility
• Inconvenience
• Security Issues
• Technology Issues
• Complicated Websites
• Other Limitations

Difficult for Beginners

New customers regularly face trouble in attempting to get the hang of e-banking. At first,
clients are frightened of losing their cash and are frequently reluctant to investigate every one
of the alternatives and highlights that are accessible on the site or on the application. New
clients frequently surrender and stick to conventional banking if ideal help isn't given.

Trust and Responsibility

Counterfeit sites and phishing destinations are regular in this time of innovation. Can you
truly confide in all sites? Is it insightful to confide in an online webpage with all your cash?
Consider the possibility that the site overlaps and all your cash is no more. This wouldn't
occur in a genuine bank. There is trust between the bank and their clients – you realise your
cash is protected with the bank – on the grounds that they assume liability for your cash.
Genuine banks are lasting and dependable while a few sites are definitely not.

Indeed, online banks are open consistently yet they are a genuine motivation of burden in
specific occurrences. For instance, on the off chance that you get bolted out of your record
you will not be able to play out any financial exchanges. Be that as it may, in a genuine bank,
you build up associations with the staff, who know you on an individual level and will
i actually want to help you in such cases. You wouldn't need to be on the telephone disclosing
your circumstance to an obscure client assistance specialist which coincidentally, may
likewise require a few days. Additionally, a couple of online banks don't permit money
stores. To store money, you will be needed to email a check and move cash from another
record or bank, or utilise their e-check store administration.

Security Issues
Of course, most banks are very much rumoured and set up, there are times when you face
security issues. There's consistently a danger of real as well as fraud. It's additionally
conceivable to get unapproved admittance to your record by means of a taken or hacked sign
in accreditations.

Technology Issues
If you don’t have a decent connection or there are bugs in the software, or say, there is a
power cut or maybe the servers have gone down – websites are bound to crash and you will
undoubtedly face a lot of technological issues.While you may get various types of customer
service at the moment but sooner or later, you will get frustrated. However, someone is
always around to help you in a real bank.

Complicated Websites
A few sites resemble a page directly from an excessively intricate logical analysis. Written in
a mysterious code language with peculiar text styles and tones. That is to say, sure a few sites
are basic and you can complete every one of the things in a jiffy. However, a few sites are out
and out convoluted and befuddling. With pop-ups, blunders, interfaces, and interlinks,
redirections to presumably 1,000,000 pages, it gets truly hard to comprehend.

Other Limitations
E-banking isn’t for everyone. Illiterate and the elderly cannot use online banking. Neither can
an individual accesses their accounts if they don’t have an internet connection.
A major driving force behind the rapid spread of online banking all over the world is its
acceptance as an extremely cost effective delivery channel of banking service as compared to
other existing channels. However , interest is not an unmixed blessing to the banking sector.
Along with reduction in cost of transaction, it has also brought about a new orientation to risk
and even new forms of risk to which banks conduction online banking expose
the following paragraph a genetic set of risk are discussed s the basis for formulation general
risk control guidance, which this group will addressed

Operational risk:
Operational risk, also referred to as transaction risk is the most common form of risk
associated with online banking. It takes the form of inaccurate processing of transaction, non
enforceability of contracts, compromises in data integrity , data privacy and confidentiality,
UN authority access/intrusion to bank’ s systems and transaction etc. such risks can arise out
of weaknesses in design, implesition and monitoring of banks’ information system. Besides
inadequacies in technology human factor like negligence by customers and employees,
fraudulent activity of employees and cracker/hackers etc. can become potential source of
operational risk and security risk and both terminologies are used interchangeable. Nowadays
a large number of fraudulent websites are coming up wich aim which aim to trick person into
disclosing their sensitive personal information

Fake Email method is also known as phishing. In the field of computer security, fishing is a
criminally process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such usernames, passwords
and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entire in an electronic

● Emails are sending by fraudulent bank.

● Customers verify the personal information .

