Antolo-Eng-9 - Final LP

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Quarter/MELCS; Remarks
Date :________
I. Objectives At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

a . Identify valid and Invalid information;

b. differentiate valid from invalid information; and
c. apply the importance of validity in everyday life.

Materials PowerPoint Presentation

II. Lesson Valid and Invalid information

III. Procedure a . Classroom Routines

• Prayer
• Checking of attendance

“ Know what you are talking about “


Task 2: Arrange Me!

Direction : Rearrange the jumbled letters to form a

Activity meaningful
words .

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1. What did you notice in the given activities?

Analysis 2 .How did you provide your answer ?
3 .Based on the given activities , What do you think is
our topic for today?
Presentation of Objectives

Abstraction Discussion of Valid and Invalid Information

What is Valid Information?

• An extent to which a concept ,information, judgment

are accurate and based on fact .

• Body of fact indicating when a belief or a preposition is

true and proven by an evidence .


• According to a tweet of a GMA News Chino Gaston,

Governor Roel Degamo was killed by gunmen at his
home on March 4,2023.

Sources of Information

• Newspaper Articles
• Schoolarly Articles
• Magazine Articles
• Textbook
• Television
• Radio
•Expert Opinion
• Autobiography

Tips you may consider to know if the information is

valid :

•Check for biases

•Check for evidences
• Check for the credentials of the sources
• Check for the year of publication

What is Invalid information

• An Information that is not acceptable.

• Not based on facts ,evidence or judgment .

• Congressman Arnie Tevis was the mastermind of
killing Governor Degamo .

How will you know if the information is invalid ?

• Bias
•Based on your own opinion
•No credible sources

Prove your Claim!

Direction : With your group create a short scenario that

shows valid and invalid information .Give reason to
support your claim.

Group 1. (Valid Information)

Group 2.(Invalid Information)

Guess it ! To win it !

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Guess if the given statement is valid or not
valid .Write “I CARE “if the statement is valid and “
I DON’T CARE” if it is not .

1.Isaiah 60 : 22 of the holy bible proved that when the

time is right the Lord will make it happen .

2.According to the National Geographic there are more

than 7,100 islands in the Philippines.

3. Only poor suffered the effect of the covid 19

pandemic .

4. According to a tweet of GMA News Chino

Gaston ,Governor Roel Degamo of Negros Oriental
was killed by gunmen at his home on March 4,2023.
5.Those who stay at home won’t get infected by covid

V. Assignment

1.How can you determine if the evidence is valid or not ?

Prepared by : Antolo ,Jonessa V.

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