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Intermediate Reading & Writing Class

By Tr. Flora

Class Outline
In this class, you will learn reading & writing through 6 units based on different topics. In this
class, students will learn to approach the reading paragraphs by observing the overview and
details with related questions. Every unit will include vocab points which provide better access
of the whole unit. Most reading will be done during the class and for writing, there will be
individual assignments or group assignments.

Class Schedule
Starting Date - 18 Nov 2021
Time - 11:30-1:00 pm ( Thursday, Friday, Saturday )
Duration - 1.5-2 months

Class Information
Platform- Google meet (link will be provided 10 minutes before class)
Units Included - 6 units
Preferrable English Level For This Class - Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate (especially in reading
& writing)
Students must take the level test via BC EnglishScore App and send the screenshot of the test

Rules & Regulation

 Any kind of disrespect towards teachers or other learners will not be tolerated.
 Make sure to be punctual.
 1st warning will be given if absent without specific reason or contact for two times. If it
happens for three times, student will be kicked out of the class.
[Type here]
 Teaching materials must not be shared beyond this classroom.
 Please remember to mute the microphone when the teacher is teaching. Unmute it when
 In the group assignment, everyone in the group must participate actively.

Let’s have fun and learn together. Be kind and be helpful to each other.

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