Column Load Calculation

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Table 3.

1 - Column load calculations

Roof level Third floor level
Axial load from Axial load from
Column Axial load (kN) Multifiying factor Factored load (kN) Multiflying factor Factored load (kN) Total load (kN)
WTL (kN) roof only (kN)

C0 43 2 86 86
C1 312 2 624 312 306 1.5 459 771
C2 288 2 576 288 187 2 374 662
C3 153 1.5 230 230
C4 221 1.5 332 332
C5 336 2 672 336 850 1.25 1063 1399
C6 312 2 624 312 459 1.5 689 1001
C7 357 1.5 536 536
C8 850 1.25 1063 1063
C9 459 1.5 689 689
C10 357 1.5 536 536
C11 850 1.25 1063 1063
C12 459 1.5 689 689
C13 357 1.5 536 536
C14 850 1.25 1063 1063
C15 459 1.5 689 689
C16 132 2 264 132 357 1.5 536 668
C17 160 2 320 160 850 1.25 1063 1223
C18 459 1.5 689 689
Only minor loads. Minimum column size should be sufficient
C21a 153 2 306 306
C22 120 1.5 180 120 255 1.5 383 503
C23 76 1.5 114 76 221 1.5 332 408
C24 56 1.5 84 56 187 1.25 234 290
C25 No need to calculate at this stage since the size will be 153 2 306 306
C25a governed by the architectural requirements. Size governed by architectural requirements
C26 16 2 32 16 34 2 68 84
C27 16 2 32 16 34 2 68 84
Table 3.2 - Column load calculations
Second floor level First floor level
Axial load from Axial load from Multifiying Factored load Axial load from Axial load from Multiflying Factored load
Column Total load (kN) Total load (kN)
WTL + RL (kN) third floor (kN) factor (kN) WTl+RL+3F (kN) second floor (kN) factor (kN)

C0 43 38 2 76 119 81 38 2 76 157
C1 618 270 1.5 405 1023 888 270 1.5 405 1293
C2 475 165 2 330 805 640 165 2 330 970
C3 153 135 1.5 203 356 288 135 1.5 203 491
C4 221 195 1.5 293 514 416 195 1.5 293 709
C5 1186 750 1.5 1125 2311 1936 750 1.5 1125 3061
C6 771 405 1.5 608 1379 1176 405 1.5 608 1784
C7 357 315 1.5 473 830 672 315 1.5 473 1145
C8 850 750 1.25 938 1788 1600 750 1.25 938 2538
C9 459 405 1.5 608 1067 864 405 1.5 608 1472
C10 357 315 1.5 473 830 672 315 1.5 473 1145
C11 850 750 1.25 938 1788 1600 750 1.25 938 2538
C12 459 405 1.5 608 1067 864 405 1.5 608 1472
C13 357 315 1.5 473 830 672 315 1.5 473 1145
C14 850 750 1.25 938 1788 1600 750 1.25 938 2538
C15 459 405 1.5 608 1067 864 405 1.5 608 1472
C16 489 315 1.5 473 962 804 315 1.5 473 1277
C17 1010 750 1.25 938 1948 1760 750 1.25 938 2698
C18 459 405 1.5 608 1067 864 405 1.5 608 1472
Only minor loads. Minimum column size should be sufficient
C21a 153 135 2 270 423 288 135 2 270 558
C22 375 225 1.5 338 713 600 225 1.5 338 938
C23 297 195 1.5 293 590 492 195 1.5 293 785
C24 243 165 1.25 206 449 408 165 1.25 206 614
C25 153 135 2 270 423 288 135 2 270 558
C25a Size governed by architectural requirements 138
C26 50 30 2 60 110 80 30 2 60 140
C27 50 30 2 60 110 80 30 2 60 140
Table 3.3 - Column load calculations
Ground floor level
Axial load from WTL + Axial load from first
Column Multifiying factor Factored load (kN) Total load (kN)
RL + 3F + 2F (kN) floor (kN)

C1 1158 270 1.5 405 1720
C2 805 165 2 330 1135
C3 423 135 1.5 203 626
C4 611 195 1.5 293 904
C5 2686 750 1.5 1125 3811
C6 1581 405 1.5 608 2189
C7 987 315 1.5 473 1460
C8 2350 750 1.25 938 3288
C9 1269 405 1.5 608 1877
C10 987 315 1.5 473 1460
C11 2350 750 1.25 938 3288
C12 1269 405 1.5 608 1877
C13 987 315 1.5 473 1460
C14 2350 750 1.25 938 3288
C15 1269 405 1.5 608 1877
C16 1119 315 1.5 473 1592
C17 2510 750 1.25 938 3448
C18 1269 405 1.5 608 1877
Only minor loads. Minimum column size should be sufficient
C21 212 135 2 270 482
C22 825 225 1.5 338 1163
C23 687 195 1.5 293 980
C24 573 165 1.25 206 1241
C25 423 135 2 270 693
C26 110 30 2 60 170
C27 110 30 2 60 170

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