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Mobile Attacks and Defense

This paper appears in: Security & Privacy, IEEE Issue Date : July-Aug. 2011 Volume : 9 , Issue:4 On page(s): 68 - 70 ISSN : 1540-7993 Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/MSP.2011.85 Date of Current Version : 01 August 2011 Sponsored by : IEEE Computer Society

ABSTRACT Smartphones' features are great, but with the power they provide, there's also a threat. Smartphones are becoming a target of attackers in the same way PCs have been for many years. This article examines thesecurity models of two popular smart phone operating systems: Apple's iOS and Google's Android.

Porting Mobile Web Application Engine to the Android Platform

This paper appears in: Computer and Information Technology (CIT), 2010 IEEE 10th International Conference on Issue Date : June 29 2010-July 1 2010 On page(s): 2157 - 2161 Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-7547-6 References Cited: 10 INSPEC Accession Number: 11529282 Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/CIT.2010.369 Date of Current Version : 16 September 2010

ABSTRACT Android which Google released as an open-source mobile phone operating system is a Linux-based platform; it consists of the operating system, middleware, and user interface and application software. xFace is a cross-platform web application engine for mobile Internet. As a global leader in mobile web application engine, xFace has the advantages of versatility, easy to master, universal. It significantly reduces the effort of development; while the services of testing which porting layer provides, will greatly reduce the developer's development costs. A perfect transplant will greatly reduce the Android platform migration workload, but also to make widget's operating efficiency to be improved. This paper

describes xFace of native code (c++) runs on the Android (java) platform through JNI called, xFace porting layer (c++) also calls the Android platform APIs(JAVA) by JNI, such as Graphics, HTTP and other related system modules.

Improving Android Performance and Energy Efficiency

This paper appears in: VLSI Design (VLSI Design), 2011 24th International Conference on Issue Date : 2-7 Jan. 2011 On page(s): 256 - 261 ISSN : 1063-9667 Print ISBN: 978-1-61284-327-8 References Cited: 4 INSPEC Accession Number: 11836898 Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/VLSID.2011.63 Date of Current Version : 22 February 2011

ABSTRACT Mobile devices and embedded devices need more processing power but energy consumption should be less to save battery power. Google has released an open source platform Android for mobile devices. Android uses new power management framework to save power in mobile devices. Android developers are allowed to build only JAVA applications. In this work, we present benefits of using Android in low power embedded devices. We compared Android JAVA performance with popular Sun embedded JVM running on top of Angstrom linux. Our work shows that Android can be made more energy efficient by improving performance of JAVA applications. We developed a JAVA DSP framework which allows Android JAVA applications to use both ARM & DSP parallely and thus improves performance. We also showed, Android can be made more energy efficient by using our developed framework.

Mobile healthcare information management utilizing Cloud Computing and Android OS

This paper appears in: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Issue Date : Aug. 31 2010-Sept. 4 2010 On page(s): 1037 - 1040 ISSN : 1557-170X

Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-4123-5 References Cited: 23 INSPEC Accession Number: 11650786 Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/IEMBS.2010.5628061 Date of Current Version : 11 November 2010

ABSTRACT Cloud Computing provides functionality for managing information data in a distributed, ubiquitous and pervasive manner supporting several platforms, systems and applications. This work presents the implementation of a mobile system that enables electronic healthcare data storage, update and retrieval using Cloud Computing. The mobile application is developed using Google's Android operating system and provides management of patient health records and medical images (supporting DICOM format and JPEG2000 coding). The developed system has been evaluated using the Amazon's S3 cloud service. This article summarizes the implementation details and presents initial results of the system in practice.

Publishing Search Logs A Comparative Study of Privacy Guarantees

Search engine companies collect the database of intentions histories of their users search queries. These search logs are a gold mine for researchers. Search engine companies, however, are wary of publishing search logs in order not to disclose sensitive information. In this paper we analyze algorithms for publishing frequent keywords, queries and clicks of a search log. We first show how methods that achieve variants of k-anonymity are vulnerable to active attacks. We then demonstrate that the stronger guarantee ensured by epsilon-differential privacy unfortunately does not provide any utility for this problem. We then propose a novel algorithm ZEALOUS and show how to set its parameters to achieve (epsilon, delta)-probabilistic privacy. We also contrast our analysis of ZEALOUS with an analysis by Korolova et al. that achieves (epsilon, delta)-indistinguishability. Our paper concludes with a large experimental study using real applications where we compare ZEALOUS and previous work that achieves k-anonymity in search log publishing. Our results show that ZEALOUS yields comparable utility to k-anonymity while at the same time achieving much stronger privacy guarantees.
Posted by admin on Aug 3rd, 2011 and filed under IEEE Projects 2011, Java Projects. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response by filling following comment form or trackback to this entry from your site

Anonymous Publication of Sensitive Transactional Data

This paper appears in: Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Issue Date: Feb. 2011 Volume: 23 Issue:2 On page(s): 161 - 174 ISSN: 1041-4347 INSPEC Accession Number: 11698421 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TKDE.2010.101 Date of Publication: 17 June 2010 Date of Current Version: 20 December 2010 Sponsored by: IEEE Computer Society

ABSTRACT Existing research on privacy-preserving data publishing focuses on relational data: in this context, the objective is to enforce privacy-preserving paradigms, such as k-anonymity and -diversity, while minimizing the information loss incurred in the anonymizing process (i.e., maximize data utility). Existing techniques work well for fixed-schema data, with low dimensionality. Nevertheless, certain applications require privacy-preserving publishing of transactional data (or basket data), which involve hundreds or even thousands of dimensions, rendering existing methods unusable. We propose two categories of novel anonymization methods for sparse high-dimensional data. The first category is based on approximate nearest-neighbor (NN) search in high-dimensional spaces, which is efficiently performed through locality-sensitive hashing (LSH). In the second category, we propose two data transformations that capture the correlation in the underlying data: 1) reduction to a band matrix and 2) Gray encoding-based sorting. These representations facilitate the formation of anonymized groups with low information loss, through an efficient linear-time heuristic. We show experimentally, using real-life data sets, that all our methods clearly outperform existing state of the art. Among the proposed techniques, NN-search yields superior data utility compared to the band matrix transformation, but incurs higher computational overhead. The data transformation based on Gray code sorting performs best in terms of both data utility and execution time.

Mobile Application Development: Essential New Directions for IT

This paper appears in: Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), 2010 Seventh International Conference on Issue Date : 12-14 April 2010 On page(s): 471 - 475 Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-6270-4 References Cited: 9 INSPEC Accession Number: 11402966

Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/ITNG.2010.249 Date of Current Version : 01 July 2010

ABSTRACT As mobile devices have become more powerful and pervasive, mobile computing has become more important. As the market share of mobile operating systems steadily grows and more IT applications are developed and deployed on mobile devices, this will become a larger and increasing part of professional IT practice. Consequently IT students should gain experience creating and deploying mobile applications. We designed aproject for a junior level operating systems course and asked 35 students to develop an application using one of the following leading mobile device software development kits: Apple iPhone, Microsoft Windows Mobile and Google Android. Students were free to select a platform and define their own applications. While iPhone has approximately 50% of the mobile OS market share, only 8 students selected iPhone as their development platform of choice, 15 selected Android, another 12 selected Windows Mobile. A post-project survey was administered to the students to evaluate the process of choosing a platform, hardware and software features used in their applications, and the overall learning experience. This provided several conclusions about preferences, future applications and learning. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and will help us improve future learning experiences.

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