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Poblacion, Tampilisan, Zamboanga del Norte 7116

Learning Activity Sheet – Week 2
English 9

Name of Learner: ___________________ Grade Level and Section: ___________


A. Grade Level Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of how Aglo-American literature and other text
types serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a changing world; also how
to use the features of a full-length play, tense consistency, modals, active, and passive
constructions plus direct and indirect speech to enable him/her competency performs in
a full-length play.

B. Performance Standard
The learner competently performs in a full-length play through applying effective
verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the following criteria:
Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic conventions.
C. Learning Competencies
Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning and the
effectiveness of the presentation.

What Have You Learned?

Activity 1. ARRANGE ME!
Directions: Arrange the jumble words and tell something about it.


gola – detcired ativtcy

ralevecne of on’se ieda


wrod reocgntiointxet
txet reelvnace

deretniming ipmrotnace
2 Activity 2. Read ME!

Food pantries spread in Philippines as Covid 19

restrictions bite
MANILA: Community-run stalls offering free food
to the needy have multiplied across the Philippines, with
many struggling to feed their families as COVOD-19
restrictions bite and government help falls short.

Street sweeper Juliet Reyes regularly picks up fruit and

vegetables from a curbside food pantry in the capital Manila, where a recent lockdown to
contain a surge in infections threw hundreds of thousands out of work.
“I’m very thankful. It’s a big help for us who are most in need,” said Reyes, 41, who supports
a family of eight on her meagre daily wage of 200 pesos.
“When I go home I will cook what I got today.”
Patricia Non ignited the nationwide movement this month after parking a bamboo cart stocked
with rice, pasta, canned food, and vegetables raided from her kitchen beside a busy street.
A handwritten cardboard sign urged passers-by to “Give what you can, take what you need”.
Within hours, the cart was empty and Non issued a plea on Facebook for donations, which went
“Many are in need and I have more than enough for myself at home,”
Non, 26, told AFP. “It’s not a solution to hunger and poverty. But it’s a stop-gap measure.”
1. What is the reading selection all about?
2. What is the aim of food pantries?

1. What is the reading selection all about?

2. What is the aim of food pantries?
3. Who started the community pantry?
4. What claim, reason, and evidence did the author use to make his statement believable?
5. What do you think is purpose of the text that you have read?

Authors present their ideas and support them with specific reasons and evidence to convince
the reader. Thus, a reader should evaluate the reasons or evidence before giving judgement.
The information used by an author in giving his/her reasons can be classified according to:
1. Factual Information are those that solely deal with facts. These are short, non-
explanatory, and rarely give in-depth background on a topic. These statements can be
verified or proven to be true or false.
Factual information resources can be found in encyclopedias, almanacs, government
resources, or statistics.

 The Philippines is a republic with a presidential form of government wherein
power is equally divided among its three branches.
 Philippines is an island country of Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean.

2. Subjective content or information are those which come from only one point of view.
It involves judgement, feeling, opinion, intuition or emotion rather than factual
information. Opinions are useful to persuade, but careful readers and listeners will notice
and demand evidence to back them up.

 “Beautiful Girls” was an entertaining show that should have never been cancelled.
 Yellow is the best color among all the colors.
 Strawberries taste better than blueberries.
We need to analyze the type of information used by the author in giving reasons and evidence
in his/her text to understand the purpose of the text – to persuade, to inform, or to entertain.

Activy 3. Validate Information

Directions: Identify whether the statement in each item is a factual or subjective information
then explain why.

Statements Type of Information Reason

1. My crown happens to
be thick, curly, and
typically high

2. Living in place that

doesn’t have cold
winters is better than
living in a place that
3. Places that are close
to the equator do not
have cold winters.

4. This carpet is red.

5. Even though I don’t

like folk music, many
professional folk
musicians are
objectively skilled

Why do we need to classify the information used by the author in giving reasons or evidence?

Activity 4. Compare and Contrast

Directions: Using the Venn Diagram, compare and contrast factual information and
subjective information based on what you have learned.

Factual information Subjective Information

Similarities of both information

Directions: Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Duterte overturns task force decision to allow 10 – 14-year-olds outside

“Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte re-imposed that stay-at-home rules for 10-14-year-olds
in the entire country, overturning a unanimous decision of his pandemic task force to let the
age group outside in hopes of spurring more economic activity. “Just to be sure, and in our
desire to protect our people, napilitan akong i-reimpose ‘yung (I was forced to reimpose) 10 to
14 [year-old],” he said on Monday night, January 25, after a meeting with task force officials
in Davao City.

The President said the rule would stay until “everybody is safe by the bakuna (everybody is
safe because of the vaccine). It’s fear of the new COVID-19 variant observed in the United
Kingdom that convinced Duterte to overturn his task force’s move.”
Source: Duterte overturns task force decision to allow 10 to 14-year-olds outside,
January 25, 2021 10:32 PM PHT.

1. Are the details in the text presented factual? If yes, what type of information are they?

2. What are the pieces of evidence in this claim?


ASSIGNMENT: Writing an Essay

Directions: Assess your learning by writing a paragraph using factual information and
subjective information in giving reasons or evidence. You can choose the type of information
you will use in discussing your topic. Below are suggested topics that you can choose from.
You will be rated with the rubrics provided. You can use additional sheet of paper.

Suggested topic:
 Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health
 A person that you admire the most
 A place where you would like to live your whole life
 The job you dream
 Smartphones users in the Philippines
 Most used social media platform in the Philippines
 Other topics you want to write.
CRITERIA 10 points 8 points 6 points
Information Information
Information clearly
clearly relates to clearly relates to
relates to the main
the main topic. It the main topic. It
FOCUS/MAIN POINT topic. No factual
includes 3 includes 1-2
information and/or
information and/or information and/or
reasons are given.
reasons. reasons only.

Information is The learner

very organized submits the output
with well- with 3-5 errors in The information is
constructed spelling, not organized.
paragraphs and punctuation,
sentences. capitalization, etc.

The learner The learner The learner submits

submits the output submits the output the output with 6 or
LANGUAGE following correct with 3-5 errors in more errors in
CONVENTION spelling, spelling, spelling,
punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
capitalization, etc. capitalization, etc. capitalization, etc.


Prepared by:

Practice Teacher

Checked by:


Critic Teacher

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