● These email guide customers and make them enter the fraude links.

● Thereby disclosing the customers ATM card number and their passwords.

The undertaking of information assortment starts after an examination issue hasbeen

characterised and research configuration/plan chalked out. While choosing about the
technique for information assortment to be utilised for the investigation, the scientist should
remember two kinds of information viz.,essential and auxiliary. The essential information are
those that are assembled new and interestingly,what's more, hence happen to be unique in
nature. In the other hand, the optional information are those that another person has

effectively acquired and which have effectively been passed into the factual measure.The
techniques for gathering essential and auxiliary information vary since essential information
are to be initially gathered, while if there should arise an occurrence of auxiliary information
The idea of information assortment work is only that of assemblage.

The methods of collecting primary and secondary data differ since primary data are to
originally collected, while in case of secondary data the nature of data collection work is
merely that of compilation.

Primary data :: I myself have collected the data for this project primarily to know the
situation faces or development required by the people under this project .To collect primary
data I have created a simple questionnaires for e-banking services in India and shared to the
people to know the response about what they think about the services on E-banking in India .
I have made these questions to fulfil my objectives for the project. While collecting the data
from the people I have collected their Age , income groups , Gender in according to know
which group of people are here to fill up the questionnaires.

Following are my 16 questionnaires which I had asked the people about the project and their
responses .

Sampling technique :Since the information required was not very technical in nature . to get
my objectives are done and also looking for the other content of the project . the sampling
technique employed is based on form .

Sample Size : The sample size is 65 . Respondents were spread across various age groups ,
professional individual , students of commerce background etc.

Data interpretation : Data interpretation is done by using statistical technique like Pie
diagram .

Secondary Data : Secondary data are the data that has been already collected by the
researcher and it is readily available from the other sources . Such data are less expensive
and more rapidly possible than the primary data and furthermore might be accessible when
primary data can't be gotten by any stretch of the imagination. Fundamentally, secondary data
give the exploration to see more about the subject and give more clear viewpoint and view on
the current investigation.

The study of secondary data has been collected by various other materials such as journals ,
reports given by the government , various websites with more aspects for e banking services
, popular banking sites which has focused on the topic


The possibility of "literature" generally evokes pictures of dusty books that you are needed to
peruse for English,American, or World literature classes. The "literature" in a literature
review, nonetheless, alludes to all the past exploration and grant on a specific point,
of what discipline you are examining; the"review" is your clarification of what the literature
says.A literature review is the blend of the accessible literature with respect to your
exploration subject. This amalgamation combines the finishes of a wide range of sources to
clarify the general comprehension of the subject, accordingly establishing a framework for
both the examination question and essential exploration. Albeit a literature review will refer
sources and ought to talk about the believability of the sources included, it is more than a
commented on the book index. Your literature review needs to review every one of the
sources on a point, paying little mind regardless of whether they support the cases you will
in the long run be pursuing.

The colossal advances in innovation and the forceful imbuement of data innovation had
gotten a change in outlook in financial activities. With the improvement of data innovation,
the world has become a worldwide town and it has upset the financial business. The

banks have all the earmarks of being on a quick track for IT based items and administrations.
Bank clients are getting extremely requesting and it is the broad utilisation of innovation that
empowers banks to fulfil satisfactorily the prerequisite of clients. Innovation has become the
fuel for quick change. IT is not, at this point considered as simple exchange preparing or

limited to the executives data framework. The breeze of advancement, globalisation, and
privatisation has opened new vistas in the financial business in the age of a seriously serious
climate. The post-changed financial industry in India has been seeing a perceptible move
from the vendors' to the purchasers' market. Further the financial area changes and
presentation of E-banking has rolled out extremely primary improvements in assistance
quality, administrative choices, operational execution, benefit and profitability of the banks.
E-banking is one of the arising patterns in the Indian banking and is assuming an
extraordinary part in reinforcing the financial area and improving assistance quality. It has
empowered the banks to deal with the instalments electronically and interbank settlement
quicker and in enormous volumes. There is expansion in consumer loyalty level, decrease in
cost of banking activities, expanded profitability and as such there is a huge extension for
Indian banks to grow their E-banking administrations which could upgrade their intensity.

