flgx213 Pcjun2019

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Requirements for this paper/Benodighede vir hierdie vraestel: Resources/Hulpmiddels:

Answer Scripts/ Multi-choice cards (A4)/

Antwoordskrifte: X Multikeusekaarte (A4)
Attendance Slips (Fill-in Paper)/ Graph Paper/
Presensiestrokies (Invulvraestel): GrafiekPapier
Scrap Paper/ Calculators/
Rofwerkpapier Sakrekenaars
Multi-choice cards (A5)/ Laptop (Power not provided)/
Multikeusekaarte (A5) Skootrekenaar (Krag word nie voorsien nie)

Type of Assessment/ Duration/ 3 Hrs 00 Min

Tipe Assessering:
Exam Opportunity:1 Tydsduur:

Paper Number/ Maximum Marks/ 100

Vraestel Nommer: Maksimum Punte:

Module Code/ Module Description/

Modulekode: Module Beskrywing:

Examiner(s)/ Dr Shani le Roux-PC; Date/ 2019/06/05

Eksaminator(e): Datum:

Tyd: 14:00
Dr Lebo Gafane-Matemane-PC;
Moderator(s): Qualification/
Kwalifikasie: BHSc
External Moderator(s)/
Eksterne Moderator(s):

Submission of answer scripts/Inhandiging van antwoordskrifte: ORDINARY


The multiple activities of the cells, tissues and organs of the body are coordinated by the interplay of several
types of chemical messenger systems. Endocrine hormones are released by glands or specialised cells into
the circulating blood and influence the function of target cells at another location in the body. Answer the
questions that follows: | Die veelvuldige aktiwiteite van die selle, weefsels en organe van die liggaam word
gekoördineer deur die wisselwerking tussen verskeie tipes chemiese boodskappersisteme. Endokriene
hormone word deur kliere of gespesialiseerde selle in die sirkulerende bloed vrygestel en beïnvloed die funksie
van teikenselle op 'n ander plek in die liggaam. Beantwoord die vrae wat volg:

Question 1 | Vraag 1

1.1 Endocrine hormones can be classified in three different classes. The figure below has to do with how
protein hormones are synthesised. Describe the steps labelled a-d in the figure. | Endokriene hormone
kan in drie verskillende klasse geklassifiseer word. Die onderstaande figuur het te doen met hoe
proteïenhormone gesintetiseer word. Beskryf die stappe gemerk a-d in die figuur. (4)

1.2 One example of a protein hormone is insulin. Specify (i) how insulin is transported in the blood and (ii)
what type of receptor insulin will bind to once it reaches the target tissue. | Een voorbeeld van 'n
proteïenhormoon is insulien. Spesifiseer (i) hoe insulien in die bloed vervoer word en (ii) aan watter tipe
reseptor insulien sal bind sodra dit die teikenweefsel bereik. (2)

1.3 Name two other classes of hormones. | Noem twee ander klasse hormone. (2)

1.4 After hormones has had an effect on the target tissue, it needs to be removed from the blood. Provide a
formula that could be used to determine the metabolic clearance rate of a hormone. | Nadat hormone 'n
effek op die teikenweefsel gehad het, moet dit uit die bloed verwyder word. Voorsien 'n formule wat
gebruik kan word om die metaboliese opruimingstempo van 'n hormoon te bepaal. (2)

FLGX213: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds 1/7

Question 2 | Vraag 2

A patient is admitted to the hospital and his file indicates very low blood pressure levels. A laboratory report
shows elevated vasopressin (ADH) and aldosterone concentrations in his blood. Answer the following
questions: | 'n Pasiënt word in die hospitaal opgeneem en sy lêer dui op baie lae bloeddrukvlakke. 'n
Laboratorium verslag toon verhoogde vasopressien (ADH) en aldosteroon konsentrasies in sy bloed. Antwoord
die volgende vrae:

2.1 Use your knowledge about the hypothalamus and pituitary gland and summarise the synthesis and
secretion of vasopressin. | Gebruik jou kennis oor die hipotalamus en pituïtêre klier en som die sintese
en sekresie van vasopressien op. (3)

2.2 Vasopressin and aldosterone will both play a role to normalise the patient’s blood pressure through their
effects on the kidneys and blood vessels. Complete the paragraph below by filling in or choosing the
correct term: | Vasopressien en aldosteroon sal albei 'n rol speel om die pasiënt se bloeddruk te
normaliseer deur hul effekte op die niere en bloedvate. Voltooi die onderstaande paragraaf deur die
korrekte term in te vul of te kies: (8)

