دور الدين في تعزيز الصحّة النفسية (من منظور إسلامي)

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The purpose of this research is to explain the role of religion from an Islamic perspectivein promoting the
mental health of individuals. The research started by explaining the concept of mental health in general ,
the theoretical interpretations and the indicators of mental health,While clarifying the role of religion
from the Islamic perspective , in turn, in promoting mental health.Religion from an Islamic perspective
has a great importance as an essential factor contributes to the promotion of mental health among
individuals,because it is based on a comprehensivevision of the individual's psychological, social and
spiritual life .
Keywords: mental health, religion, Islamic perspective ,promotion, comprehensive vision .

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English References
- Allport, Gordon (1960). The Individual and his Religion. New York: The Mcmilian Company.
- Miller, Dr. (1973). Responses of Psychiatric patent: Theory of Psychometric. J. Abnom (so1), 28(3).

36 2018 -

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