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培 养 方 式 全日制
学 科 专 业 Business Administration
年  级、学 号 2019 级 WSZS2019003
所 在 学 院 Soledad College
学 位 类 别______工商管理硕士
申 请 人 姓 名___Aaron Dustin Chua 蔡明锦_
指导教师姓名、职称 魏国江 副教授

福建师范大学学位评定委员会办公室 制表
2020 年 11 月 日填

工作硕士、汉语国际教育硕士、工程硕士、应用统计硕士、农业推广硕士、旅游管理硕士等 12 种;“培养
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③ 表中“论文起止日期”:起始日期为论文开题之日,截止日期为论文完成日期;“学习方式”
④ 表中“福建师范大学专业学位研究生硕士学位论文学术评阅意见表”为活页(第 11-12 页)。
⑤ 本表应于规定时间内递交校学位办,可访问“学位管理”栏下载。

姓名 蔡明锦 性 别 Male 民族 无
籍贯 Philippine 政治面貌 群众
学习方式 脱产 目前最高学历
BS Management
出生年月 1996.06 及毕业学校和
Makati City
Philippines 专业、获何学位

论文起止日期 2020.02-2020.09 论文答辩日期 2020.11.29

Social Media Digital Adoption of Small and Micro Enterprises in Metro
Manila, Philippines
论文主题词 Social Media, Internet Economy, Adoption
研究方向 工商管理
起止年月 学习或工作单位 职称、职务
Bachelor’s Degree in
Business Management,
2014-2018 College Graduate – Ateneo De Manila University
Minor in Entrepreneurial
2018-2019 Insular Life Financial Advisor
Master’s in Business
2019-Present Soledad College/Fujian Normal University
Financial Manager Associate
2020.06-2020.08 Fullblaze Plastic Packaging Corporation
- Internship
Co – Founder/ Logistics and
2020.05– Present The Coach Potato Ph
Operations Manager
2014 – 2018 Consistent Dean’s Lister in Ateneo De Manila University (Bachelor’s
Degree in Business Management and Minor in Entrepreneurship)

2014 – 2018 Vice President of the Financial Department of the Alliance of Filipino –
Chinese Students (AFiCS)
- In charge of budgeting per project and getting subsidies from multiple

2019 – Present Ongoing Masteral Studies of business administration in Soledad

College of Fujian Normal University.
- Learned new business key concepts and international application of business
- Learned and honed my Chinese proficiency
原因受过何种 June 2020 to August Internship at Fullblaze Plastic Packaging Corporation
奖励和处分 - I belonged in the finance department and my main duty was was to assist
my head with the implementation of the goals of the department
- petty cash payment vouchers, bank statement reconciliation, inputting data
records on the system, and preparing weekly and monthly financial reports.
- Revamped their social media page
- Registration of the company on Shopee and Lazada which are the two most
prominent third-party online selling platforms across Southeast Asia.
- Operations team on selling at Shopee and Lazada

May 2020 – Present Established my own business (The Coach Potato Ph)
- Fitness Retailer
- Earned 1 million PHP in revenue in 2 months
- Relatively high profit margin


个 人 鉴 定

年 月 日

负责人签章: (单位公章)

年 月 日


课 程 成 绩 登 记 表
课程 课学时 总 学分 成绩 评定 考试 主考教师
课 程 学
考试 考查 补考
类别 名称 时 结果 时间 姓 名

公 共 汉 语 64 2 88.0 通过 2020-08 林茂盛

学位 III
汉 语 32 1 99.0 通过 2019-12-01 徐伊丹
听 说
汉 语 64 2 98.0 通过 2019-12-01 徐伊丹
中 国 32 2 87.0 通过 2019-12-01 马院\体院
汉 语 64 2 86.0 通过 2019-06 陈艳艺
汉 语 32 1 85.0 通过 2019-06 6 游周卓屿
听 说
专 业 管 理 48 3 82.0 通过 2019-12-01 林昕瑶
必修 经 济

