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I live in Jabalpur. Jabalpur is a relatively small city located near Bhopal the capital of Madhya pradesh.

is a place which is developing fast and at a large scale, areas which were supposedly barren are now
holding multi storey building, shopping malls, movie theatres, restaurants and various other things. In
spite of this Jabalpur is still not considered to be a word class city because of the numerous problems
faced by the citizens in this city, therefore i try to solve these problems in order to make our city a place
where people can live and work happily and safely. Now to make Jabalpur the best city in the world we
would need to solve all the problems faced by the citizens of Jabalpur. Now to find the problems faced
by the citizens we would need to enquire from them about this. This can be done by conducting survey
taking polls etc. now from my personal experiences and information i think i know some of the
problems. Firstly people are troubled by the fact that the roads in Jabalpur are not all uniform some are
wide and comfortable whereas some are not that good, they are narrow and are full of potholes. This is
not liked by many people living in these areas. To solve this i would form an organization which would
consist of world class engineers and builders who are specialized and skilled in this field. They will be
tasked to reconstruct and reform the roads in Jabalpur and make them as comfortable as possible. This
organization would also consist of exterior designers who would be assigned the task of making the
roads look attractive and beautiful. during this process i know many buildings , stores , slums , stalls etc
would have to be demolished therefore they would be allot a monetary package which would be
decided according to their land seized and thy would also be given land in other parts of Jabalpur .
People living in sums would be given accommodation in government buildings and would also be given
employment in various government schemes and other jobs. Now the next thing we are going to focus
on is cleanliness. Cleanliness is considered to be a crucial factor in converting your city into a world class
city cleanliness is considered to be a symbol of development and prosperity. to ensure that Jabalpur
becomes and remains clean and green i would start a program in which each citizen on one day of a
week would be required to clean his/her house and his surroundings . We would also create
managements which would manage the segregation of waste and also the disposal of this waste. They
would also be tasked to make the citizens aware about the importance of forests and cleanliness. They
would also be given the powers to ban products which cause dirtiness like bubble gums, party hoppers,
tobacco etc. they will also be allowed to make strict laws for littering and spitting in public . the next
problem is corruption in the government there is some form of corruption in every department to cure
this i would increase the salary packages of government official so that they don't feel the need to take
bribe but even after this if an official tries to be greedy he or she would be punished severely . education
is a tool used by people to grow and develop therefore everyone must have access to quality education
in order to achieve this i would invest on making government schools to transform them with better
infrastructure and quality of education . This process would also be repeated in the case of government
colleges and government hospitals .i would also like to improve the infrastructure if our airport and train
station so that they become more attractive and traveler friendly. Jabalpur also faces a problem of stray
animals. Jabalpur has both stray and wild animals and both are facing threat from the motorists and
hunters in order to safeguard them i would capture all the stray animals and transfer them to animal
shelters which would look after their health and safety and for wild animals there will be an organization
created to safeguard them from poachers and strict laws would be created to punish poachers severely.
Jabalpur also consists of many stalls, street vendors etc, they usually are not trained and their products
don't have quality i will create a program in which these people will undergo training and will educated
about the do and don'ts f this trade and then they will be allotted a shop in a huge complex which will
consist of same business. By doing these many things our Jabalpur will eventually start looking different
and modern but there would still be some problems faced by the public to solve those i would create a
council which would have the resources and powers to solve the problems of the citizens. I think by
doing all this our Jabalpur will eventually become a world class city.

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