___2.2.1 (Vasopressin/Aldosterone)___ will bind to its receptor on the kidney cell membranes, while
___2.2.2 (vasopressin/aldosterone)___ will bind to its receptor inside of the kidney cells. Vasopressin will
cause more channels, called ___2.2.3___, to appear and open in the kidney cell membranes.
Aldosterone, which is mainly classified as a ___2.2.4 (mineralocorticoid/glucocorticoid)___, will cause the
reabsorption of ___2.2.5___-ions and the secretion of ___2.2.6___-ions by the kidney cells. The above
mentioned will cause an increase in ___2.2.7___ reabsorption from the kidney tubules into the circulation,
which will increase the extracellular fluid volume. In addition, aldosterone can also lead to ___2.2.8
(constriction/dilation)___ of the blood vessels. Altogether, these processes will normalise the patient’s
blood pressure.

___2.2.1 (Vasopressien/Aldosteroon)___ sal bind aan sy reseptor op die niersel membrane, terwyl
___2.2.2 (vasopressien/aldosteroon)___ sal bind aan sy reseptor binne-in die nierselle. Vasopressin sal
veroorsaak dat meer kanale, naamlik ___2.2.3___, in die niersel membrane voorkom en oopmaak.
Aldosteroon, wat hoofsaaklik as 'n ___2.2.4 (mineralokortikoïed/glukokortikoïed)___ geklassifiseer word,
sal die herabsorpsie van ___2.2.5___-ione en die sekresie van ___2.2.6___-ione deur die nierselle
veroorsaak. Die bogenoemde sal 'n toename in ___2.2.7___ herabsorpsie vanuit die nierbuisies in die
sirkulasie in veroorsaak, wat die ekstrasellulêre vloeistofvolume sal verhoog. Verder kan aldosteroon ook
lei tot ___2.2.8 (konstriksie/dilatasie)___ van die bloedvate. Altesaam sal hierdie prosesse die pasiënt se
bloeddruk normaliseer.

Question 3 | Vraag 3

The following statements have to do with thyroid hormone synthesis, secretion, concentration regulation and
functions. Indicate whether each of the following statements are true or false and, if it is false, motivate your
answer: | Die volgende stellings het te doen met tiroïedhormoonsintese, sekresie, konsentrasie regulering en
funksies. Dui aan of elk van die volgende stellings waar of onwaar is en, indien dit onwaar is, motiveer u

3.1 In cold weather conditions, TRH will be released from the hypothalamus, which will stimulate the secretion
of more TSH from the thyrotrope cells of the anterior pituitary gland. This will lead to the release of more
thyroid hormones in order to increase the body’s cellular metabolic activity. | In koue weerstoestande sal
TRH vrygestel word vanaf die hipotalamus, wat die sekresie van meer TSH vanaf die tirotrope selle van
die anterior pituïtêre klier sal stimuleer. Dit sal lei tot die vrystelling van meer tiroïedhormone om sodoende
die liggaam se metaboliese aktiwiteit te verhoog.

FLGX213: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds 2/7

3.2 Thyroid hormones are synthesised and can then be stored inside the colloid of the thyroid gland cells. To
form thyroid hormones, iodide will bind to tyrosine amino acids inside the thyroglobulin molecule. |
Tiroïedhormone word gesintetiseer en kan dan binne-in die kolloïed van die tiroïedklierselle gestoor word.
Om tiroïedhormone te vorm, sal jodied aan tyrosien aminosure binne-in die tiroglobulienmolekule bind.

3.3 Protease enzymes will break down the thyroglobulin molecules inside the follicular cells and release T 3
and T4, which will then diffuse through the thyroid cell membrane and into the blood. | Protease ensieme
sal die tiroglobulienmolekules binne-in die follikulêre selle afbreek en T3 en T4 vrystel, wat dan deur die
tiroïedsel membraan en in die bloed in sal diffundeer.

3.4 Thyroid hormones will be transported in the blood to the target tissue bound to thyroxine-binding globulin.
There it will dissociate from the protein carrier, enter the cell and T 3 will bind to its receptor in the cell
cytoplasm. | Tiroïedhormone sal in die bloed vervoer word na die teikenweefsel gebonde aan tiroksien-
bindingsglobulien. Daar sal dit van die proteïendraer af dissosieer, die sel binnegaan en T3 sal bind aan
sy reseptor in die sel sitoplasma.

3.5 Thyroid hormones play an important role in the growth and development of the central nervous system. |
Tiroïedhormone speel 'n belangrike rol in die groei en ontwikkeling van die sentrale senuweestelsel.

