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Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

(R4 as load)
Thevinin’s voltage (V ) th

• Remove R4 i.e load resistance, then second

loop becomes the open circuit and R3 is also
ignored since the current flowing through the
resistor R3 is zero.
Output (V ) th

• --- Operating Point ---

• V(a): 100 voltage

• V(b): 66.6667 voltage
• I(R2): 3.33333 device_current
• I(R1): -3.33333 device_current
• I(V1): -3.33333 device_current
• Vth=V(b)=66.67 volts.
Thevinin’s Resistance (R ) th

• Remove the load resistance (R4) and replace

all the voltage sources by short circuit and
current sources by open circuit.
Thevinin’s Equivalent Circuit

IL =
Rth + R4
• --- Operating Point ---

• V(a): 66.67 voltage

• V(b): 38.462 voltage
• I(R4): 0.76924 device_current
• I(Rth): -0.76924 device_current
• I(Vth): -0.76924 device_current
• IL=load current=I(R4)= 0.76924 Amps.
Calculation for load Power (P )

• PL=(IL^2)*RL
• PL=(0.76924)^2*50
• PL=29.58 Watts.
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