营 销 48 3 85.0 通过 2019-12 邱丽洪
管 理 48 3 92.0 通过 2019-06 程俊恒
经 济

财 务 48 3 78.4 通过 2019-06 陈莹
选 修 公 司 32 2 90.0 通过 2020-06 周利梅
课 金融
人 力 32 2 83.0 通过 2019-12 赵亮
资 源
战 略 32 2 93.0 通过 2019-11 韩莹
专 业 专 业 6 合格 通过 2020 年 10 月
实践 实习 1日
总学分: 34
研究生秘书手写签名: 学院公章
the coronavirus situation in the Philippines only turned for the worse as cases and cases began to rise
rapidly. The forced lockdown and social distancing measures by the government has forced us to take
online classes for our academics and also start our internship here in the Philippines. Given the pandemic
situation and retail stores closing, numerous businesses had to adjust to the situation with a number of
employees being assigned to work from home given the situation currently. Therefore, my internship was
mostly work from home and managing the affairs from my personal computer. I believe that the internship
was to allow us to gather knowledge on practical industrial business and corporate experience and be
exposed the how a business environment works in a corporate setting. The intern did a 10-week internship
from the start of June to the second week of August at Fullblaze Plastic Packaging Corporation that was
established in 1974 as privately listed corporation. There are currently five departments at the company
(Finance Department, Administration Department, Marketing Department, Sales Department and
Technical Department) and each of them has been comprised of different departments and divisions. The
intern was assigned in the finance department. The main duty was to assist my head with the
implementation of the goals of the department which includes various tasks such as daily checking the
petty cash payment vouchers, bank statement reconciliation, inputting data records on the system, and
preparing weekly and monthly financial reports. An internship is a considerable application through which
an intern is able to find out the practical features of what was being taught between our academic classes
in my master classes. The internship helps us master, and to know what really occur on the area as what
we have studied on our master classes.
Around the time the pandemic started on May 2020, I have established a personal business with a partner
of mine who also graduated in Ateneo De Manila University. Like what I said earlier, due to the covid –
19 pandemic, and consumer behavior fundamentally shifting from physical to digital, we started a
business that targeted gym – goers who used to always hit the gym but now could not due to the dangers
of working out in an enclosed space such as fitness gyms. My partner and I felt that this is the best time to
penetrate or enter the market and gain a market share in the fitness industry. The reasoning behind that is
since because of strict lockdown measures and government protocols of social distancing measures, retail
stores are closing down, and business are shifting their resources to going digital. In line with that,
although it is indeed terrible news on how the pandemic has damaged the business economy, it is now
easier to penetrate the market and compete with established businesses as they shift to digital. Therefore,
my partner and I decided to open a business online and operate digitally given that most business has
shifted towards it. In short, the pandemic has help even the playing ground to entities that are interested to
enter the industry and gain a market share. Our business is named The Coach Potato Ph and it specializes
on space – saving gym equipment for gym-goers to use at the comfort and safety of their homes.

