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Observing young children’s play: a brief review

Kurt, Gökce
Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education

The observational techniques are significant tools to inform educational practice and
research. Thanks to their advantage of providing authentic data, these techniques are vastly
used to inform theory and practice in the field of early childhood education and development.
In this brief review; (1) the observational methods, (2) the observational settings, (3) the types
of observations, (4) the observational tools, and (5) the ethical considerations have been deline-
ated in the context of educational research and practice.

Keywords: play, young children, observation, play assessment, observational studies

Observational methods in early observational studies do not only provide a

childhood education and development deeper understanding of child development
but also assist the researchers and practition-
In the field of early childhood education and ers about providing appropriate strategies,
development, the observational studies have tools, and materials suitable for children.
been always popular because of their way of Hence, it’s not surprising that almost every
direct data collection from diverse settings teacher training program and educational
such as homes, schools, and outdoor set- programs for children include observational
tings. Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2002) techniques to assess the child development
described the data collected from observa- and inform educational practice.
tions as “live” data as this kind of data comes Observing is a valuable research and edu-
directly from the natural settings. Generally, cational tool vastly used by the researchers
the observational studies sought in the area of and teachers. The best way to be acknowl-
early childhood education and development edged about young children’s learning and
aim to answer some specific research ques- development is observing play. Through ob-
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tions and they have some limitations within serving play, the teachers and researchers can
the scope of the study undergone. However, elicit information about each child’s learning
most of the developmental research and the- capacity and interests, motives underlying
ories have their data collected through the certain behaviors, and those observations can
observational techniques (Mukherji & Albon, inform the best individualized educational
2015). practices and theories (Neaum, 2016). In the
The observational studies refer to the re- educational practice, observing brings indi-
search in which the observational techniques viduality and better opportunities to know
are used during the whole study (Mukherji & about the authentic traits of a child. Therefore,
Albon, 2015). Besides, there are some stud- preschool teachers are suggested to use ongo-

ies in which the observational techniques are ing observations as a way of being proactive
employed as a part of the study. Generally, the and prevent possible problems that would
qualitative methodologies (e.g., case studies, arise in the classrooms (PennState Extention,
ethnographies) employ prolonged hours of 2018). The observation of young children’s be-
observations in the natural settings (Creswell, havior in classrooms reveals significant data
2013). Even the experimental designs may as a part of early childhood assessment. Lam
involve observations although they are taken (2008) suggested that since young children are
out in the structured settings with possible familiar with their classroom surroundings,
interventions (Punch & Oancea, 2014). The

20 DOI 10.31074/2019232027
Kurt, Gökce:
Observing young children’s play: a brief review
the most appropriate way of assessment for Parke, 1984) and teacher-child interactions in