Question 4 | Vraag 4

Cortisol and growth hormone are both secreted in a circadian rhythm. These hormones also have similar
physiological effects on the body’s metabolism. Summarize the three metabolic effects of cortisol and growth
hormone together. | Kortisol en groeihormoon word beide sekreteer in 'n sirkadiese ritme. Hierdie hormone het
ook soortgelyke fisiologiese effekte op die liggaam se metabolisme. Som die drie metaboliese effekte van
kortisol en groeihormoon op. [6]

Question 5 | Vraag 5

The pancreas is composed of two major types of tissues. The islets of Langerhans secrete pancreatic
hormones directly into the circulation. | Die pankreas bestaan uit twee hoof soorte weefsels. Die eilandjies van
Langerhans sekreteer pankreas hormone direk in die sirkulasie in.

5.1 Identify how the concentration of the following hormones would change if the glucose concentration
increased: | Identifiseer hoe die konsentrasie van die volgende hormone sal verander indien die
glukosekonsentrasie toeneem:

5.1.1 Insulin | Insulien (1)

5.1.2 Glucagon | Glukagon (1)
5.1.3 Somatostatin | Somatostatien (1)

5.2 Shortly describe the effect of norepinephrine on the pancreatic beta-cells. | Beskryf kortliks die effek van
norepinefrien op die pankreas betaselle. (1)

Question 6 | Vraag 6

Elaborate on the following statement: “Parathyroid hormone (PTH), vitamin D and calcitonin each have an
important effect on the skeletal system (bones) when calcium concentrations in the blood decreases.” | Brei
uit op die volgende stelling: "Paratiroïedhormoon (PTH), vitamien D en kalsitonien het elk 'n belangrike effek
op die skelet (bene) wanneer kalsiumkonsentrasies in die bloed afneem." [4]

FLGX213: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds 3/7

Question 7 | Vraag 7

When hormone levels are too low or too high, pathological conditions may develop which can have various
detrimental symptoms. Match the descriptions in column B to the correct pathological conditions in column A
(write down only the number and the corresponding letter in your answer book): | Wanneer hormoonvlakke te
laag of te hoog is, kan patologiese toestande ontwikkel wat verskillende nadelige simptome kan hê. Pas die
beskrywings in kolom B by die korrekte patologiese toestande in kolom A (skryf slegs die nommer en die
ooreenstemmende letter in jou antwoordboek neer):


Total (A) | Totaal (A): [50]


The overall function of the digestive system is to process ingested foods into molecular forms that are then
transferred, along with small molecules, ions, and water, to the body’s internal environment, where the
circulatory system can distribute them to cells. | Die algehele funksie van die spysverteringstelsel is om
ingeneemde kosse na molekulêre vorms te verwerk wat dan, saam met klein molekules, ione en water, na die
liggaam se interne omgewing oorgedra word, waar die sirkulatoriese sisteem hulle na selle kan versprei.

Question 8 | Vraag 8

Study the figure below and answer the following questions with regards to the basic functions of the
gastrointestinal tract (GIT): | Bestudeer die onderstaande figuur en beantwoord die volgende vrae met
betrekking tot die basiese funksies van die spysverteringskanaal (SVK):

FLGX213: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds 4/7

8.1 Label the processes a-c in the figure. | Benoem die prosesse a-c in die figuur. (3)

8.2 Describe what the process of absorption in the GIT entails. | Beskryf wat die proses van absorpsie in die
SVK behels. (2)

Question 9 | Vraag 9

9.1 The following statements have to do with the process of protein absorption in the small intestine.
Rearrange the steps in the correct order. (Write down only the letters in the correct order, e.g.
GIFJH.) | Die volgende stellings het te doen met die proses van proteïenabsorpsie in die dunderm.
Herrangskik die stappe in die korrekte volgorde. (Skryf slegs die letters in die korrekte volgorde neer, bv.
GIFJH.) (5)

A: Some small peptides are absorbed through cotransport with hydrogen into epithelial cells, while other
small peptides are broken down to amino acids by peptidases in the brush border. Amino acids are
absorbed into epithelial cells via cotransport with sodium. | Sommige klein peptiede word
geabsorbeer deur kotransport met waterstof in epiteelselle in, terwyl ander klein peptiede na
aminosure afgebreek word deur peptidase in die borsel wand. Aminosure word geabsorbeer in
epiteelselle in via kotransport met natrium.

B: Proteins and peptides are digested into small peptides and amino acids in the lumen by pancreatic
proteases and peptidases. | Proteïene en peptiede word verteer na klein peptiede en aminosure in
die lumen deur pankreatiese protease en peptidase.

