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Is your mind still working?

At times, the words are hard to understand

so we failed
You, can you tell me, do you still sleep at 9
in the evening? To get the right answer and get higher
From all this lessons to study and
understand But still we study until late

With no one to help but only you, you,

Yes! Yes, they say it helps us to become
I bet no more independent

No because your mind is like a dormant But being independent in this time, in this
volcano now! time! Is deficient

Not working and blocked like a toilet bowl I sometimes think that I'm just doing these
modules, these theorems, these dance and
No because you're still making a poster at 3 these posters
in the morning Even though you're scared
that there's a ghost in your back roaming For me to get a good grade,

But you have to finish it, comply it A name on the lists of with honors

Cause your grades would fall if you don't do A good grade and with honors
But suffered from all those late nights and
blank mind

It all started with this virus, this pandemic Thinking I learned from these modules but
was tortured physically and mentally, but
Classes were suspended and its no use didn't even mind
But to stay at home and wait for a solution But yes until now we still study and fight.
For us to continue our education

And at last, after 8 long months of detention Fortunately, more vaccines are coming
The department come up with a solution And I think it's the only way to stop this
That everyone will accept and agree on
Let's just wait for the virus to wilt
Modular Distance Learning it called
Come back to normal, sit and tilt
But for me it just implode
To the chairs in our classroom as we learn
This new learning system, is a no for me
Not on an A4 paper with information that's
In a module consists 3-5 activities that not as wide as the space
So I ask you after all of these were spoken?
It takes up all the given time to end
Is your mind and heart now, mend and not
How can we finish it all by friday, we're so broken?
If yes, let's answer our modules then.
Information about the lesson are not

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