Koragyermekkori kutatások metodológiája, 2019/2–3

young children would be the observation of play (Trawick-Smith & Dziurgot, 2011). Fur-
play and classroom activities rather than using thermore, the studies undertaken in the field
the standardized tests. of special education and clinical psychology
Play has been cited as a phenomenon have sampled special populations in line with
rather than a scientific concept in the liter- their research purposes. For instance; the
ature because of its complexity as a human playground observations have been conduct-
behavior. Play is a quite complex human ed to assess the relationship between play
behavior together with its unique develop- date frequency and playground behavior of
mental and learning aspects. Then, the ques- children with high-functioning autism spec-
tion would be how such a complex concept trum disorders (Frankel, Gorospe, Chang &
should be observed in a scientifically sound Sugar, 2011). Nash and Schaefer (2010) also
way? Johnson, Christie and Yawkey (1999) pointed out the benefits of free play observa-
explained that according to the scientific re- tions in psychotherapy with preschool chil-
search perspectives, the observation of play dren. They explained that the dramatic play
would be more systematic and objective, and tools, sandbox, miniatures would help in en-
the researchers should know what and how gaging the child in free play and reveals about
to look for. These scientific perspectives in his developmental and emotional state.
observing play favored the use of structured Since play behavior has been associated
tests, scales, and interviews in controlled set- with almost every area of child development,
tings (Germeroth, Bodrova, Day-Hess, Barker, the tools focusing on different aspects of
Sarama, Clements & Layzer, 2019). However, child’s play should also have a sound theo-
Palaiologou (2017) discussed that play is an retical background anchored in child devel-
intrinsically motivated, creative and flexible opment. Some of these tools and their the-
human behavior which does not comply with oretical backgrounds are delineated in the
the main principles of standardized assess- following paragraphs.
ment. Play is an adventurous behavior in na-
ture and assessing play behavior in children
The observational settings
would oppose to the ontological meaning
of play. On the other hand, the early child- Dating back to the Ancient Greeks, the ob-
hood education programs which are based servation and reasoning have been the main
on the academic goals in literacy and math tools of understanding behavior as required
rely in the structured environments and as- by the positivistic scientific stance (Cohen,
sessments rather than play based assessment. Manion & Morrison, 2002). Observations al-
As a result of their participatory action re- low the researchers to reach generalizations.
search, Palaiologou (2017) concluded that a Researchers can choose to actualize their ob-
functional assessment of child’s play was not servations in natural or structured settings in
possible because of rich interactions between line with their research purposes. Mukherji
play behavior and environmental context. and Albon (2015) explained that laboratories
The play observations had been undertak- are structured settings wherein the conditions
en in diverse research areas about child de- are similar for all children which improves the
velopment and education for decades. Some scientific quality of study, at the same time in
of the studies have been focused on free play these structured settings, it would be difficult
observations in classrooms (Berkhout, Bak- to see the everyday, typical behavior of chil-
kers, Hoekman & Goorhuis-Brouwer, 2013) dren since these settings are not a part of chil-
and outdoors (Dowdell, Gray & Malone, dren’s daily life. However, they would allow to
2011), some of them focused on the play be- study the behaviors that are rare and difficult
haviors among children (Rubin, Maioni & to observe in daily life (Berk, 2012).
Hornung, 1976), parent-child (MacDonald &

Kurt, Gökce
On the other hand, the naturalistic obser- pays attention to many things at once, this
vations take part in everyday settings wherein would be more qualitative in nature. There
children are surrounded with familiar condi- are three main techniques of data collection
tions. The naturalistic observation is more in qualitative studies; (1) naturalistic observa-
convenient for smaller samples and it’s widely tion, (2) interviews, and (3) document analy-
used to observe children’s interactions at the sis (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009). Qualitative
preschool settings (Crandell, Haines Cran- data requires more time and effort devoted in
dell & Vander Zanden, 2012). However, the the field. Generally qualitative observations
naturalistic settings have the disadvantage of are actualized in an unstructured and open-
not providing the same conditions for all chil- ended style, rather than evaluating behaviors
dren surrounded by other “external variables” on codes and classifications. Through open
so that hypothesis testing would not be run ended qualitative observations in the edu-
through naturalistic observations (Crandell cational fields the researchers can generate
et al., 2012). hypothesis, and then through developing the
However, the naturalistic observations structured observational tools, they can test
give the researcher the chance to observe the those hypotheses in the quantitative studies
everyday behavior of children (Berk, 2012). (Punch & Oancea, 2014). In the educational
Hence, naturalistic settings like home or class- practice, quantitative assessments would be
room are favored especially for play observa- more favored in terms of assessing the effec-
tions since the play behaviors taking place tiveness of the curriculum (Lam, 2008).
in natural settings would be more authentic The type of observation also differs ac-
(Germeroth et al., 2019). Most of the obser- cording to the degree of involvement of the
vational studies of play take place in a non- researcher or teacher in the observational
participatory fashion wherein the researcher settings. Participant observation would re-
does not intervene in play so that authentic quire the involvement of the observer in
play behaviors of children would be observed. preschool settings. Taking field notes while
Johnson, Christie, and Wardle (2005) suggest observing play requires the presence of the
that in order to observe a child’s full range of observer in the settings, on the other hand
play abilities there would be; (1) ample mate- videotapes and classrooms equipped with
rial to be involved in a variety of play types one-way mirrors can provide the conditions
Koragyermekkori kutatások metodológiája, 2019/2–3

