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Energy is the Central Key to a Good Life!

Energy is EVERYTHING! It’s the currency of life. Want to know the difference between something that’s
alive and something that isn’t? It’s that the thing that’s ALIVE has cells that are creating ENERGY.
And yet, even though energy is the central key to having a good life filled with vitality, happiness and
passion, most of us feel like we DON’T HAVE IT! People are tired. They’re sick. They’re stressed. They’re
exhausted. They’re anxious and depressed. They’re emotionally flat. They’re bored and lacking passion.
There’s no sex drive. They come home and you don’t feel like being with their family, and they don’t have
the drive to spend quality time with them. And they’re usually just trying to drag themselves through another
day with caffeine. This is why so many people are hooked on caffeine—because they just don’t FEEL that
energy. They’re constantly BORROWING energy from TOMORROW to pay for today, with caffeine and
stimulants. And because of all this, people are becoming bankrupt in something that’s incredibly important to
having a good life—energy and passion for life.
Here are some scary stats to think about…
• In WebMD's annual Year in Health survey, women across the U.S. named fatigue among their top
five health concerns.
• In the American Psychological Association's 2012 Stress in America survey, 45 PERCENT of
women reported feeling chronically fatigued due to stress.
• A survey commissioned by Legal & General found that 34 percent of the 5,000 people asked said
that chronic low-level, general fatigue was their BIGGEST health concern.
• The Chartered Management Institute recently conducted a 'Quality of Working Life' report which
showed that insomnia is widespread and more than HALF of us experience feelings of constant
tiredness at work.

Simply put… chronic fatigue, daytime sleepiness, stress, anxiety, depression, exhaustion, and
chronic lack of energy have become EPIDEMICS in our society!

That’s a BIG PROBLEM because high energy levels are the crux of having a good life! Your
happiness, your career, your health, and your relationships depend on it!
So that’s the bad news…

Here’s the GOOD NEWS…

You have massively abundant energy AVAILABLE to you. A level of vitality and energy not just 10% or
20% higher than what you have now, but MASSIVELY higher. You can access a level of energy that will fill
you with drive, motivation, vitality, and passion every single day. And once you access that, you can truly
transform the way you move through life.


1. DRAGGERS: This is the majority of people--people suffering from chronic lack of energy.
Relying on caffeine to get through the day, waking up groggy and pressing the snooze
button, not being able to get going without morning coffee, needing to snack throughout the
day to keep energy levels up… Tired, overworked, depressed, anxious, stressed, exhausted
and BURNT OUT… struggling to get through the day.

2. PEAK PERFORMERS: Those select few people who just seem to be BURSTING with
energy and life…a level of superhuman energy… people like Richard Branson, Oprah
Winfrey, and Tony Robbins, They’re the ones that always seem HAPPY, ready to take on a
challenge, climb to the top of the mountain, and get it done with a smile. They’re the Energizer
Bunnies who seem to accomplish more in the first few hours of the day than most of us
complete in a week. We say things to them like, “Where do you get your energy?” and “I don’t
know how you do everything you do.” People who fully bring their passion into the world and
live each day to the fullest. People who light up the people around them and make them
happy and excited just by their presence. When you’re operating from this place, everything
in your life gets better. Without it, you can never live fully. In this place, you are actually
LIVING life, instead of the other way around. You FEEL POWERFUL and in control of
your emotions and your destiny. You are filled with PASSION and ALIVENESS. And
when someone is operating at this level, you CAN SEE IT in their eyes. You look at them
and you can SEE they’re full of vitality and LIFE. This might seem so far from where you
are right now, it might sound like you could never achieve it. But believe me, not only is this
possible, but it’s the birthright of everyone on this planet. When you activate the right
physiological systems using the right strategies, you can transform your life.

YOU HAVE A CHOICE: You can exist in either of these two states. You can be
a dragger or a peak performer. The choice is up to you!
So if you’re struggling with chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, or you’re someone who is already healthy
and you’re looking to get next-level advanced strategies to take your energy to new levels, then you
simply need to learn the methods presented in The Energy Blueprint system.

So let’s get right into it…

There are 2 key principles at the CORE of energy enhancement. If you want to understand how to boost
your energy levels, pay very close attention to what I’m about to share with you…

The two most critical factors in increasing energy:

1. Cell Regeneration Habits: this is comprised of the basic stuff—optimal nutrition,
movement/sitting habits, stress management, sleep hygiene, circadian rhythm habits. Some of
this is stuff you’re already familiar with, but even here, there is a huge amount of science that
can take even these foundational habits to the next level).
2. Cell Engine Building Habits: this is comprised of advanced cutting-edge strategies that 99.9%
of people—including even diet and fitness gurus—have no clue about. This is the real cutting-
edge science of energy enhancement). This is about building up your mitochondria in your
cells—which are the cellular power plants or energy generators—and making them bigger and
stronger. Basically building the cellular engine is about exposing your body to certain kinds of
stimuli that make your body ADAPT to them by creating a stronger internal cellular engine—
building bigger, more powerful mitochondria … and even making MORE of these mitochondria,
so you can literally upgrade the SIZE OF YOUR CELLULAR ENGINE. For example, going
from 500 mitochondria in each cell to 1,000 or more. One example of this type of cellular engine
builder that you’re already familiar with is EXERCISE. But THERE’S A WHOLE BUNCH OF
OTHERS that you don’t know about! And even with exercise, there are tons of tips and tricks
that make all the difference in whether or not you actually build up your mitochondria, your
cellular engine, OR NOT. Overall, I have discovered over a DOZEN key factors (beyond just
exercise) that can have a HUGE impact on building your cellular engine! And this is truly
cutting-edge stuff that virtually NO ONE knows.

