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Conic Sections

1) A point ‘P’ moves in such a way that it is always equidistant from a given line and a fixed
point. The distance between the fixed line and fixed point is 50. Trace the path of the point
‘P’. Draw a tangent and normal at any point.
2) A point moves in such a way that its distance from a fixed straight line is always 1.5 times
the distance from a fixed point which is 45 away from the fixed straight line. Draw the
locus of the point. Also draw a tangent and normal at a point 45 from the fixed straight line.
3) The vertex of the hyperbola is 65 from its focus. Draw the curve if the value of ‘e’ = 3/2.
Draw also a tangent and normal at any point. Also find the distance between the focus and
4) Draw an ellipse with major axis 120 and minor axis 80 by concentric circles method.
5) A point is moving in a plane in such a way that the sum of the distances from two fixed
points on that plane is a constant equal to 120. Draw the path of the point if the distance
between the fixed points is 80. Name the curve and draw the tangent and normal to the
curve at a distance of 30 from the major axis. Also draw a curve parallel and 25 away from
the ellipse. (Draw the curve using arcs of circles method).
6) Draw an ellipse with minor axis is 80 and the distance between the fixed points is 100.
Draw the tangent and normal to the curve at a distance of 40 from the minor axis. (Draw
the curve using oblong method).
7) Inscribe an ellipse in a parallelogram of 120 X 80. The acute included angle is 700.
8) A cricket ball is thrown and it reaches a maximum height of 10m and falls on the ground at
a distance of 20m from the point of projection. Draw the path of the cricket ball. Also find
the angle at which the ball hit the ground.
9) A shot is discharged from the ground level at an angle of 60˚ to the horizontal. The shot
returns to the ground, assumed to be horizontal, at a point 80 meters away from the point of
discharge. Draw the path traced by the shot. Also draw the normal at any point on the
curve. Name the curve. And find the maximum height reached by the shot.
10) A stone is thrown from a top of a building of 6m height to just pass over a tree of 9m
height. The distance between the building and the tree is 3m. Find the distance to the point
where the stone hits the ground. Assume parabolic path for the stone.
11) A point is moving on a plane in such a way that the difference of its distances from two
fixed points on that plane is constant equal to 60. Draw the path of the point, if the distance
between two fixed points is 100.
12) A point on rectangular hyperbola is at a distance of 60 from one asymptote and 30 away
from the second asymptote. Draw the curve.
13) A point on the hyperbola is 60 from one of the asymptote and 30 from the second
asymptote. Draw the curve if the angle between them is 120˚.

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