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aj rirwenisppat 2020 4 and Hesearch Department of ¢ oF Chertsey "1 Manat Mohamed Caliege (AO In Qualitative analyst, the yiver nip minute, Depending upon the quanthy of In etonlyeutt me Maceo Analyst, Otc ‘emi enleso Analysis 01-19 ra tin 2 he ~10ing The analysis ofthe given organic misture ise % Peeliinary 4 Saturated / Un 4 Niphatic / Aromati ainatic compoun @ Detection of elements (nitrogen, a @ Functional group: 4% Preparation of suitable solid derivat \ uitable solid derivative vat attied oun Inthe order. fohur and halogens). 1.Ffeliminary Reactions: att acorn, MONEE ee, ets Tron eto | | otsere she esiourat a substance , | + Greenish Ls orn Finbar’, 20.2! | nods ore Hear ee ~ Pleasant far) fruity. Ester — ana. “4. ensaldehyde, ntrovere Etter smmondodour | Cee -piaraf care iaap | Prenos, Cols ‘our of earbaictoap_—_|_ Prenat, crea Ss Lower acids, aldehydes. acid gy | ay | odour pungent arisiating | andes Fishy odour aromatic amines _ _ | eet __§iivton, seta [Cinnamon tike | Ginnamaldehyce atest a - nl auina witha soorpfane | Aromatic compounds Fanranoursooy | ajghaticeompounds ° Heat the organic compoundon® 1 ftme Se eetow tame, ee | Hon nisealadoat — the temperature pradual -feanicl oes | Test for unsaturation al unsaturated compound withaut brown precipitate i) Baeyer test: wt — Aviehorsdropottheoreanic | pink color dvcaraed ; compound +abourone it 5% — | wth prowaprecipitate | Saturated compoun Sodium carbonate solution +00 | gr tho decolorsation sop of 1% K4AnD« olution : 0 hirappalli-62002 ind Research D cof chemistry, Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous), TiruchirapP: and Research Department of Che Wi) Bromine water test: Aphchars dopahfe ern congo Be <7 asioaionsioa raed croc es | eae Gpmnwedconp Socveraaop atheot 7 of CCl, 246) Decolovizaxion wi Saturated compound campoint? or : 2% solution of Bry in! Decolorization of Bra water Unsaturated compound ‘Detedton of Elements by Sodium Fusion Test or Lassaigne’s Test (N, § & Halogens) In otéer to detect the elements in organic compounds, itis necessary to convert them into ionizable Inorganic substances 50 that the onic tests of inorganic qualitative analysis may be applied. This conversion may be accomplished by several methods, but the best procedure's to fuse the organic compound with italic sodium (Lassaigne’s test Lasaigne’s test consists of Preparation of Sodium fusion extract Test for elements (Nitrogen, Sulphur or halogen} | reparation of Sodium fusion extract: Toke a small piece of clean dry sodium (approximately 50-75 me) ina clean dry ignition tube. Heat the tube dowily just to melt the sodium into a sivery globule. Remove it ftem the flame and add the compound (20.25 mp ar adtiont Firs ¥ ==: on alow flame and then an a stronger fame untilit beeames red hat. Keep it in sx vevwot condition for 1-2 minutes (until the compound completely reacted} and then plunge into 10.18 ral of dlls water kept in a porcelain basin. Bol the contents of the parcelain basin for 2 This feat © is called sodium fusion extract oF st {esting the extra elements, minutes and fiter. ‘ck solution. The filtrate, the Lassaigne’s extract, is used for Note:The trate shouldbe colores. Re |epEdt the experiment if he fi sould be the experimenters nt clots, mass > ns x > Wek, Be, Nasceties > Nascn or ee sey, raruehtF2PP Gand Research Department of Chemistry, Jamal Mohamed College (Autonor"o¥")- Tests for elements (Nitrogen, Suiphur or hal [Test for Nitrogen Sens) | inference 08 pera sen open ate Tel fusion extract + few erystalvol FonSOrygiRSER | ci Isl Feroussaphate 0 Tome, | ABE ion boiled: cooled add dil HS0« or dit cr hate (B0-7Oma green col solu $0. FREE he orm + amc py + Ime Tee + ee — sapeons Americ + ret ——rearaeansy + OME semamraaret Meree6d + arejeouy——= rarer seneieceret, — guxirorath = Te for Sulphur i sions [¥e 3 mot fesion enact and ad Tew rape of Te sed | pope or pu cau! ritopmussde solution and shakewll — S¥+IFe(CN).NO}" > [Fe(CNHNOSI™ ———T sulphur is To 1 mlof fusion extract add aceticacid and lead acetate Black precipitate [ Po{CHCOO}, +5 PhS | + 2CHICOO ‘Test for halogens wie precipitate To Alot fusion extract add afew ee nese of Conc. HNO, le drops NHOH — ee eeoae tate coed ser tat soation dep by drop seal present (Nand $ are absent, boiling is not require Ko 7 \ es ailing * required) Yellow precipitate todine is Saar The purpose of this test is to find sut the correct proup to which the organic compound belongs. For this purpose, eifferent solvents afe tried and the solubility of the compound is, determined. This gives the group and probable functional group in that solubility group. Then Characteristic reactions for the various classes of compounds of that group are eartied out to find the {2172 functional group. A drop of the organic liquid or a pinch of the organic solid is shaken well with the following order: Ether 2.NaHCO, 3, NaOH ane Aer ee - euchiraP Z \utonomous), TH Gand Research Department of chemistry Jamal Mohamed College (AU * Anal Tests for Carbohydrate of Functional Groups + .67 0020 all 620 and heated ‘pinch or a crop of organic comipeund + con HiS0« Charting takes place and black produet i formed Presence of carbohydrate Molise test Solution of the compound in water + alcoholic a ‘naptho! solution + Conc, H;SO, along the sides of the test tube Violet rng is formed Presence of carbohydrate Siver miktor test . Solution of the compound in water + Tollen's reagent. Thetest tube is heated on a water bath, wen woe is, . A no, Hes 60 ~ a= ST sae eve conton Srermarar Black precipitate Reducing Sugar Non reducing sugar fe 7 Se EE ny = wu Be Preparation of Tolen's regent: A few drops of sver nitrate + 2 drop of sodium hycrovide to get a brown precipitate sapnears The cleat solutions called Tite's te ‘+ ammonium hydroxide drop rent Solution ofthe compound in water + Benedict's solution, boiled Reducing sugar Non-reducing sugar | | | ELS : | | Se SS HE, se bm Sou ro Biece ol bWveltmus paper, shaken wel, Bicarbonate text Blue ltmus paper turns red, =] Presence of carboxylic acid A pinch or a drop of erganic compound + 5% NaHCO) solution, shétbn well, ‘Slow effervescence takes place with the evolution of cor Presence of carboxylic acid 1 Apinch oF 3 drop of organic compound + crops of ethylacohol + 2-3 drpsof cont mixture is heated and poured into a beake 34 $0..The a Carbonylic acid is confirmed, 20 111-6204 ichirappa) rir Gand Research Department of Chemistry, nous) Jamal Mohamed College (Autom ee ‘ontaring Na,CO, =} _—_——— cmon oo, congenic 360 ee eerie Neutral Ferre chloride text Peezence een ‘pinch oFa drop of organic compound + 2 maf presence of et water + neutral FeCl sotution, Fluorescein test Mix 0.1 g substance with os » fesorcnolanda | aninensegeerinetow | sud tsconfiemed Sr9ps con. SOs nahhard lass test tube. Meat tor | Huorescence co _| 3.5 minutes. Pour into dil NaOH aopeared a | oe om ” | oes | ws a \ Tes for Phenols = a — ——_ [Newer hinge et Fapearance of vole Storms MEH Shepsneaaltene | gcar dryer | eysencet phen eompou ieee | Slion _ Co pe Bromine water test A pinch oF a drop of organic compound + bromine water drop wisely with shaking, sh brown color of — bromine is discharged with | Presence of phe white precipitate nolic compound ee Phthatein fusion test ee, {ahora drop of organic compound ina dey Pink solution a yellowish tube add same quantity of phthalic fed with green Rihiide and 2 dropeat cone, MSOs heat ently. | fuorescence or blue "herolie compoung Nee OF Bly POUNd isconfirmed 