Further, new innovation has quickly changed the customary methods of doing banking
business. Clients can see the records, get account explanations, move reserves, buy drafts
simply by making a couple of key punches. Accessibility of ATMs and plastic cards, EFT,
electronic clearing administrations, web banking, portable banking and telephone banking;
generally maintain a strategic distance from clients going to branch premises and has given a
more extensive scope of administrations to the clients. This paper investigates long haul
future patterns in E-banking by giving a writing survey and examination of future
investigations. The future patterns incorporate long spreading over megatrends
notwithstanding more limited term estimates of the approaching marvels. In view of the
examination, some key patterns are perceived dependent on their likely effect on financial

The key patterns are investigated and examined for their effect on future E-banking
administrations. At last, we reach a few inferences of the principle advancement bearings in

- Shilpi Khandelwal
International Journal of Management (IJM) 3 (3), 200-215, 2012

Banks receive E-banking as a way to supplant their customary conveyance channel through
branch banking chiefly because of the expense of setting up of actual branches and expanded
overheads partner with looking after them. While receiving any new channel of
administration conveyance, administration is one of the essential advantage which a client
anticipates from the specialist organisation. The shoppers thinks about the advantages and

gauge them against the expenses related with the help. E–Banking administrations are step by
step supplanting the conventional financial administrations. To acquire upper hand over the
contending banks, the banks are constantly improving their administrations through e-
banking administrations. This paper has inspected surveys gathered nearby e-banking
administrations which incorporates Internet Banking, ATM banking, Mobile banking and so

-P Suja, Nirmala Raghavan

International Journal of Marketing and Technology 4 (1), 166, 2014

Today, e-banking is utilised as an essential instrument by the worldwide financial area to

draw in and hold clients. The current paper is the result of an observational examination
directed with the goal of exploring brokers' perspectives in regards to ebanking. It covers
brokers' viewpoints on e-banking exercises of respondents, effect of e-banking and limited

time estimates utilised by banks to advance ebanking. The review information utilised in this
exploration are gathered through a poll in Northern district of India by managing to 192
investors. The enquiry uncovers that clients for the most part use e-Banking administrations
on influence of brokers. Client transport is for the most part focused on experts, business
class and guys having a place with middle age. The investors are persuaded that e-banking
helps in improving the connection among brokers and clients and that it will acquire patent
improvement the general presentation of banks. Undoubtedly, print media is at the top.

-Himani Sharma

Global journal of Research in Management 1 (1), 71, 201

The new remarkable development of Internet has made the web based banking famous. It has
become vital piece of life for some individuals. Yet at the same time most of individuals have
presumably not attempted it yet conceivably in light of the fact that the sites of the banks are
too confounded to even consider understanding and explore. It has subsequently gotten
imperative to assess the nature of the financial sites. The greater part of the examinations in
the writing on financial sites have zeroed in on assessing the nature of administrations of
these sites. In this paper we have researched the primary properties of the sites with
accentuation on safeness investigation of these business locales. Additionally assessed the
relationship between the safeness, ubiquity and significance of the Web destinations

-Arvinder Kaur, Diksha Dani

International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS) 5

(5), 29, 2013

Advanced account which is encouraged by electronic banking is totally central for

understanding the formative destinations of arising economies. Accomplishment of
administration advancements in the field of electronic banking relies generally upon the
insights and utilisation examples of the expected clients of such administrations. This paper
gives an account of an examination that explored clients' use of electronic financial
administrations in a multi‐channel setting. As e‐banking utilisation is discovered actually
low, banks have scope for additional proliferation of innovation and receiving its rewards.
With the incorporation of innovation, banks ought not disregard the significance of
representatives as manual and electronic banking are discovered correlative to one another.
There is still need to simplify electronic banking and more got as these are the significant
inhibitors of complete dependence on electronic media.

