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Department of Electronics & Communication
PROJECT SEMESTER: 2021-22 Even Semester (from
January 2022)
Internship Student PROGRESS REPORT
Student Name: Ishani Dhar.
Enrollment No.:18UEC007.
Name of the company: Deloitte USI.
Starting date of internship:10th of January 2022.
Table of Contents:
I am over helmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge my
depth to all those who have helped me to put these ideas, well above the
level of simplicity and into something concrete.
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my Reporting
Manager as well as our code reviewer who gave me the golden opportunity
to do these wonderful tasks, which also helped me in doing a lot of
Research and I came to know about so many new things. I am really
thankful to them.
Any attempt at any level can‘t be satisfactorily completed without the
support and guidance of all my senior colleagues in the our team.
I would like to thank all of them who helped me a lot in gathering different
information, collecting data and guiding me from time to time in this
internship, despite of their busy schedules.
Company background:
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, commonly referred to as Deloitte, is a
multinational professional services network with offices in over 150
countries and territories around the world.

William Welch Deloitte founded this organization in 1845, London, United


Deloitte is a leading global provider of audit and assurance, consulting,

financial advisory, risk advisory, tax, and related services.

Making a positive, enduring impact that matters. Deloitte is led by a

Purpose: to make an impact that matters.

Deloitte serves sectors like Energy, Resources & Industrials, Industrial

Products & Construction, Financial Services like Banking, Capital Markets
& Real Estate, Government & Public Services, Civil Government, Defense,
Security & Justice, Life Sciences & Health Care and many more.
I, Ishani Dhar , is assigned in one of the best FinTech team of the organization as a
Technology intern and primarily I have joined the QA(Quality Assurance) team
and were assigned different QA tasks.

This includes manual testing, performance testing and Automation. Throughout

this time I got the opportunity to interact with real world industry people and get
their guidance in every sort possible. I got to learn many new technologies and
gain new skills which are discussed in the latter part.
Manual testing:
Manual testing is a software testing process in which test cases are
executed manually without using any automated tool. All test cases
executed by the tester manually according to the end user's perspective. It
ensures whether the application is working, as mentioned in the
requirement document or not.

The main job of the QA team is to take care of the Quality Control of the
application. So as a part of manual testing firstly I was given
KTs(Knowledge Transfer) about many of the essential screens of the
application. From there I got to know how to test the application. make
proper documentation of the steps followed and update the correct and
wrong behavior of the screens or functionalities of the application.

As a part of the team, we are required to update all the passing/failing test
cases and any different behavior of the screens/application. May it be a
small or a high priority bug we have to check the end-to-end flow and make
a note of it. If the functionality totally passes it is moved to the UAT(User
Acceptance Testing) which is one of the last stages of software
development lifecycle , otherwise it is moved to Development to make the
necessary changes.

From these experiences I got to learn different aspects of testing and why it
is important.
Regression Testing and Performance Testing:
Regression testing is a software testing practice that ensures an application
still functions as expected after any code changes, updates, or
improvements. Regression testing is responsible for the overall stability and
functionality of the existing features.

In this part of testing I got to test all the new features and functionalities
newly added and check whether they are ready for the users end to test or
any discrepancies is found.

Performance Testing is a type of software testing that ensures software

applications to perform properly under their expected workload. It is a
testing technique carried out to determine system performance in terms of
sensitivity, reactivity and stability under a particular workload.

In this part of testing we are testing the whole application giving certain
load. About 8-10 people of the whole team participated to test different
functionalities of the application and note down its behavior like time taken,
speed and stability of the application (if it crashes or not due to stress in
numbers of users testing it). This is a very important part of software
development cycle before delivering the product application to the clients.
Research work on
Cypress is a JavaScript test automation solution used for web automation.
It enables teams to create web test automation scripts. This solution aims
to enable frontend developers and test automation engineers to write web
tests in the de-facto web language that is JavaScript for web test

In this part, I was given to do some research on tool to check

whether it is feasible for the portal automation of our application. Firstly I
tried to collect some information from the internet and tried to setup in my system. Then I learnt to do some basic steps and test
using Cypress. Then I tried to automate our portal of the application and
perform the happy path flow of the portal using Cypress. During this I found
some drawbacks of using Cypress which made it difficult to automate the

With this research work I was given to make comparison between, CRA(Create React App) and Selenium and which was the best
way to automate the portal. During this time I got to connect with some
people from different teams who have experience in Cypress and
discussed about the challenges faced while using Cypress. As a outcome
of the comparison I found out Selenium is a better tool for automation our
portal of the application.
Automation of the portal Using Java Selenium:
Skills learnt during this time:
In this tenure of about 14 weeks I got to learn many new skills such as:

1. Manual Testing: I got to learn more about how we test an web application
specifically the flows for different screens of the application, do proper
documentation of the steps followed and note down the errors or
2. Performance Testing: I learnt how to do performance testing and note down
speed, time taken and stability of web application while following the same
flow with a certain amount of workload(users).
3. I learnt how to setup in the system and how it works
on basic applications. Moreover I have done comparison between Cypress
and Selenium to check which is more feasible for our portal automation and
got to know many pros and cons of the tools.
4. Java: For automating the portal as we were forwarded to follow Java and
Selenium I have done some basic trainings in Java as it was the language
used in the automation of the portal.
5. Selenium: For the automation of the portal Selenium is the tool which was
used. With the guidance of our Code reviewer and some online trainings
finally I learnt how to test a web application using Selenium.
6. Experience: Apart from all technical skills I have learnt how the real world
industry works, how we need to be consistent and regular in learning new
things and deliver the works assigned to us in given time. I learnt to be
adaptive to this very new corporate world.
Conclusion (mentioning ongoing tasks):

//The midway report (approx. 5-10 pages) should describe the work done, and the results (or
other outcomes) achieved till date. Major challenges and innovations should be identified along
with the remaining tasks to be completed by the end of the project.//
Comments from Technical Lead about my overall
performance till date:

(Signature of Faculty Mentor) (Signature of Industry Technical Lead)

Name……………………………….. Name………………………………………

Designation………………………… Designation…………………………………

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