硕 主要内容(含选题、论证方式、结论等;有做实验者还须说明采用实验分析方法):
Thesis writing during a pandemic was tougher than I thought. Initially, I thought that I would
士 have more time to focus on my thesis, but the pandemic and lockdown has given us problems
regarding finances and anxiety because of the virus. Furthermore, being a diabetic type 1 person, I
学 had to constantly be aware of my surroundings and stay as safe as possible as it can be deadly for
me if I catch the virus given that my immune system is already compromised. My endocrinologist
位 warned me to not go outside the safety of my home as my immune system is already compromised.
As a result, my initial plans of data collection and interviewing business owners in person has been
论 cancelled as retail stores are also forced to close. In addition to that, we were also required to do our
internship along without thesis writing which proved to be extensively difficult as the internship
文 work period takes up the whole day and most of the time we are only able to work on our thesis on
the weekends and sometimes even that is difficult due to internship work backlogs and spending the
简 weekend with the family. I was also managing my own business, which I just established in May
2020. Handling that with thesis and the internship was difficult and stressful. My business
介 performed really well, that is why it took up a bulk of my time as well as I was in charge of the
logistics and operations of the business, and our revenue reached 1 million in just two months.
Despite these hurdles, I still managed to persevere and did my research for my thesis. Data
collection was another obstacle as my research about social media requires me to get data on small
and micro enterprises which I initially planned on going to establishments around metro manila for
an interview. The lockdown measures prevented that and therefore we had to switch to online
surveys and online interviews. Thesis writing in China seems to be more technical in the formatting
of their thesis paper and prevents biased reviews through blind reviews of other professors. In the
end, I was able to finish my research paper with the help of my friends and family and also my
mentor 魏国江 for helping me with the formation of my thesis title and the valuable feedbacks from
him as well.
The research title of the authors report is the Social Media Digital Adoption of Small and Micro
Enterprises. The author chose this type of research as it has a high relevance towards the present
age. Owing to the fast urbanization and fast-moving technological advances, the present age has
been coined by most as the “Digital Age”. In addition to that, especially now that the world has
been inflicted by the coronavirus pandemic, everything has shifted digitally, with retail stores
closing down and online shopping becoming dominant as lockdown and social distancing measures
take place. Given that the Philippines is still a developing country, the researchers was interested in
gauging the level of the (ICT) information and communications technology in the country,
specifically social media and the level of adoption rates it had in the Philippines, and how the
Philippines has integrated it well in their enterprises knowing that it was popularly named as the
“Social Media Capital of the World”. For starters, social media usually provides a business with a
low-cost platform of operating the business, developing one’s personal branding and developing a
personal relationship with the consumer. Next is the communication part, social media enables
businesses to easily engage with customers along with staff members immediately without needing
them meet face to face. This also caters to a wider public since for instance in the Philippines, social
media penetration is around at 70%, therefore groups that use social networking will typically have
a broader access to their respective industry. Lastly, social media enables a company to get
immediate responses from its clients from their unbiased and personal reviews that is essential for a
company in improving itself
The researchers did a background study on the Philippines’ demographic statistics and how the
digital economy is performing in relation with the usage of their social media. They also research
on the different perspectives of social media and its different contexts. Furthermore, the researchers
defined the related terms by sourcing secondary sources in the related literature. The researchers
硕 then handed out surveys to small and micro enterprise owners that match the criteria needed. Social
media adoption rates were collected and analyzed in 100 respondents to determine whether the
士 enterprises in the Philippines were adopting social media and the factors that influence their
adoption and barriers that prevent them from adopting social media.
学 In conclusion while it is true that the covid-19 pandemic has significantly affected the students
learning experience with classes and consultations turning online due to the strict lockdown
位 measures in the country, and thesis research being impacted as well as students are not allowed to
go out at the safety of their homes, I was able to adapt by shifting the market research data
论 collection through the use of online surveys and secondary data analysis from previous studies.
Furthermore, I believe that this research topic is highly relevant with the current events that has
文 been happening with the pandemic and business behavior shifting to being digital. This research can
bring awareness and the importance of adopting a social media strategy especially now that retail
简 stores are closing down their stores one by one as consumers are reluctant to go out as the covid-19
rates continue to increase until now in the country. This study aims to highlight and give emphasis
介 that social media adoption would be one of the key strategies of business soon and soon it would be
the battle of which business has a bigger dominant digital footprint and how well their digital
marketing is and their proficiency in the use of social media strategies and tools to be able to
expand their reach and achieve sales targets.

2020 年 11 月 19 日
年 月 日
评阅人姓名 工作单位 职 称
王志玮 福州大学 副教授
肖扬清 集美大学 副教授
张庭溢 福建工程学院 副教授

姓 名 工作单位 职 称
主席 徐志宏 教授

辩 林寿富 福建师范大学 教授
委 林翊 福建师范大学 副教授
员 委 周利梅 福建师范大学 副教授
会 陈伟雄 福建师范大学 副教授

论文题目 Social Media Digital Adoption of Small and Micro Enterprises in Metro ManilaPhilippines
研究生姓名 蔡明锦 专业 工商管理

众,因为例如在菲律宾,社交媒体的普及率约为 70%,因此使用社交网络的群体通常可以更广泛
媒体的不同视角及其不同的语境,然后向符合要求的小微企业主发放调查问卷。收集并分析了 100



2020 年 11 月 19 日

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