(e.g., balls, Legos, costumes), (2) enough time for non-participatory observation.
to be involved in more complex play behav-
iors, and (3) diverse settings like indoors and
Tools to observe play
outdoors wherein children have the chance
to involve in various behaviors. There are many observational tools for play
in the field from the less structured ones (e.g.
Types of observations anecdotes) to the highly structured ones (e.g.
scales). In the following sections, some exam-
Mukherji and Albon (2015) explained that if ples of scales, tools, anecdotes, and their use
the researcher exactly knows what to look for in the educational settings is briefly deline-

and turns his data into numerical expression, ated.

then this type of research would be more
quantitative in nature. Punch and Oancea
The Social/Cognitive Scale of Play
(2014) also explained that the quantitative ob-
servations are highly structured and employ
detailed observational agendas. On the con- This scale is considered as a checklist which
trary, if the researcher goes to the field with is used to classify the play behavior of chil-
a common research purpose on his mind and dren on the cognitive (functional, construc-

Observing young children’s play: a brief review
tive, dramatic, games with rules) and social Penn Interactive Play Scale

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(solitary, parallel, group) levels. Checklists
provide the observers with the definitions of The Penn Interactive Play Scale (PIPS) is ad-
what and how to look for. They would also ministered by preschool teachers to measure
be a part of the child’s portfolio (Lam, 2008). the interactive play behaviors of preschool
This tool is consisted of four types of cogni- children (Fantuzzo, Sutton-Smith, Coola-
tive play and three types of social play, in total han, Manz, Canning, Debnam, 1995). Play
it provides 12 play categories and additional is considered as the most important tool for
non-play behavior categories such as “unoc- children to learn the social rules and values;
cupied, onlooking, transition” and “activi- hence preschools are generally the first place
ties”. For instance, functional play is defined for children to learn how to get along with
as the “repetitive muscle movements with or others. Developing the social competen-
without objects”, or parallel play is defined cies through play is significant for the young
as “playing with toys or engaging in activi- children coming from disadvantaged back-
ties similar to those of other children who grounds. Through PIPS, the play relation-
are in close proximity…”, academic activities ships in the preschool classroom and play
or teacher led activities are examples of non- strengths of young children can be observed,
play behaviors (Johnson et al., 1999, p. 223). and the findings can inform any possible in-
Each of the cognitive play types can go with tervention aiming to promote the adaptive
one of the three levels of social play. Rubin, play skills of children.
Watson and Jambor (1978) developed these The scale was validated on young low-in-
categories based on Piaget’s cognitive levels come children in the Head Start programs and
and Parten’s social levels of play. This tool revealed three dimensions as (1) play interac-
can be used both by teachers and research- tion (e.g. sharing ideas), (2) play disruption
ers and help in defining the children’s overall (e.g. starting fights and arguments), (3) and
play patterns. For instance, in their study of play disconnection (e.g. withdrawing). In their
the observation of free play behaviors using validity study, Fantuzzo, Coolahan, Mendez,
this observational tool, Rubin et al. (1978) McDermott and Sutton-Smith (1998) showed
found that kindergartners aged 58-69 months that children with high interactive play skills
displayed more group and dramatic play than had higher social skills, whereas children with
preschoolers. In another study Christie, John- disruptive play patterns had involved more
sen and Peckover (1988) observed the indoor in solitary play. Fantuzzo, Mendez and Tighe
free play time of preschoolers and conclud- (1998) also validated the parent version of
ed that longer times of observation revealed PIPPS and suggested further use of it in play
more play behavior whereas shorter times of observations at home and school. The Span-
observations yielded more unoccupied/on- ish, Korean, and Chinese versions of PIPPS
looking behavior. They suggested the exten- were also validated with the low-income His-
sions in free play time in preschools. In their panic preschoolers, Korean preschool chil-
study of social-cognitive play patterns in the dren, and low-income kindergarten children
same-age and mixed-age classrooms, Mounts in Hong Kong (Castro, Mendez & Fantuzzo,
and Roopnarine (1987) concluded that some 2002; Choi & Shin, 2008; Leung, 2014). Further
developmental differences have been detect- Gagnon and Nagle (2004) measured peer in-
ed in the same age classrooms but not in the teractive play and social competence and re-
mixed age classrooms. Although checklists vealed significant relationships for at-risk pre-
are used to gather objective and scientific school children. Besides, the PIPPS revealed
data in observing child’s play, they are limited significant relationships between peer interac-
in their scope and only the target play behav- tions and peer interactive play for children and
iors would be the focus of observation. adolescents with autism. Children with more
severe signs of autism were to develop less

