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UNIT2 Canwe makea start now?

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o 9
O Listento a chairpersontalklng at the beginnlngof a meetlngandsaywhetherthe sentences
belowaretrue p or fabe P. Correctthe htse sentences.
r Nigelis the lastpersonto arriveat the meeting. T
is fromthe marketing
z TimMcCarthy department. T
: will cometo the meeting
SaltyJones late. T
4 Theaimof the meeting
is to discuss for increasing
strategies sales. I
will present
5 JohnLawson an overview
of whatthe competitors
aredoing. u
5 AlisonKingwill present
the newsalesstrategy. n
a 9
llow tisten againandcompletethe sentences.
a lt's to see
b Beforewe can I Tim McCarthyto you all.

c SallyJoneshas her
d PierreKaufmann
can't either.
e As I said in the I emailedlast week,we'll be our
for increasing
strategies sales.
f Let'sget downto

7 Putsentences(a-0 fron exercise6 underthe correctheadlngin the table.


llow addthesesentencesto the table.

r We'remeeting todayto talkaboutthe salesconference nextmonth.
z I haveapologies fromCathyRoberts andStuartJohnson.
3 l'm gladyou could all make it today.
+ Thisis Edward Lincoln, oneof our management consultants.
5 lt's greatto see everybody.
5 Doeseverybody knowMarioMaleta?
7 Our objectivetoday is to lookat the newadvertising
8 Canwe get started?
9 Unfortunately, JuneWrightwasn'tableto makeit today.
10 So,letl begin.
r I uNrr2Canwe makea startnow?

t Dlo
tatch thetwopartsto makesentences
dialogueto checkyouranswers.
yourselfor someone
for introducing else.[istento the

Doeseveryone a rortwo vears.

z Peter, b aboutvourself.

3 Tettusa bit as ourheadof PR.

4 've beenwith BrentJones Thomson?

d knowPeter

5 development
wasthebusiness manager
fortheWest e slnce2002.

6 Frank
loinedustwo months
ago yourself
to everyone.

llatch theverbsonthe teft with phrasalverbsonthe rightthat havethesamemeaning.

discuss a go backover
2 revrew b thinkabout

3 finalize c lookat

4 examrne d talkabout

5 consider e finishoff

llowcomplete thesentences usingthecorrect

formof the phrasalverbs(a-e)aboye.
Right.Thismorning we'ilbe
at waysof cuttingour costsandalsotatking
2 TheannuaIconference
is nextweek,so we'llbe
off ourfinalpreparations

3 Weneedsomenewideasabouthowto increase
sowe'ilbe abouta newmarketing thisafternoon.
in thefactoryin thelastmonth.Thismorning
4 0K.Therehavebeenthreeaccidents we'llbe
back ourhealthandsafetyguidelines
whatwe cando to improve
We'ilalsobe looking thenumbers
waysthatWC canimprove

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