-Supreet Sandhu, Sangeeta Arora

International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2020

Following were the some of the review for the E-banking services in India



Following are the analysis of the questionnaires which I had asked the people about the
project and their responses .


Following question give us the detail about the respon and age for the project
As per the pie chart the project requires the percentage ages of the people who know about
the banking services .In which, the age group for 18-22 has the highest number of people who
have responses the most all about 47.7% of total responses. While the age group for 23-26

has the lowest age of people for 10.8% of total responses. Accordingly the age group for 27-
30 and 31 or more had got 16.9% and 24.6% of the total responses.
Q2 .Occupation ?

. Following question give the occupation of the people into this project to know what is the
percentage range of the people having different occupation that express in term of e-banking
services . In this question the highest percentage is covered by the students that comes in the
range of 38.5 % of total responses . while 27.7 % is covered by the salaried professional of
the total responses . the people who are doing business and services has got the same
percentage of responses 12.3 % for the total responses . while one more option was the others
The responses for the other option column has given housewifes , accounting , while some of
are unemployed . this responses help us to know what people do in their personal life to get
an information about the E-banking services in india.

Following question for the pie chart gives information about how many people know about
the e-banking services In India , In the total responses 75.4% says that they know about the
e-banking services in india . while 12.3 % people says NO and 12.3% people says that they
may be know or not know about the e-banking in india.

Following question gives the responses of how they came to know about the E-banking
services in India . the analysis through the pie shows 35.4% of people know the e-banking
services through their friends, family, colleagues using the services of the total responses .
while people who know about e-banking through Internet are 27.7 % of the total responses.
The people who knowns about e-banking through Television are 15.4 % of the total
responses . In the end , the people who knowns the e-banking services from Newspapers
,magazines , other print ads and from bank employees are 10.8 % of the total responses .

This responses came to known about how the people get the information about the e-banking
services in india .

In this modern technology world mobiles have become a primary need for the people and the
concept of e-banking refers to totally electronic or internet useable . the following question
gives the analysis about how many people thing how mobiles phones saves a lot of time for
the activity in e banking services . in this 35.4% people Agree that the people saves lot of
time through mobile banking . while 29.2% strongly agrees about the question that mobile
saves a lot of time . still, 24.6 % are getting Neutral answers as they are confused.
And very less percentage of people says that mobile don’t save time but it takes time for the
total responses .

Following pie analysis shows about how mobile banking is too complicated to use and the
responses for the people were 35.8 % were disagree the decision that they did not find any
difficulty about to use mobile banking of the total responses. While the 30.8% people have
chosen the Neutral answers as they are still unable to find out is the mobile banking is
complicated or it is easy to use . while 15.4 % people choose strongly disagree of the total
responses and 13.8% people says it is complicated to use mobile banking for the total
responses .

Following pie charts shows how many people frequently use mobile banking / internet
banking services per month, services such as balance inquiry , fund transfer , account details
etc . people has responses in the ranges of times per month . the highest range is 5 to 8 times
people uses the services per month which give 30.8% of the total responses . then comes 1 to
4 times that has 27.7 % people uses services per month . while 16.9% people choose the
range of over 12 times per month of the total response .while 12.3 % people choose the range
between 9 to 12 times and 12.3 % people says they never done any e-banking activities
through mobile banking and internet services .


Following pie gives the analysis about the people physically goes to the ATM for the use of
their atm card and atm services .In this 36.9 % people uses the Atm machines 1 to 2 times in
a month of the total responses . while 26.2% people never uses the Atm machines in a month.
In which 20% of people uses Atm 3 to 5 times in a month of the total responses. While 16.9
% of people uses the Atm for 5 or more times in a month of the total responses .

