Statement of Interest

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Statement of Purpose

I am Md Anowar Hossain, an applicant for the Master of Business Administration program (MBA)
at Laurentian University. I was born and raised in Bangladesh, my country of citizenship. Being a
knowledge enthusiast, I previously, in 2021, secured my graduation in Bachelor of Human
Resources Management from one of Malaysia’s accredited universities known as Sultan Idris
Education University, located miles away from my home country. Thus, I, at the early stage of
my educational schooling, got the amenity the observe the world in a broader frame which
resulted a deeper understanding about nature, cultures, people and their aspiration.
Throughout my life, apart from fulfilling my thrust of knowledge, I roamed around different
corners of the globe while participating in a number of extra-curricular activities or professional
engagements. To kick off, I served as the President of Rotaract Club of Bangladesh and
therefore, successfully exhibited my communication, leadership and organizational ability
among a large audience. Other than that, I developed the aptitude of performing under critical
situation while working as an Intern at GAO Tek Inc. Last but not the least, I took the role and
responsibility of Human Resource Admin at Comfort Global Management for around a year (full-
time) upon completion of my bachelor’s study in Malaysia. At this stage of my life, I feel the
necessity of undertaking a tertiary degree in business that will simultaneously satisfy my personal,
academic and professional objectives. I firmly believe that the Business Administration (MBA)
program offered by Laurentian University is something what I seek for.

When I was working in the corporate sector, I observed a huge gap in the marketplace of my
home country, more particularly in the managerial level. Multinational companies in
Bangladesh often possess some doubts about the capability of Bangladesh when it comes
about the top ranked managerial positions. Such notion has made the situation more
challenging for us and I, as an ambitious individual, have decided to lead the change in the
mindset of the companies running businesses here. I believe a top-notch degree from a well-
celebrated university can be instrumental in this journey. The Master of Business Administration
program at Laurentian University offers the students a comprehensive schooling in business
management and leadership and thus, they eventually gain the confidence to succeed in
today’s rapidly changing business world. In addition, the combination of both local and
international students along with the proper balance of theoretical and practical knowledge
will surely make the classroom and the off-campus activities more interesting and vivid. As per
the course curriculum is a concern, I am particularly interested about the core business topics
such as finance, marketing, strategy and operations. Last but not the least, the school has a
state-of-the-art business school which will provide me with the access to the business library, the
latest technology and other relevant facilities such study rooms and student lounges in

In my home country, there is hardly any institution where I can avail the aforementioned facilities
as well as the global recognition. Moreover, the job recruiters in Bangladesh often show high
regards to the candidates who possess an internal degree, especially from countries like
Canada, USA and Australia. Considering all the above-mentioned facts, I have resolved my
mind to further continue my study in Canada. Canada often holds the top rank when it comes
about the safety, quality of education, and world standard research opportunities. Diversified
cultural environment and racism free community have made the country one of the finest
choices among the international students. As I aspire to secure a top managerial position in a
top-global company, I am certain that the degree will guide me to grow personally and
professionally, and to secure my dream when I return home.


LU0439652 GradF MPCE(2023F) 2023-02-07 06:10:04

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