The Legend of Banyuwangi: Nama: Alfia Putri Kelas: XII MIPA 6 No.: 04

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Nama : Alfia Putri

Kelas : XII MIPA 6

No. : 04


Assalamualaikum wr wb

Here I will tell you a little about the legend of Banyuwangi.

The Legend of Banyuwangi tells the story of King Sulahkromo, who wanted to marry his
Prime Minister’s wife, Surati.
When the Prime Minister, Raden Banterang, was away on a mission, the King accused Surati
of being unfaithful. Banterang believed the King’s accusations and killed his own wife by
throwing her into the river. However, as she was falling, Surati declared that her innocence
would be proven.
As soon as her body hit the water, the river turned clean and emitted a wonderful
fragrance.Banterang exclaimed “Banyu... Wangi... Banyuwangi,” meaning “fragrant water,”
and from then on, the town of Banyuwangi was born. The legend is a symbol of the purity
and sacredness of true love, and it is said that the fragrance of the river still remains to this
Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb

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