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Hannah Zetterholm

Transition Portfolio

Part 1: Overview of the Student

James Franks is currently 17 years old and is in 11th grade. He attends Trumpet High

School. This high school consists of 950 students (9th-12th grade). This size school has smaller

class sizes, so that has helped James be able to receive 1:1 help in the classroom.

James was diagnosed with the autism spectrum disorder. He has had a thorough IEP

written for him, so that he could perform his best potential in school. He lives with his mom and

his two younger sisters- both of them are not on the spectrum. His estimated graduation year is

in 2024. James has had good attendance throughout high school, but he has had some

discipline incidents that have happened. He has been taking the annual MDE M-STEP, his

results came back with 2, 3 and 4’s.

Part 2: Vision Statement

His mom has expressed that she would like James to become more independent with

his daily living activities. These daily living activities include his hygiene, keeping track of when

he should wash his clothes, and preparing/cooking healthy choices. His mom would like him to

apply for a summer job, so that he can have experience working and earning his own money.

During the school year, his mom would like him to try out for the swim team, since his only

interest is swimming. She thinks this would help his ability to talk to other peers around him.

Since he does not have an extracurricular activity, he goes to his town's pool for open swim on

the days that he does not attend ABA. He currently goes to ABA two times a week for two


James main interest is spending time outdoors and loves to swim. He enjoys watching

famous swimmers compete and loves to share about the swim meet with other peers or

teachers. His dream is to compete in the Olympics and to win a gold medal. His mom has
discussed joining the school swim team. He seems to be very excited to have this option

presented to him.

Caseload teacher:

James has been working really hard to keep up with his homework assignments, but he

is struggling to finish and turn in all his homework on time. He is mostly focused on talking about

swimming. He gets very frustrated when his peers are not interested in the same topic as him.

There is a special olympics swimming team, that if he works hard he could try-out for it.

Part 3: Present Level of Performance

James currently has an A in culinary arts, which are assigned by the regular education

classroom teacher. His remaining grades are:

Literature: C+

Algebra 2: D+

History: C-

Biology: D+

Study block: A

He is on a regular education high school diploma track.

THe following are the results of when James took the Kaufman Test of Educational

Achievement (KTEA 2).

Letter-word recognition: 100

Reading comprehension: 70

Reading composite: 79

Math concepts and application: 52

Match computation: 71

Math composite: 63
Written expression: 61

Written language composite: 50

Part 4: Course of Study

A typical school day at Trumpet High School starts at 7:50 and ends at 2:45. There are

six periods at THS. Lunch is included in the 4th period. The school is split into three lunches A,

B, and C. There are many regular education classes provided for the students to choose from.

The students should choose these classes based on their grade level and if they have taken the

prerequisite classes needed for the particular class.

James has five periods of regular education classes and one period for study hour for

extra academic support. The academic support class helps James catch up on his extra school

work and will help James with any subject that he feels frustrated with.

Part 5: Transition Plan

1. Instruction: James needs assistance with social skills and job applications.

2. Community Experiences: James need experience in the community, including but not

limited to job shadowing.

3. Development of Employment and Adult Living Objectives: At this time, we are preparing

James for how to get a job. He will be applying for a job during the summer months, so

that he is able to gain experience of employment.

4. Related Services: Observations and information from his caseload teacher show what

James needs social work services.

5. Daily living skills training: James needs to learn more daily living skills of showering,

personal hygiene, choosing healthy snacks, and knowing when his clothing is dirty.

6. Linkages with adult services: At this time James will not need adult services.
James should be starting with his community experiences now during the summer months. This

will help him be ready for a job experience after he graduates from THS. He should get

assistance from his teachers and mom about job applications and help with social skills.

Part 6: Annual Goals

1. James will complete at minimum 4.5 credits for the 2022-2023 academic year.

2. James will improve his ability to interpret verbal and non-verbal social cues and relate to

those in appropriate ways.

a. He will need to have this skill, when employed at a job and when he is talking

with peers or adults.

3. James will improve his ability to complete tasks independently.

a. This will help when James is completing tasks at home or if he is completing his

homework. He will especially benefit from this if he plans on living independently

after he graduated from THS.

4. James will improve his self-determination skills.

a. This will help him when finishing up homework assignments, or applying for jobs.

These goals are helpful for James current transition plan. These goals will help James achieve

any aspirations after graduation that he has set for himself.

Part 7: Emotional Intelligence

James will continue to work on appropriate social interactions. These social interaction

skills will help with employment, mastering ADLs, and when talking with peers.

1. Joining an intermediate swim team

2. Learning to better read social cues from his peers

3. Working on daily tasks independently

Three recommendations for Social Adaptations skills that can be applicable to James

employment after graduation.:

1. James will join the swim team to engage in conversations with peers with a similar

interest as him.

2. James will set up a schedule for all daily tasks that should be completed at home.

3. James will have mock interviews to help him with his employment process after


Part 8: Leisure and Recreational

James will join a swim team that meets three times a week after school. This program

will begin January of 2023. James will be able to use this time to improve all of his swimming

skills: speed, accuracy of swimming, diving, and competing. On Saturdays, James will continue

to go to the open swim time at his local pool. He also enjoys laying in the hammock to relax

after school, as well as going on walks with his mother and his two sisters. These two activities

help him to have the chance to spend time outdoors, in addition to spending time with his family.

James will most likely continue his swimming career/hobby after graduation. It is

something that helps relieve stress with school and something that boosts his confidence. In the

future, James would like to be able to have the chance to compete in the olympics. His biggest

idol is Michael Phelps. He hopes to follow in his footsteps one day.

Part 9: Least Restrictive Environment

James will continue in the general education setting except for his study/ academic

support period. For the rest of his junior year at TSH, his caseload teacher will continue the

same course settings. James is still practicing his peer interaction skills, so it is important that he

is placed in a general education setting, so that he is able to learn through a real life experience.

He has an academic support period, so that if he is frustrated with any homework assignments

given to him, he is able to be provided with guidance to finish the assignment.

Part 10: Summary of Performance

1. The student should be directed to a The special education teacher should set him
job coach to help him get ready for up with a job coach before graduation. This
competitive employment. job coach will prepare him for interviews, and
will help him learn the daily tasks that are
associated with this job. He will work with this
job coach until he is prepared enough to work
at the job independently. After the job coach
leaves, his place of employment may want to
set him up with a peer mentor, so that he will
still have someone that he is able to reach
out to if he is in need of extra help.

2. The student will live independently His mother will help prep him and help find
after graduation. him a housing situation nearby. After this
student is able to do daily home tasks
independently, he will live independently. His
mom mentioned that this housing will be near
her, but she wants to give him the experience
of living independently.

3. He will continue to be on an This will help him continue social interactions

intermediate swim team at a swim with others, as well as, help him train for his
club. If he decides he does not like ultimate dream, which is to be in the
swimming later on, his mother and Olympics. His coach will work with him on
him will try and find another hobby for becoming a better swimmer. If he becomes
him. uninterested in swimming, he and his mother
will work together to find another club or sport
for him to be active in. They may try a
reporting club, since he likes to watch

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