Roube Como Um Artista SYDNEY

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Warm up

• Do you remember something you liked to do in the past, but for some reason
you stopped doing it?
• Is there something you're interested in that you feel is different from most
people? (Example: I love astronomy.)
• NASA's James Webb Space Telescope

lama- mud

The author: Austin Kleon is a New York Times bestselling author of five books. Kleon's
works focus on creativity in today's world.

Steal like an artist

Nothing is original
You are a mashup of what you let into your life (friends, music, books, movies,
Do you remember any book, movie or person that impacted your life on
some level?

Artists are collectors who collect selectively. Your job is collect good ideas. The
more good ideas you collect, the more you can choose to be influenced from. You’re
only going to be as good what you surround yourself with.
“If you ever find that you're the most talented person in the room, you need to
find another room.”
Hobbies are important
Do things you like, even if it doesn't seem useful. A hobby is something creative
just for you. You don’t try to make money or get famous. You do it because it makes you
happy. Creative leisure is essential for creativity.
Do you have any hobbies? Or did you used to have one?
What would you like to do more often if you could?

Go and see different things

Your brain gets too comfortable in your everyday surroundings. You need to
make it uncomfortable. Spend some time in another land, among people that do things
differently from you.

Is there a different culture/country you would like to know?

Take Care Of Yourself

It takes a lot of energy to be creative. You don’t have that energy if you waste it
on other stuff.
Eat breakfast. Do pushups. Go for long walks. Get plenty of sleep.

Have you been getting enough sleep?

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