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The Name sound Awfully similar Right….umm don’t

know… Maybe a Hero From another Universe. A
Dragon Slayer….who knows…..umm me,,,,
I was brought up in the Temple Of the Spirit of
Ares……well I don’t know about my Parents ….Father
Leon brought took me inside…..From childhood I was
like attracted to fire… u know …father would
always find me beside the fire place ..and ask me…..
Why are u here….
I said …I could hear the fire speaking…I could feel a
voice telling me to embrace him
Father leon smiled and took me in his arms and started
telling me his stories
Father Leon… of the Retired paladins of the
temple of Ares…He teached me the way of the paladins
and taught me to fight in what I think is right….fight for
my own morals
Well…. Later in my teenage a incident happened which
changed my life forever
One day
As I was loitering around the outskirts oh the
village……I felt the same sensation as I felt when I was
in front of the fireplace in the temple…my head on
father’s leon lap….and he slowly telling me abouth the
history of the world..the great spirits….the Dragons
…..the Evil spirits….
I came closer to that man…he looked way older than
father leon…..and.sooo as I was closly watching that
man meditating under the great enki tree….i heard a
voice behind me…..i slowly turned and found nobody
there….when I again turned towards the front I could
see a tall figure more than 6 feet tall standing in front of
He slowly said ….
I was fucking scared…..and slowly replied with my
name Siegfried……He looked straight towards me as
he could look into my soul………
He asked me …what do I do…I asked… I was under
the training to become the paladin....He then looked at
me …and asked about my age and everything….i told
him what I know and what I am learning about mana
divinity and spells…… I asked him who he was…and
what he was doing……
He replied he was channeling his ki through the Great
Nature Tree
I asked what was KI
He replied : Ki is a special kind of natural energy
Originating from West , which is very different from
mana. Unlike mana, all living and non -living things
give off Ki when they move. In other words, the ability
to sense Ki, gives individuals the ability to sense attacks
by people and projectile objects
Ki is also known as "latent energy" or "fighting power,"
which directly translates as "life force." This force is a
tangible energy inside every living being, with its major
focus being in the center of the body. By drawing it out,
an individual is able to manipulate it and use it outside
the body. Ki can be used for many different techniques.
Because there are physical limits to the strength of the
body itself, it is necessary to increase one's ki to
overcome this barrier and become stronger.
After all this I asked…can I also learn Ki??
He slowly tapped on to My shoulder…and my mind
went Dark…when I opened my eyes I saw I was
floating in Darkness …with not a soul to be found
I slowly tried to grasp the Drakness Around me..but
nothing was there……suddenly I heard a deep voice
saying “ Awake” …Then I saw a huge flame coming
towards me and there was a bright flash and nothing
else….. when I opened my eyes again…..I was sitting
under the Great Enki Tree with a paper in my Hand
Saying…..The First step…..close your Eyes and
Meditate about the thing you love more than anything
in this world.
PS….if u want to know more about the voices you are
.Then come and Find me when u get stronger

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