Kurt, Gökce
connections with peers at school. They con- episodes. Since the videotaping materials are
cluded that the PIPPS would be a reliable tool cheaper and accessible and the videos are
in assessing the peer relationships of children easier to modify and store, more research-
and adolescents with autism. ers choose using the videotapes for their re-
search. In order to use the visual and audial
recordings in naturalistic observation, addi-
Make-Believe Play Observation Tool
tional care should be given not to disturb the
In respect to the importance of make-believe events under investigation. Before collecting
play for child’s self-regulation and cognitive any kind of video, photo or sound recording
abilities from a Vygotskian perspective, Ger- from a classroom, it’s important to have con-
meroth et al. (2019) developed the Mature Play sent from the teachers and families. Teachers
Observation Tool (MPOT). Mature make- can also benefit from videotape recordings for
believe play is defined as a play type in which their own use in class practice (Johnson et al.,
children can step out from their pretend play 2005). They can evaluate their own practice
scenario and talk about their ongoing play. and make necessary changes in their prac-
The role representations are richer in mature tice and educational environment. Teachers
make-believe play. The props little resemble can also share these videotape recordings
the real objects symbolized in mature play. with their fellows to discuss and enrich their
Through MPOT, it’s aimed to measure the teaching strategies. Videotapes would also be
quality of mature make-believe play in typical supporting for preschool teachers to evaluate
preschool classrooms. Preschool classrooms their own in class performance (Wright, Ellis
are one of the most authentic settings where- & Baxter, 2012).
in the mature make-believe play of children
would be observed in a rich social context. The Anecdotes
MPOT also measures the teacher intervention
in play which is considered as crucial in the
Anecdotes are the notes of significant acts in
zone of proximal development and possible children’s play and reveal detailed informa-
outcomes for the children. Then, the teachers
tion about their developmental levels. If the
would develop better ways of scaffolding play
observer can’t make notes at the observation
depending on the observational results. The
site, she can take notes depending on her
Koragyermekkori kutatások metodológiája, 2019/2–3

MPOT aims to be used in diverse settings and

recalls from the observation site and that’s
measure diverse abilities in social competence
called vignettes (Johnson et al., 1999). Since
such as interpersonal interaction and self-ex-
vignettes are written after the observations,
pression. Because of its reliance on the socio-
they could be more detailed than the onsite
cultural theory of Vygotsky and its emphasis
notes. The preschool teachers would prefer
on the richer social contexts, it seems that the
to write down vignettes rather than the anec-
MPOT is a promising play observation tool in
dotes because of their convenience of writing
line with the suggestions of Palaiologou (2017)
after observation in a more comprehensive
on observing play behavior in a richer social
and detailed manner (Johnson et al., 2005).
context. Germeroth et al. (2019) also found out
Anecdotes are cited among the observa-

that children with better results on MPOT had

tional narrative techniques which give detailed
performed better in literacy and numeracy.developmental insights about a child and they
show the possible paths of promoting develop-
ment. These field notes can help in informing
Visual data
the educational programs and enriching the
Videotape recordings provide detailed in- play environments (McFarland, 2008). While
formation about materials, interactions, taking notes in the preschool classrooms, it’s
language, and nonverbal gestures in play important for the observers to go to the class-

Observing young children’s play: a brief review
rooms with preliminary measures; such as the narrative accounts in the child’s portfolio,

Koragyermekkori kutatások metodológiája, 2019/2–3

(1) having clear goals about observation, (2) the teachers can follow the child’s learning
bringing note taking tools into the classroom, and developmental path. It’s also important
(3) noting down brief information about the for teachers to share those narratives with
time, place, and the identifiers for children, (4) parents so that the parents would also be ac-
transcribing the notes immediately after the knowledged about the child’s development
observation, and (5) being objective. (Lam, 2008).
Anecdotes as a part of the narrative ac- The table below summarizes the advan-
counts used by the preschool teachers would tages and disadvantages of the observational
be a part of the portfolio. Through collecting techniques.