Following Pie chart show the responses for the people physically goes to their bank branches
for their banking related works . the analysis shows 35.4 % of the people goes to their bank
for the purpose to make a deposit for the total responses . while 29.2% people goes to their
bank for balance inquiry passbook printing , cheque deposit etc of the total responses . in
which 23.1 % people goes to their bank for the withdrawal of cash in this total responses .
there is a little bit of percentage that shows people goes to their bank for investment advice
,online issue that come in their mobile phone of the total responses .
10Q .Do you know about banking software application (such as google
pay ,paytm , phonepe etc) ?

In this todays world internet has become a very powerfull work material for the people . a
little things you can find it on an internet . As well as you can transfer money , pay your
utility bills etc. for this the given pie charts shows about how many people know about the
software or banking application that helps this online facility while sitting at their home .in
this pie chart the question asked was how many people know about the application the result
comes as 72.3 % of people says YES about the application of the total responses while the
16.9% of people says NO about the application and 10.8% people has given the neutral
answers for the total responses .

Following is the pie chart that show how many people that has chosen YES in the previous
question about software application in e-banking in this pie chart the analysis shows if yes
answers people how frequently uses this application and how many times lets see the
responses . 29.2 % people uses the application sometimes according to the total responses of
the pie . while 15.4 % people uses often times according to the total responses of the pie .
while 18.5% and 18.5% people uses very occasionally and some uses always in the pie
chart.while other 18.5% people never uses the application for the banking work through the
application .
12Q. What banking services do you use which your internet bank offers the
most ?

Following pie chart analysis the question of what banking application gives the most offers
while doing in their application the responses were 40% of the people says that they get more
offers when they pays their bills through their banking sites or application of the total
responses. While 35.4 % people uses their banking sites and application for getting their
personal banking transaction activity of the total responses . the 24.6 % of people visit their
banking application or cities in check of their banking balance online of the total responses
13Q. Do you enjoy cashback and other offers given by your bank ?

Following pie chart analysis the question of what banking application gives the most offers
while doing in their application the responses were 40% of the people says that they get more
offers when they pays their bills through their banking sites or application of the total
responses. While 35.4 % people uses their banking sites and application for getting their
personal banking transaction activity of the total responses . the 24.6 % of people visit their
banking application or cities in check of their banking balance online of the total responses.
14Q .Do you know about unified payments interface (upi) ?

Unified Payments Interface (UPI) is a framework that controls various ledgers into a solitary
versatile use (of any taking part bank), consolidating a few financial highlights, consistent
asset directing and dealer payments into one hood. The given pie shows the analysis of how
many people knows about the upi services given by the bank and higher authorities the
results came as 73.8 % of people says YES that they know about the UPI services of the total
responses . while the 21.5 % of people says NO that they did not know about the upi .while
some other people has chosen the answer as MAY BE means they know little bit of upi
programming of the total responses .
15Q. If yes, do you agree with the services of upi made by the National Payments
Corporation of India (NPCI) is benefit to you?

The given figure shows what are the main reason people did not open their online bank
account or UPI / wallets etc . 20% of the people has given the answer that they are concerned
about their security as people says that their saving cannot be wasted in this virtual
account .while 15.4 % says that’s it is too new ,that they would like to see how its work and
then they may open an account in the near future of the total responses . in this chart 13.8 %
says that they have never heard about this and some 13.8% people says that this facility is not
available through their banks . all of these 36.9% people has given the answers as Others as
the above option were not satisfied for them according to the total responses .


