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Dulera, Ma. Rovhie Jean Micolob, Jason Sombilon, Czarteza MILESTONE 2: I.


CS272 IT3A

1. Before borrowing a book, the borrower must present his/her I.D. to the librarian to acquire the borrowers card. 2. The librarian then keeps the borrowers card and serves as the borrowers profile. 3. The librarian then produces a borrowers profile list. Borrowing of Books 1. The borrower presents his/her I.D. to the librarian. 2. The borrower gives the book/s to be borrowed to the librarian. 3. The borrower writes his/her name at the book card attached at the back portion of the book.
4. The librarian fills in the borrowers card the book details and the

date when it has been borrowed as well as when it has to be returned.

5. The maximum number of days for borrowing books in the Fiction category is for 5 days while for Non-Fiction goes for 3 days.

Returning of books 1. The borrower must return the book on or before its due date.
2. A corresponding fine of P1.00 per day is being implemented for

overdue books.
3. The librarian issues a note for each borrower that has fines and

that be given to the School Cashier every at the end of school year.

4. The borrower then checks to the School Cashier if he/she has fines to pay and then settle his/her accounts. 5. The Cashier then produces an official receipt.
6. Borrower that has lost or damaged a book is obliged to replace it

with the same book. 7. The librarian makes a yearly report of the books that were lost and replaced, damaged and discarded. 8. The librarian also makes a yearly report showing the list of students who have fines to be paid for overdue books before signing of clearance.
9. Then, the librarian produces a Book Returned report and/or Book

Replaced report. Book Management

1. The librarian arranges the books by its category (e.g. Fiction,

Textbook, Chinese and etc.). 2. The librarian lists the books according to its year published in a log book. 3. The librarian also lists the books information such as its Book Title, Author, Call Number, Copyright Date, Publisher and its Accession Number.


EVENT TABLE Trigger Before borrowing first book Upon making borrowers card After choosing a book Before or on due date Book is damaged or lost End of the School Year End of the school year Entity: External Entity Source Entity: Borrower Activity Add new borrower Response Store: Borrowers card Store: Borrowers Profile List Process: Book and book card with date return details Store: Updated the book record Entity: Book replacement Store: Overdue list Store: Official Receipt Process: New book added Store: Updated book details Store: Book status Destinati on Entity: Librarian

Event Borrower renders his/her ID to the librarian Librarian produces borrowers profile list Borrower borrows a book Borrower returns the book Borrower replaces a book Time to produce a note for fines Borrower makes payments

Entity: Librarian

Generate borrowers profile list Record borrowed book information Record the returned book Record book replacement Produce overdue list Record payment Create profile for new books Update book information Delete book information

Entity: Librarian

Entity: Borrower

Entity: Librarian

Entity: Borrower Entity: Borrower

Entity: Librarian Entity: Librarian Entity: Cashier Entity: Cashier, Borrower Store: Library Store: Book Details Store: Book

Librarian adds Arrival of new new set of books books Librarian updates book information Librarian deletes book End of the month End of the School Year




Librarian employeeID{key} name contact no. III.CLASS DIAGRAM address


BorrowingTransaction dateBorrowed dueDate dateReturned



callNumber {key} title author accessionNumber copyrightDate publisher


BookItem quantity dateBorrowed dueDate dateReturned


date amount


name contactNumber address

Faculty employeeID {key} department

Student studentID {key} yearLevel




A borrower's card will be provided to record borrower's personal information. The borrower must provide their ID number, name, address and contact number to be recorded on the borrower's card before allowing them to borrow books.

Borrowing of Books

Every book has a corresponding limit of its borrowing time. Necessary information about borrowed books and its borrower are recorded in the borrower's card.

Returning of books A fine of P1.00 will be given for overdue books. Replacement of books is needed for damaged or lost books.

Book Management

Books will be identified by its title, author, publisher, year published and category. In order to allow multiple copies of the same book, each item will have a unique accession and call number. The librarian will automatically be the administrator which will enable her to access the following functions: Add Books, Add/Edit/Delete/Update Book Information, and View Book Details.

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