Advantages Disadvantages
Scales and • Application is clear through the • Only the target behaviors could be
structured tools manuals or instructions observed
• Objective
• Time saving
• Testing hypothesis is possible
• Testing the effectiveness of program or
intervention is possible
Anectodes • Provides detailed information • Holds potential observer bias
• Sharable with parents and • The observer’s presence could ruin
• families the natural process
• Informs further research and
educational practice
• Helps in generating hypothesis
Visual data • Produces storable data for any further • Requires more extensive research and
use consent process
• Sharable with parents and
• families
• Usable for any further research
• Helps in generating hypothesis
Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of play observation techniques

The ethical considerations ing their opinions and suggestions about the
observations, (3) informing them about the
Implementing the observational methods availability of observational records in case of
with children require some essential con- demand, and (4) keeping them involved and
siderations of ethical issues. All kind of re- informed about the observations.
search including humans as participants is Another ethical consideration in observa-
required to protect their rights. Some of the tional research would be observer’s bias. Eve-
important steps to consider while conducting ry researcher and observer are influenced by
observational studies in the preschool class- their past experiences and perceive the world
rooms would be; (1) getting written consent and others from his personal stance. Hence,
from the parents and keeping them informed the observers should try to be as objective as
throughout the study, and (2) explaining the possible and control their bias and emotion-
process to the children in accordance with al attributions during the research process
their age and cognitive level and getting their (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009). Considering the
consent (American Psychological Associa- possible bias of one observer, it’s suggested
tion, 2004). Palaiologou (2016) also suggests to employ two or more observers and cross
some further steps for informing parents check the differences among the observations
about child observations; (1) informing the to achieve a higher level of reliability (Cohen,
parents about observational process, (2) hav-

Kurt, Gökce
Manion & Morrison, 2002). One of the limi- based on video analysis. Early Child Develop-
tations of observing child’s play would be the ment and Care, 183/1, 125–136. 
decontextualization of observed behaviors
from the whole social context (Palaiologou, Castro, M., Mendez, J. L. & Fantuzzo, J. (2002):
2017). The play behaviors in preschools just A validation study of the Penn Interactive
Peer Play Scale with urban Hispanic and
like all human behaviors are shaped under
African American preschool children. School
certain social and cultural influences and ob- Psychology Quarterly, 17/2, 109–127. 
serving some certain behaviors and coding
those may shadow the larger socio-cultural Choi, H. Y. & Shin, H. Y. (2008): Validation of the
context. It’s inevitable that the observational Penn interactive peer play scale for Korean
data would always have relevance with the children. Korean Journal of Child Studies,
immediate and larger settings. Therefore, it 29/3, 303–318.
would be useful to implement other com- Christie, J. F., Johnsen, E. P. & Peckover, R. B.
plementary data collection methods such as (1988): The effects of play period duration on
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Routledge, London.
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detailed information to inform their emerg- research design (3rd. Ed.). Sage, Los Angeles.
ing curriculums and research. The end prod- Dowdell, K., Gray, T. & Malone, K. (2011):
ucts of those observations such as photos, Nature and its influence on children’s outdoor
videotapes, anecdotes, vignettes, and scales play. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental
can all be shared with other parties and fami- Education, 15/2, 24–35. 
lies in need of joint decision-making regard-
ing the child. The observational data can be Fantuzzo, J., Sutton-Smith, B., Coolahan, K.
Koragyermekkori kutatások metodológiája, 2019/2–3

kept in child’s portfolio. Play-based portfolios C., Manz, P. H., Canning, S. & Debnam, D.
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Kurt, Gökce (2019): Observing young children’s play: a brief review. Gyermeknevelés, 7. 2–3. sz.,


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