Handout - Abbreviations and Acronyms

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Handout – Abbreviations and acronyms

+SHRASNGS = Heavy showers of predominantly rain mixed with snow and small hail

ACARS = Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System

ACC = Area Control Center

ADF = Automatic Direction Finder

AFIS = Aerodrome Flight Information Service

AIC = Aeronautical Information Circular

AIP = Aeronautical Information Publication

AIP SUP = Aeronautical Information Publication Supplement

AIS = Aeronautical Information Service

ALSR = Alerting Service

APP = Approach

APP = Approach Control

ATC = Air Traffic Control

ATIS = Automatic Terminal Information Service

ATR = Aerodrome Traffic Region

ATS = Air Traffic Service

ATZ = Aerodrome Traffic Zone

BC = Patches. There are patches of fog within the aerodrome perimeter.

BCFG-DZRA = Patches of fog and light drizzle and rain

BKN = Broken

CAT = Clear Air Turbulence

CAVOK = Ceiling and Visibility OK

CB = Cumulunimbus

CF = Centrifugal Force

CNL = (forecast has been) Cancelled

COR = Correction (of the previous report)

CTA = Control Area

CTR = Control Region

D = Downward

DEP = Departure

DME = Distance Measuring Equipment

DR = Drifting

DZ = Drizzle

ELT = Emergency Locator Transmitter

ETP = Equal Time Point

FA = Aviation Area Forecast

FD = Winds and Temperatures Aloft Forecast

FIR = Flight Information Region

FIS = Flight Information Service

FMS = Flight Management System

FPL = Filed Flight Plan

FT = Feet

FZRA = Moderate Freezing Rain

GPS = Global Positioning System

GS = Ground Speed

HCL = Horizontal Component of Lift

HDG = Heading

IC = Ice Crystals

IFR = Instrument Flight Rules

IMC = Instrument Meteorological Condition

KN = Knots

MAP = Missed Approach Point

MCA = Minimum Crossing Altitude

MEA = Minimum Enroute Altitude

METAR = Aerodrome Routine Meteorological Report

MOCA = Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude

MORA = Minimum Off-route Altitude

MRA = Minimum Reception Altitude

MSA = Minimum Sector Altitude

N = No change

NCD = No Cloud Detected

NDB = Non Directional Beacon

NDV = No Directional Variations Available

NIL = (no report exists)

NM = Nautical Miles

NOSIG = No Significant Changes

NOTAM = Notice to Airmen

NRST = Nearest

NSC = Nil Significant Cloud

PAR = Precision Approach Radar

PET = Point of Equal Time

PFD = Planned Flight Data

PIB = Preflight Information Bulletin

PIREP = Pilot Report

PL = Ice Pellets

PR = Partial

PSR = Point of Safe Return

PSR = Primary Surveillance Radar

QNE = Query: Nautical Equivalent

QNH = Query: Nautical Height

RA = Rain

RCC = Rescue Coordination Center

RMI = Radio Magnetic Indicator

RWY = Runway

SCT = Scattered

SG = Snow Grains

SID = Standard Instrument Departure

SIGMET = Significant Meteorological Information

SN = Snow

SPECI = Aerodrome Special Meteorological Report

SSR = Secondary Surveillance Radar

SSR Code = Special Service Request Code

STAR = Standard Terminal Arrival

TAF = Terminal Aerodrome Forecast

TAS = True Airspeed

TCA = Terminal Control Area

TCU = Towering Cumulus

TEMPO = Temporary Fluctuations

TMA = Terminal Area

TWR = Tower

U = Upward

UTA = Upper Control Area

UTC = Coordinated Universal Time

VC = Vicinity

VCTS = Thunderstorm is observed in the vicinity of the aerodrome

VFR = Visual Flight Rules

VMC = Visual Meteorological Condition

VOR = VHF Omnidirectional Range

VV = Vertical Visibility

WPT = Waypoint

WS = Windshear

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