3nd Boured into excess of 6, NaOH solution Bison kena a beaker | Atentabeninat —__] bof GO istry. and Research Department of Cher! rach irappalll 6: Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous), TH 20020 ced color which turns to blue with NOH - atom mana = ects ot orn conpound add 2 op ‘of con, suiluri acid and little of solid :odiurn r ‘Tests for Aldehyde and Ketone e QO 2.4—Dinitcophenyl hydrazine test Apinch or acrop of ciganic compound reagent 3 wa oh Wo, ° whe fat 24 eotirophanytrydrtine ree Fos rl compound Toten’ | precipitate fearent, heat onawater baat recipitate | Toten'sceagon Qa <———_ " 7 Tollen's reagent test Silver mirror orblack \No silver mitroror Black —] Sch steapentten, Apechors tet eticonpoung Pink colored solution Presence af aldehyde # pRRMeE A rape seme —_| Noink colored solution | Presence of ketone OT = Hi ope Sodium sltroprartide test Apinch ora drop of or + few drops of sodium anc Compound nitroprusside Apinch ora crop of OvBanic compound ‘iodine solution + excess of Nawnt NOW solution. way stot hnene Todatarn vearion — Ared colour solutions obtained al recta iol Yeliow precipitate is formes or hospital smells "Tests for Exter Phenolphthalein test pinch or a drop of organiccomy NaOH + 1 érop of phenoiphthal shaken for few minutes Pound + 2 drops of lein.continuously Pinkcolaur disappears | Presence of ester Solution, warm observed | e ° coy, « ana 340 weg ay me Se Dogue © Oo + 2 : sere seat te =| Jas me. Saponifcation text Compound + 20% NaOH boiled forabout 10 srinutes. cooled + excess Of dH,50« Awhite precipitate is formed acid Presence of ester of aromatic Tests for Aniide doh, diatotization and coupling ‘vine ora drop of organic compound + few ‘80% ofcon 4350, and boiled for few minutes, fed ye is formed Presence of anilide Covi inie «ice cold NaNO, and ice cold Satta in Wao Tests for Aridey moter ‘Aa tex pinche a NaOH ba Pungent smelling gas which turns red litmus blue. Dense white fumes are formed Cow lli-620020 (Chemistry, |4mal Mohamed College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalll-6i PG and Research Department of Chem a fine recites | matic aide is preset peeiaaaae inde 2m Apicer adi otek caneund anon Neon ante cate rd od Cr — oo, aa Apinchor adrop of organic Viotet color ‘Aromatic amide bs present compound + 1:01 + FeClysolution co ‘ikalitest Aoinchor a dop of orzaric compound + 10% | Pungent saneling gas which NIOH, bolted and exposed to awet red timus paper turns red limes bry Presence cf anita tothe vapours. _ = ‘lasso dipped in Cone. NClis exposed ta thw | Oenae white fumes are o- vapours _ forme | Bhuret test a Abinch or a drop of organic compound is hoated in 3 dry test tube tit all ammonia is expelled in the form of white fumes. The solid melis and then s2ltieson cooing Pink oF purple sehution, Presence of diamide Tote whe residue afew deops of NaOH coktion + lew sr0pict 6504 SelAIOn along the sites of the test tube »| Pease tt compovna 3-4 ror of compound = wd +n granules » con, HCI beled with shox fence sth shaking tl the yellowcompound esol etetsoton heed and doomed teseee en “ahded mateo ate eNO Maer SS mncanted. The dea sol te opens ee s Bn A. cs. Patti to0ied ae vg Oo cm?) —— told nite ot cold Mion Pa Ared dye stormed Presence of 2 “eure won 9 formed © of tt0 compound Hino, 4 Hero, “CO Alm < — NM se CY Part chiovolnm + exer twaon way NaOH, warmed sppalll-620020 ’ and Resrarch Department of Chemisty Janay Mohamed cottege (Autonomous), Trt my We cue, Winn Janowsky's reaction Apinch or a drop of organic ‘ompound + aceton + NaOH solution, shaken well ° Amb. Presence of mano nitro compound 2 Presence of dinitro compound Pale yellow or caloriess ‘sehution Pinkor blue solution = Tests for Amines Apinch or a drop of or tube + acetyl chloride Eanic