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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. define the six contemporary art forms in the region in the discussion;
b. value the importance of contemporary art forms through giving an insight; and
c. write an essay discussing the contemporary art forms in the region.

TOPIC: Contemporary Art Forms
REFERENCES: Internet and Deped modules.
MATERIALS: Marker, tape, cartolina and powerpoint presentation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activity

a. Prayer

As we go on to our lesson for today, let us (Students will stand.)

ask first the guidance of our dear Lord.
Everybody kindly stand.

For those who are Catholic, please make sign (Students will do as told)
of the cross and for those who are not, just
bow your heads and close your eyes.
(Students will recite the “Our Father”)
Let us pray together, Our father.

b. Classroom conditioning

Before you take your seats, I want you to pick

up pieces of paper and arrange your chairs (Students will do as told)
properly class.

c. Greetings

Good morning students! Good morning ma’am.

You may now take your seats. Thank you, ma’am.

How are you today class? Are you feeling Feeling good ma’am.
good or hungry? Feeling hungry ma’am.

For those who feel good, good for you and Okay ma’am.
for those who feel hungry, you may take your
snacks later after our discussion, okay?

Class, I am your teacher for today’s

discussion and I am teacher Regine.

d. Checking of attendance
Yes ma’am/no ma’am.
Are there any absentees for today class?

(If none)
Okay ma’am.
Class secretary, list down all the absentees
then give it to me after our class. Thank you.

e. Passing of assignments
Yes ma’am.
Do you have any assignment to be pass today If none (No ma’am)

Pass your assignments forward without (Students will do as told)

making any noise.

f. Review

Before we are going to start our discussion

for our new lesson, let us have a recap first of
the lesson that we had discussed last

Now, who can tell me what is our topic last

(Students answer may vary.)
Yes John?

Okay very good.

B. Motivation Yes ma’am.

Do you want an activity?

Now, for our introductory activity for this

morning is called GET AND PASTE! All you
need to is to look under your chairs and find
any words and then paste it on the board. Yes ma’am.

Did you get the instruction class?

(After a few minutes) Forms

Okay class, what are the words that are being Art

C. Presentation
Contemporary Art Forms
Based on our activity, who can tell me or who
can guess our topic this morning class?

Okay class, our topic this morning is all about

(Students will do as told)
us know our learning objectives so that we
will be guided along with our discussion.
Everybody read.

(Reading of objectives)
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
a. define the six contemporary art
forms in the region in the discussion;
b. value the importance of
contemporary art forms through giving an
insight; and
c. write an essay discussing the
contemporary art forms in the region.

D. Discussion

Now, let us define first Contemporary Art.

Contemporary Art - refers to art made and

produced by artists living today.

Let us understand one by one the different

Contemporary Art Forms in the regions.

Six (6) Contemporary Art Forms

Choreography- is an arrangement or design

for dance movement usually accompanied by
music. It is the art of dancing that is
composed of a series of dance steps and
movements to create a story.


Musical Instruments- a musical instrument is

any tool or device that produces sound.


Literary and Musical Compositions- Literary

works are written works meant to be read,
sung, or delivered in a play. Musical
composition is not written but notated,
represented by music symbols.


Visual design- it is a composition or layout of

lines, shapes and color to form patterns on
paper, textile, or any piece for that matter.

Theatrical Performance- it refers to the
staging and execution of a production, like
drama, opera, festivals.


Cinema- It is similar to the theater, except

that it is not a live performance and the
action is seen on a flat screen.
Yes ma’am.
Yes ma’am.

Do you understand class?

Are you sure?

E. Application

Now, let’s have an activity. I will group you

into four (4) groups. This will be the group 1.
This will be the group 2. This will be the
group 3 and this will be the group 4.

Group 1: You need to make web organizer

about the six Contemporary Art Forms in the

Group 2: You need to discuss the following

terms of Contemporary Art Forms in the
region the Choreography and Visual design.

Group 3: Compare and contrast the Literary

and Musical Compositions. Yes ma’am.

Group 4: Based on your own understanding,

make an essay about the Contemporary Art
Forms in the region.

You need to present your works here in

front. I will give you the materials and you
only have 5 minutes to do the task. Am I
Start now.

COOPERATION Contemporary Art - refers to art made and
PERFORMANC produced by artists living today.
TEAMWORK The six Contemporary Art Forms in the region
are Choreography, Musical Instruments,
F. Generalization Literary and Musical Compositions, Visual
To test if you really understand our Design, Theatrical Performance and Cinema.
discussion earlier. I will be asking some
questions to you class.
It allows individuals a means of personal
What is Contemporary Art? Yes John? expression. Through painting, sculpture, and
performance art, anyone can express
themselves in a way that will be safely
Okay good. What are the six (6) observable for others.
Contemporary Art Forms in the Region? Yes
Carla? There are many different ways that we can
support our local contemporary art forms
here in the Philippines, including through
museum visits, education about Filipino
Okay very good. artists, and the promotion of locally produced
Now, who can tell me the importance of artworks particularly by remembering them
Contemporary Art Forms? and continuing to practice them even today.

Okay very good. How we are going to show

support on our own art forms here in the
Philippines class?
Okay very good students. It seems like you
really understand our discussion class.

To evaluate your knowledge, let’s have

another activity.

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.
False 1. Musical Instruments is an arrangement or design for dance movement usually
accompanied by music.
True 2. Cinema is similar to the theater, except that it is not a live performance and the action is
seen on a flat screen.
False 3. Literary works is a composition or layout of lines, shapes and color to form patterns on
paper, textile, or any piece for that matter.
False 4. Cinema refers to the staging and execution of a production, like drama, opera, festivals.
True 5. Visual design is a composition or layout of lines, shapes and color to form patterns on
paper, textile, or any piece for that matter.
True 6. Musical Instruments is any tool or device that produces sound.
False 7. Musical compositions refer to art made and produced by artists living today.
True 8. Choreography is the art of dancing that is composed of a series of dance steps and
movements to create a story.
True 9. Theatrical performance involves living actors and a living audience, it is not filmed or
broadcast, but a live performance.

True 10. Visual design focuses on the aesthetics of a site and its related materials by
strategically implementing images, colors, fonts, and other elements.

V. Assignment
Directions: Enjoy your free time and take a rest. God bless students.


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