The e-banking offers vast opportunities, yet even less than one in three banks have ane-
banking strategy in place .According to a study , less than 15 percent of banking with
transaction websites will realise profit directly attributable to those sites. hence , banks must
recognize the seriousness of the challenge ahead and a develop a strategy that will enable
them to leverage the opportunities presented by the internet

fNo single e-banking strategy is right for every banking company. But whether they adopt an
offensive or defensive posture they must constantly re-evaluate their strategy. In the fast
paced e-company ,banks have to keep up with the constantly evolving business models and
technology innovation of the internet space ,early e-business adopted like Wells Fargo not
only entered the e-banking industry first but also slowed flexibility to changes as the market
developed . not many banks have been as e-business savvy. But the pressure is now building
for all banks to develop sound e-business strategies that will attract and retain increasing
discrimination customers

The major problem with the banks , which already have huge amounts in their online
inventions, is that their online offering remains unprofitable. Though banks have enrolled
some existing customers in their online program, they are not getting customers in large
numbers. This has made banks wonder whether there is any value in the online channel. Just
enrolling customers for online banking may not be sufficient until and unless they use the site
actively . banks must make efforts to increase their site usage by customers and efficiently
coordinate the online channel with branches and call centres. Then only they will be able to
derive maximum value that include cost reduction, cross-selling opportunity, and higher
customer retention.

Customers have rational reasons for staying offline .Some of these reasons include usability
features of the site, concerns about security and frequent complaints that signing up is
complicated and time-consuming. Banks can solve these problems by refocusing investment
and improving the site’s basic functionality and user-friendliness, and avoiding advanced
features that most customers neither understand nor value. Banks must make an effort to
familiarise customers with their sites and show them how easy and efficient the online
channel is to use.

Integrating the online channel with the rest of the bank is another important issue that banks
must focus upon. This is important because nearly all the value of the online channel is
realised offline and should also serve as a medium to sell banking service for the branch staff
, the call centre,and the relationship manager. Integrated channels working together are fair
more effective than a group of channel working without any coordination

To facilitate this integration,banks must formulate paths that people in various customer
segments are likely to take among the channels. The interaction in each channel can then be
worked around these paths .For example, a call centre representative must work out which
channel the customer used before coming to her,and which channel the customer is likely to
visit next. Each channel must have an entry and exit point that must welcome customers and
then send to another channel hence, the overall goal of the bank is to create a seamless multi-
channel experience.

On the other hand, those banks that are planning to build their online business will have to
understand several strategic issues like do they have the right business model for e-banking?
How should they price their e-banking product and services? Bankers planning to move into
e-banking have to explore different options, make investment and have a develop a variety of
partnership ,they have to put their time and effort to identify the best opportunities .in the
case of traditional banks ,if they are too aggressive in using price incentives to build their e-
business, they risk the profitability of their traditional business ,however, if they do not offer
sufficient price incentive for customers to bank online, their efforts to build a sound e-
business may not fructify

Banks have to be creative in rethinking organisational structure and management processes.

Traditional banks that are conservation in nature may find it difficult to attract and retain
online talent. Morecover ,getting people in the traditional business to help build an e-
enterprise would not be an easy task. To make all this happen, require a major revision of
incentive systems, planning and budgeting process, and management roles, bank can exploit
the opportunity provided by the internet if they demonstrate courage , use their
imagination,and take decisive action

While most of the banks have started to focus on e-banking activities, a new challenge in the
form of mobile banking has emerged. M-banking is both an additional opportunity for a bank
to offer their online services and an additional channel from which to access new customers
and cross-sell to existing customers. Rapidly changing lifestyles of customers and their
demand for more speed and convenience has subdued the role of branch banking to a certain
extent. With the proliferation of new technologies , disintermediation of traditional channels
is being witnessed. Banks can go beyond their traditional role as a channel for
banking/financial services and can become providers of personalised information. They can
successful leverage m-banking to;

● Providing personalised products and services to specific customers and thus increase
customer loyalty
● Exploit additional source of revenue from subscriptions, transaction and third-party

M-banking gives banks the opportunity to significantly expand their customer relationship
provided they position themselves effectively. To leverage these opportunities, they must
from structured alliance with service affiliates, and acquire competitive advantage in
collecting processing and deploying customers information

In spite of so many facilities that Internet banking offers us, we still seem to trust our
traditional method of banking and are reluctant to use online banking. But here are a few
cases where Internet banking will turn out to be a better option in terms of saving your

'Stop payment' done through Internet banking will not cost any extra fees but when done
through the branch, the bank may charge you Rs 50 per cheque plus the service tax.