compound in a dry test © benzoyl chloride drop by rop with shaking ‘A vigorous reaction takes place with the evolution of heat and a solid {isa primary amine oF secondary amine separates out. Diazotisation and coupling reaction: Apinch or a drop of orparic compound dissolved in excess of dil HCl and cooled ‘ces ice cold solution of R05 TORS Cr oma cy ote aon UE Yow carat Beaaorin | = rir amie chem pe ‘ red dyeis formed Primary am wes ~ net on Hraracteristc Derivatives for the Functional groups: Paenots emoy! derivative: ‘ © B substance add 2 ml of water and 0.5 ml benzayl chloride with 5 ml M130H solution; shaken well ors, tes. Put into 20 mt ‘water (beaker) form white precipitate, ° on & onc . Oo = ( 3 roma derivate: Dissolve the én i a” : solid separates outs a sezppound in 2-3ml of water and add saturated bromine water drop wise unt well filtered, washed and dried, 620020 ot of Chemist17. lamal Mohamed College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalll ind Research Department ol oe re Precnae ators ed Deen ox NaOH Boiled II there 1s no smell al ammonia, cooled and acidified with cone. HCL ide + wnt ota of sets fitered washed and died k ¢ L . C—O al eae orm . a reeeenttate wohtion of rca In small amount of water scone MNO, with shaking till whi pereotate of urea nitrates formed, cooled filtered anddied ASNT: \ , AAcetyt Derwvative: (For Wienary and secondary amines) Lgl amine in adry test tube + acetyl chloride or acetyl anhydride drop wise. Vigorous reaction t the formation of white solid of acetyl derivative. Filtered, war ed, and dried, Benzoy Derivative: (For primary and secondary amines) Aine oa Gry test tube + benzoyl chloride drop wise, Vigore: formation ef awhite solid of benzoyl derivative. Fikered, washed and dried a en Yo . fo sco Dereative for Phenclic acd: | eer, Me 308 aide and lia acetic acd Nested and poured the minture ito water Ace Gervative separates, Fitered, washed and dried, co nt ce tes Brome Deriative for Phenolic ai Rai Mids water, Womine - Wromide solution Soul il lr of omine per Filtered, wathed and dried, " emits shaten wet [Oe i Ditromo Derivative for Unsaturated acids Compound ina dry test tube + tromy Ine in acetic achd, Heated for about § yy cool the com MOmo desivative separates 988 sold 4 osteoma mater nts under the tap water wher dit een Mer, wash and died, wea > and Researc * Dearment of chemist ot Mune ae eres Tengen ae ‘oH on Compound +2 mt of nitatng mitre fequl volume of cnc. NOs + cone Hil Hees fo OE {ie cooled and pouted ino water when nv drwatve separates ao ike, washes and e. om = on =3- 0 Tos ANDDENYDES AND KETONES: 2.4 Dintophem# hyazine derivative: ‘Organic compound + a few drops of 2,4-dintraphenyt hydrazine whven orange red or yellow ppt of 2.4 \ Diop earners, heed, washedand ed ‘oxime deevatives: . ‘ Hydroxylamine hydrochloride is dissolved in water. 10% soglumbyéroxide and casbonyl compound issoled in alcohol ace added, the mitre warmed on a steam bath for 10 min and then cooled i ie. Crystallization is induced by scratching the sides ofthe tet tube with aglass rod. oy oy + ote AROMATIC ESTERS Acid derivative: 'Ad4 compound with 10 ml of 20% NaOK solution, Boiled for 30-15 minutes. Aified with di. ‘and cooled, White precipitate of acid derivative separates asa solid. Fitered, washed and dred. ‘AMUDES: Cre eh eh Compound + acetic acid + bromine in acetic acl, shaken well and poured into water. Bromo erivative separates asa solid. Fitered, washed and died. Not X Y t Ort ] i CARBOHYORATE ° j 4 Osazone derivative: ‘ | ‘Sugar Isheated with acetic acid sodium acetate and phemfhydratine hydrochloride solution. Yellow crystals of Osazone derivative separates out Fitered, washedand dried, yon wf se oe He 0 He

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