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Describe one of your common religious practices that you have still performed today. Explain
how it is done.

The practice of a religion may also include sermons, commemoration of the activities of a god
or gods, sacrifices, festivals, feasts, trance, initiations, funerary services, matrimonial services,
meditation, music, art, dance, public service, or other aspects of human culture.

The Christian marriage ceremony is rich in symbolism. The bride and bridegroom make
promises to God and to each other. They exchange rings as a sign of those promises. They
commit to stay together in good times and bad. It is a commitment for life. Prayers are said for
the newlyweds recognizing the joys and difficulties ahead and asking for God’s support. Almost
everyone is entitled to get married in an Anglican church, whether they go to church or not.
Couples need to show one of seven connections to the church in which they want to marry. A
couple can also marry in a non-conformist church such as a Baptist, Methodist or United
Reformed Church.

The actual Muslim wedding is known as a nikah. It is a simple ceremony, at which the bride
does not have to be present so long as she sends two witnesses to the drawn-up agreement.
Normally, the ceremony consists of reading from the Qur'an, and the exchange of vows in front
of witnesses for both partners. No special religious official is necessary, but often the Imam is
present and performs the ceremony. He may give a short sermon.

There are certain things which are basic to all Muslim marriages. Marriages have to be declared
publicly. They should never be undertaken in secret. The publicity is usually achieved by having
a large feast, or walimah - a party specifically for the purpose of announcing publicly that the
couple are married and entitled to each other.


1. How these experiences shape your beliefs towards higher being?

Our beliefs in a higher power influence the way we think and the way we respond to life's
ups and downs. Believing that we are connected to a greater source gives meaning and
substance to our lives. ... And what we believe about ourselves will ultimately affect our
confidence and self-esteem.

2. As a human being, should you consider having a spiritual self? Why or why not?

Yes, we need to consider a spiritual life. Spiritual should be nourish with spiritual food and
that is the word of God. If your spiritual is weak, your physical body will also be weak. Your
physical body can easily commit a sin against God.  your physical body can easily be
dominated with your earthly problems and other works of the enemy to weaken you thus,
we need to boost our spiritual to conquer everything problems and or any spiritual battle.
Our only sword and shield are prayer and the word of God. No other thing can help us
against works of the enemy.


1. Have a conversation with your family members/relatives and ask about how do they
value their religious belief especially during this pandemic time?

They value it more during these pandemic they spent more time to their religious belief it
also strengthen their faith. They also believe that because of pandemic it bring them more
closer to god and mostly to their loved ones.


Write a letter to yourself in which you will elaborate ways on how you find meaning in
your life.

Dear Self,

I know you still didn’t know the meaning in life you still feel lost. My only advise you to
always think about your daughter and that’s when will you know the meaning in your life

Sincerely yours,

Your lost self

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