Through Internet banking, you can check your transactions at any time of the day, and as
many times as you want to. On the other hand, in a traditional method, you get quarterly
statements from the bank and if you request for a statement at your required time, it may turn
out to be an expensive affair. The branch may charge you Rs 25 per page, which includes
only 30 transactions. Moreover, the bank branch would take eight days to deliver it at your

If the fund transfer has to be made by an outstation, where the bank does not have a
branch,the bank would demand outstation charges. Whereas with the help of online will be absolutely free for you. As per the Internet and Mobile Association of
India's report on online banking 2006, "There are many advantages of online banking.It is
convenient, it isn't bound by operational timings, there are no geographical barriers and the
services can be offered at a miniscule cost."
To make online banking a safe and secure banking experience you need to
follow these steps:

➢ Avoid accessing your account from a cyber café or a shared computer. If you happen
to do so then change your password as soon as you finish your banking transaction.
➢ Every time you finish using your online banking session then sign out from the site
rather than just closing the browser.
➢ Change your internet banking password after your first login and thereafter regularly.
➢ Use complex and difficult passwords and make it difficult for others to guess.Use
different id and password for different internet accounts.
➢ Never share your passwords or login details with anybody.
➢ View your account daily and check it with your transactions, if there is anything
which does not tally with your instructions then inform your bank immediately.

The advantages of online banking outnumber its disadvantages and therefore this form of
banking has become very popular with the customers. In this modern age of banking, online
banking or net banking has made things easier for people and saves a lot of time. Though
internet banking is the need of every customer, some banks are still not having advanced
features like transferring money to any bank across the country or easy registration for net
banking, this is because some banks are situated in the rural areas where the use of computers
is not common. All customers of all banks can be linked by net banking only if technology
reaches even the most remote areas of the country.

The rise in the e-commerce and the use of internet in its facilitation along with the enhanced
online security of transactions and sensitive information has been the core reason for the
penetration of online banking in everyday life. According to the latest official figures from
office of National Statistics (ONS 2007) indicate that subscriptions to the internet has grown
more than 50% from 25 million in 2005 to 45million in 2007 in India. It has also been
that 60% of the population in India use internet in their daily lives. The fundamental shift
towards the involvement of the customer in the financial service provision with the help of
technology especially internet has helped to reduce the costs of financial institutions as well
helped client to use the service at anytime and from virtually anywhere with access to an
connection. The use of electronic banking has removed personnel that facilitate the
and has placed additional responsibilities on the customers to transact with the service. The
computerization of the banking operations has made maximum impact on:-

1)Internal Accounting System

2)Customer service
3)Diversification of system



The most reason for which people are opting E-Banking services is an account from an
private sector banks that helps in interconnectivity between the branches and provide e
banking services with great benefits to the people .The people having high income are more
concerned for the e-banking services as compared to other average and low income group
Still many people prefer cooperatives as their first choices due to the facility of same day
clearing due to e-banking revolution .People having their business in different places mostly
prefer to have an account with private or those account who provide e-banking services
online ,as they require online banking services for their business for e.g fund transfer ,
demand draft , online ppf account etc. The use of E-banking services is still not up to the
mark as expected by the banks . this requires awareness among the people about the benefit
of e-banking services . the people / customers should be educated about the e-banking
services and their benefits this would help the banking sector as a long run in the future .

