Understanding The Self

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Understanding the Self

Armand Montejo
BSIT-1D First Year

How would you describe yourself?

I would say that I’m rather kind, quite generous and polite. Though sometimes I get to have a bad wrapped when people
misunderstood me because of how I behave. I’m fairly insensitive yet caring and sometimes that caring part is one I cannot show
through words. Thus, I am insensitive and partly callous. Some people also find me offensive and some find me rude when I
misbehave which is rather odd. But nonetheless I can sometimes find myself on those situations I cannot help. But for some
reassurance, I can’t even hit a bird nor kill ants- figuratively because I dislike the biting ants. I can clearly see people’s eyes staring
on me with disgust and I’m not pretty sure to know on why and what is behind that. Assuming that never happens to help myself
avoid thinking too much. Aside all that social matters I’m actually a Hermit, some would say that as a loner referred colloquially as
“people who enjoy their own company”. A hermit who can stand extended periods of time in solitude without experiencing feelings
of loneliness.

What are the influence of family in your development as an individual?

Being somehow kind, generous, respectful, and polite coming from both of my parents. Also being a precisian but not as
good as my parents. Also being very impatient with small little things as if it’s an OCD.

Think of the time when you felt you were your “true self”. What made you think you were truly who you are
during this time of your life?
I think the time when I felt I am who I truly am, is the time when I embraced myself and not wear any masks to cover who I
am and that time is currently the present. I am still starting to be the person who I truly am by this day forth and I know that I am
living my true self as long as I will not hide anymore, I will be who I want to be and I will not lie to myself just to feel belong. My true
self is being honest as possible and being loved by myself and loving myself until then that is how I know that I am living my true self.

Following the question above, can you provide a time when you felt you were not living your “true self”? Why did
you have to live a life like that? What did you so about it?
When I was living a preposterous yet prestigious life, I am living as someone who I need but not who I should. I am in that
life because I needed too, for some reasons which I cannot tell. And I’m here who recently left that life alone, I life that started
exactly when I was born until recently, have an agreement and left that life.

What social pressures helped yourself? Would you have wanted it otherwise?
I guess being in a part of a prestigious life has helped me shape who I am and being in a world full of eyes have done me
wrong but that has left me to rise against those pressure and now fortunately I am one that I can be proud of. I would have not
wanted it because it has done me wrongly in a much exaggerated way, but if I would be looking beyond my experiences I am rather
thankful that I’m still alive.

What aspects of your life do you think may be changed or you would like to change?
Being the old me can be totally changed but if I were to change something it would be everything yet having the thought of
it frights me. I fear losing that everything I have now just because I wanted sometime and desired for a change. I’d rather live this life
through and make the changes in the coming time of my life, changing for the better and for the best.

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