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Flight Part 1: Pre-flight to line-up

1.5 Taxiing

Key words and phrases

first second third overtake follow straight ahead turning

intersection on your right/left in front of you give way turn off

A. Listen to the taxi instructions. Which aircraft do they apply to?


1 N

2 A or J

3 C

4 I

5 K

6 G

7 O

8 P

9 D
B. You are the controller. Give these aircraft taxi instructions.

A) Go straight ahead at the intersection

C) Give away to the aircraft on your left

D) Follow the aircraft in front of you.

G) There`s an aircraft overtaking you on your right

H) Taxi Straight ahead

I) Take the first turning on the right

K) Give way to the aircraft on your right

L) Take the third turning on the right

M) Take the second turning on the right

N) Take the second turning on the left

O) Take the first left turn-off

P) Take the third turning on the left

C. Complete the pilot’s part:

P: _____________________________________________________________
C: (SF133, taxi via taxiway C, to holding point 29L)
P: _____________________________________________________________
C: (SF133, give way to the 747 passing left to right)
P: _____________________________________________________________

P: _____________________________________________________________
C: (SF133, taxi via taxiway C, to holding point 29L)
P: _____________________________________________________________
P: _____________________________________________________________
C: (SF133, negative, hold short runway 29L)
P: _____________________________________________________________
C: (SF133, cross runway 29L, report vacated)
P: _____________________________________________________________
P: _____________________________________________________________

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