The other E-banking services such as ATM , Smart cards , mobile banking etc. plays a vital
role in banking sector . the customers need to know about the use these services ,sometimes
the customers face a lot of issue while using the online machines as they are need to be more
simple and customers can work on it in an easy way .E-banking services are more popular
among the young generation which constitutes maximum range of Indian population as
compared to the older generation. Most people does not join the services of e-banking as they
are concern with the security the chances of data leaked or hacking of the account details has
made fear on the people .the Indian banking sector needs to maintain their technology secure
to their customers

It has been found that due to technological innovations and significant change in the
demographic profile of the customers there is a huge market for the banking industries has
developed . the rise of internet banking has increase the competition for your banking
business. With both online and traditional banks offer unique benefits and drawbacks .E-
banking offers several benefits to the people , along with thus benefit some problems are
being addressed . problem such as lack of securities , lack of acceptance and lack of
knowledge about the technologies have appear to the development of e banking services in
India .through an institutional framework is required for overcoming this problem . the banks
can provide awareness classes and training to people to reduce the problem related to the e
banking services in India .

E-banking enable better business anywhere , at any point of time . E-banking represent
tremendous opportunity in India . However, factors such as illiteracy in

India and slow growth of technology in India are responsible for the growth of E-banking in
India . In short, the E-banking services has become a necessary survival weapon . today, the
click of the mouse and fingers touch on the mobile screen offers customers banking services
at much lower cost and very easy to accessible in their financial needs .



Journals :

Shilpi Khandelwal

International Journal of Management (IJM) 3 (3), 200-215, 2012

P Suja, Nirmala Raghavan

International Journal of Marketing and Technology 4 (1), 166, 2014

Himani Sharma

Global journal of Research in Management 1 (1), 71, 2011

Arvinder Kaur, Diksha Dani

International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science (IJITCS) 5 (5), 29,

Sandhu, Sangeeta Arora

International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2020




Following are my 16 questionnaires which I had asked the people about the project .

1. What is your age ?

• 18-22
• 23-26
• 27-30
• 31 and more

2. Occupation ?

• Business

• Services

• Student

• Salaried professional

• Others

3. Do you know about e-banking services ?

• Yes

• No

• May be
4. If yes, how do you come to know about e-banking / mobile banking ?

• Television

• From bank employee

• Newspaper , magazines , other print ads

• Internet

• Friends family ,colleagues using the services

• Others

5. Is e-banking services through mobile saves a lot of time ?

• Strongly disagree

• Disagree

• Neutral

• Agree

• Strongly agree

6. Does mobile banking is too complicated to use?

• Strongly disagree
• Disagree
• Neutral
• Agree
• Strongly agree

7. How frequently do you use mobile banking / internet banking services per month?(for
e.g balance inquiry,fund transfer ,between accounts , etc).
• Never
• 1 to 4 times
• 5 to 8 times
• 9 to 12 times
• Over 12 times

8. How oftentimes do you use an automated teller machines (atm) each month ?

• Never
• 1 to 2 times
• 3 to 5 times
• 5 or more

9. What is the main reason that you typically visit your bank branch ? (please choose

single most important reason )

• Make a deposit
• investment advice
• balance inquiry , passbook printing etc.
• Cash withdrawal
• Other

10. Do you know about banking software application (such as google pay , paytm ,

pe etc) ?
• Yes
• No
• May be

11. If yes , how frequently do you use this apps for bill payment , amount transfer

,booking of tickets etc ?

• Never
• Occasionally
• Sometimes
• Often
• Always

12. What banking services do you use which your internet bank offers the most ?
• Check balance online
• Online bill payments
• Personal banking transaction activity
• Other

13. Do you enjoy cashback and other offers given by your bank ?
• Yes
• No
• May be

14. Do you know about unified payments interface (upi)?

• Yes
• No
• May be

15. If yes, do you agree with the services of upi made by the national payments

corporation of india (npci) is benefit to you ?

• Yes
• No
• May be

16. What are the main reason that you have not opened an internet bank account or
upi ids

/ wallets ?
• Never heard
• Concerned about security
• Too new . I wolud like to see how it works, then i may open an account
• Not available through my bank
• Others
• Sometimes
• Often
• Always

12. What banking services do you use which your internet bank offers the most ?
• Check balance online
• Online bill payments
• Personal banking transaction activity
• Other

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