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From: Ayesha Ahmed

To: Dr. Saeeda Usman
Subject: Introduction of ICT
Dated: 10 March 2023
Registration#: Sp23-BSCS-026


 A computer can be defined as an electronic device used for manipulating
information or data. Computers also have the ability to store, retrieve and process
 These days, people use computers for typing documents, playing games, sending
emails and browsing the internet. One can also use these devices to create or edit
presentations, spreadsheets and videos.
 There are five generations of computers.

 The main electronic components that are used in the present generation of
computers is Artificial Intelligence which uses the parallel processing method and
the Ultra-Large Scale Integration (ULSI).
 The fifth generation of computers understands the natural human language.

 The speeds are really fast and the sizes are also small.

 The latest-generation computers are portable and have a huge storage capacity.

 The input/output devices are keyboards, monitors, touchscreen pens, printers, light
scanners, and so on.

 Examples are laptops, desktops, tablets, smartphones, etc.

 These days, generation can be used to refer to both software and hardware; these
together form the entire computer system.
Differentiate Between Processors, Cores And Series

 A core is usually the basic computation unit of the CPU - it can run a single
program context (or multiple ones if it supports hardware threads such as
hyper threading on Intel CPUs), maintaining the correct program state,
registers, and correct execution order, and performing the operations
through ALUs. For optimization purposes, a core can also hold on-core
caches with copies of frequently used memory chunks.
 A CPU may have one or more cores to perform tasks at a given time. These
tasks are usually software processes and threads that the OS schedules.
 CPU is a central processing unit. Since 2002 we have only single core
processor i.e. we will only perform a single task or a program at a time.
 For having multiple programs run at a time we have to use the multiple
processor for executing multi processes at a time so we required another
motherboard for that and that is very expensive.
 A data series is a row or column of numbers that are entered in a
worksheet and plotted in your chart, such as a list of quarterly business
 Series can be used to represent functions and approximate solutions to
mathematical problems. For example, the Taylor series can be used to
approximate the behavior of a function near a particular point.


Hyper-threading is a process by which a CPU divides up its physical cores into

virtual cores that are treated as if they are actually physical cores by the operating

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