C: Amino acids cross the basolateral membrane through facilitated diffusion via amino acid transporters
into the interstitial fluid. Energy required for absorption is provided by sodium-potassium-ATPase
pumps on the basolateral membrane. | Aminosure beweeg oor die basolaterale membraan deur
gefasiliteerde diffusie via aminosuur transporters in die interstisiële vloeistof in. Energie benodig vir
absorpsie word verskaf deur natrium-kalium-ATPase pompe op die basolaterale membraan.

D: Amino acids diffuse from the interstitial fluid into the blood. | Aminosure diffundeer vanaf die
interstisiële vloeistof in die bloed in.

E: Small peptides are catabolised to amino acids by peptidases. | Klein peptiede word na aminosure
gekataboliseer deur peptidase.

9.2 Provide a term for the descriptions below that have to do with fat digestion: | Verskaf 'n term vir die
beskrywings hieronder wat met vetvertering te doen het: (3)

9.2.1 Breaks down triglycerides into a monoglyceride and two fatty acids. | Breek trigliseriede af in 'n
monogliseried en twee vetsure.
9.2.2 Division of the large lipid droplets into many very small droplets. | Verdeling van die groot
lipieddruppels in baie klein druppeltjies.
9.2.3 A protein that binds the lipase enzyme, holding it on the surface of the lipid droplet. | 'n Proteïen
wat die lipase ensiem bind en dit op die oppervlak van die lipieddruppel hou.

9.3 Give an overview of the cause and effect of Celiac’s disease. | Gee 'n oorsig oor die oorsaak en gevolg
van Celiac se siekte. (2)

FLGX213: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds 5/7

Question 10 | Vraag 10

10.1 Compare gastrin and secretin by completing the table on the next page: | Vergelyk gastrien en sekretien
deur die tabel op die volgende bladsy te voltooi: (6)

Gastrin | Gastrien Secretin | Sekretien

Site of production 10.1.1 10.1.2
Plek van produksie
Stimuli for hormone release 10.1.3 10.1.4
Stimuli vir hormoonvrystelling
Response in stomach (acid secretion and motility) 10.1.5 10.1.6
Respons in maag (suur sekresie en beweging)

10.2 Various reflexes can activate the GIT. Name (i) 3 types of receptors and (ii) 2 effectors involved in these
reflexes. | Verskeie reflekse kan die SVK aktiveer. Noem (i) 3 tipes reseptore en (ii) 2 effektore betrokke
by hierdie reflekse. (5)

Question 11 | Vraag 11

Answer the questions below with regards to movement and secretion of the GIT. | Beantwoord die
onderstaande vrae met betrekking tot die beweging en sekresie van die SVK.

11.1 List the three phases of the swallowing process in the order they take place. | Lys die drie fases van die
slukproses in die volgorde waarin hulle plaasvind. (3)

11.2 Identify the role of mucus in saliva. | Identifiseer die rol van mukus in speeksel. (1)

11.3 “The stomach does not digest itself, regardless of its acidic content.” Elaborate on this statement. | "Die
maag verteer nie homself nie, ongeag van sy suuragtige inhoud." Brei uit op hierdie stelling. (3)

11.4 Describe what is meant by “segmentation” in the small intestine. | Beskryf wat bedoel word met
"segmentasie" in die dunderm. (3)

11.5 Label a-c in the figure below to indicate how pepsin is produced in the stomach lumen. | Benoem a-c
in die onderstaande figuur om aan te dui hoe pepsien in die maag lumen produseer word. (3)

11.6 Identify (i) the primary function of the colon, as well as (ii) what the physiological consequences of
diarrhoea will be. | Identifiseer (i) die primêre funksie van die kolon, asook (ii) wat die fisiologiese gevolge
van diarree sal wees. (4)

FLGX213: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds 6/7

Question 12 | Vraag 12

Other organs, such as the pancreas and the liver, also play an important role in digestion. | Ander organe,
soos die pankreas en die lewe, speel ook ‘n belangrike rol in vertering.

12.1 Design a flow diagram to indicate how an increase in acid from the stomach will influence pancreas
secretion and the pH of the small intestine. | Ontwerp 'n vloeidiagram om aan te dui hoe 'n toename in
suur van die maag pankreas sekresie en die pH van die dunderm sal beïnvloed. (5)

12.2 Identify two pancreas enzymes that would break peptide bonds in proteins to form peptide fragments. |
Identifiseer twee pankreas ensieme wat peptiedbindings in proteïene sal afbreek om peptiedfragmente
te vorm. (2)

Total (B) | Totaal (B): [50]


File reference:

FLGX213: Paper / Vraestel 1 | Exam 1st opp/Eksamen 1e gel | Full-time/Voltyds 7/7

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