And here’s the thing… building high energy levels, peak performance, and world-class vitality is all
about the CYCLING back and forth between these two states.

The magic key to high energy levels in the

pulsation and cycling between these states.

Cellular Building the

Regeneration Cellular Engine

When you ALTERNATE between BUILDING THE CELLULAR ENGINE and then creating efficient
CELL REGNERATION, you have the RECIPE for TRANSFORMING your energy levels. What you
want to do is create SPIKES of cellular engine building time, and then go into regeneration mode. The bigger
the oscillation, the BETTER! You want BIG TIME cellular engine building stimuli, and then BIG TIME cell
regeneration stimuli. This shifting back and forth between these states is where the real magic of maximal
energy levels is!

Now here’s a key point: Most people are NOT doing EITHER of these things very well. They aren’t
dialed in when it comes to cellular regeneration OR building the cellular engine. Instead of having these
spikes built into their life that designed to build the cellular engine and then regeneration, they have

They are just flat-lining. Think of being in hospital… what does a flat-line mean? It’s not a very good thing,
right?! Most people are flat-liners when it comes to BOTH cellular regeneration and cellular engine
builders—they’re just not doing either very well.

And flat lining on these two things is how to wreck your energy levels. (Not to mention predispose to
countless diseases, and make yourself overweight in the process).

And here’s the other key thing to realize: Mmost of the standard advice out there for increasing energy levels
that you will find in books and articles and programs doesn’t really get at EITHER of these two factors. To
really start to optimize the two factors, you need strategies that go beyond the typical advice you hear out
there. (The stuff you hear about energy levels is mostly just repetition of all the same stuff we’ve all heard a
thousand times before … “eat healthy, do exercise…lower your stress levels… drink lots of water… take this
herb… take my special supplement… eat your veggies… take your vitamins and minerals… go low-carb…
don’t eat sugar or gluten…cut out caffeine… and sleep 8 hours every night.”)
To get real results in enhancing your energy levels, you need to move WAY beyond this stuff. You need to
go into the realm of cutting-edge scientific strategies that dramatically enhance the ability of your cells to
produce energy.
And that’s exactly what I have created and want to share with you with The Energy Blueprint system!

Your Exercise:
Please do a brief assessment of your current daily routine…
I want you to write down everything you do from the moment you wake up til the moment you go to sleep at
To give an example of the type of list you should write down, here is a typical example of daily habits for
many people:
7:00am – Wake up
7:10am – Have coffee with cream and sugar
7:20am – Shower
7:30am – Breakfast: 2 eggs and toast with strawberry jam
8am-12pm – Sit at my computer working
12pm – Lunch: Subway meatball sub
1pm-5pm – Sit at my computer working
7pm – Dinner: Chicken salad
8pm-11pm – Watch TV
11:30pm-7am – Sleep

Write down your list of daily habits.

What time do you wake up each morning? What time do you go to sleep? How much sleep do you get?
How well are you sleeping? What do you eat for breakfast? What do you eat for lunch and dinner?
What do you typically snack on? What do you do for work during the day? Think about these
questions and write out your daily routine like in the example above.

After you write all that down, hold on to that, because as we get into more details around the strategies you
need to boost your energy levels, I want you to start to see how it all relates to your daily habits so you can
begin to see where you’re doing things that are hurting your energy levels and where you’re NOT doing
things that you should be doing to maximize your energy levels.

Now look over your habits and pay particular attention to the 2 core principles of optimal energy
1. Cell Regeneration Habits: Nutrition habits, de-stressing habits, sleep habits.
2. Cell Engine Building Habits: So far we’ve only talked about exercise, but much more to come on

Even now, before knowing about the 100 or so energy-enhancement strategies in The Energy Blueprint,
perhaps you can already start to see why your habits aren’t leading to the energy levels you want.
So go ahead and do that right now. Really do it! Don’t skimp on this. I promise it’s going to be worth it.
can be like everyone else who is burnt out and chronically lacking energy and having to drag themselves
through each day with caffeine (a DRAGGER) … OR … you can be like that rare breed of world-class, high
energy PEAK PERFORMERS who bring passion and aliveness into everything they do.
The choice is YOURS.
Think about what kind of person you want to be. You can continue to be a DRAGGER… Or you can
use this little exercise as the start of turning yourself into a PEAK PERFORMER and transforming
your life!

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