Business Plan: Management Organization A. Company Name: B. Logo

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I. Management Organization
A. Company Name:
- Cheese Bites
B. Logo:

C. Address:
- 13 J.P. Rizal Street Brgy. Poblacion Dos, City of Cabuyao
D. Vision Statement:
Our vision on our product is to be recognized as the best snacks with cheap price in
our community. Our product is truly unique in its ability to provide a delicious and satisfying
snacks that is both convenient and versatile. Our product is delicious and healthy way to
satisfy the cravings and keep people energized throughout the day.

E. Mission Statement:
Our mission is to make people happy and full in healthy way with affordable price. We
want to make sure that we sell much product as many as possible.

F. Key Personnel : Owner/ Manager - Fuguiao, Carl Christian

G. Work Force Support

H. Organization Chart
1. Owner/Manager: Fuguiao, Carl Christian
2. Advisory Council: Pionela, Isanne Quinn
3. Preparing;
-Aggabao, Kath Lyneesha
-Estelles, Loraine
-Garcia, Jackie
-Galam, Christian Paul V.
-Otilla Jessie Jr.
-Palma, Andreana Claire

I. Ownership

J. Capitalization

K. Compensation and Insensitive

L. External Management Support Parents

II. Product & Service Plan

• Purpose of your Product or Service - The purpose of our product is to fill you up and it
can also be used as a snack. And for a cheap price you can taste our cheese stick.

• Product’s/Service’s Unique Features - To satisfied customers cravings.

• Material Requirements and Sources of Supply:
-mayonnaise & ketchup

• Processing Equipment that will be Used to Manufacture the Product or Render the
GAS - Gas is needed to cook properly.
PAN - The pan will be used to cook.
TONG - The tong will be used to flip the cooked cheese stick.
PLATES - the plate will be served with the cheese stick after it is cooked.
PLASTIC CUP - a plastic cup will be used in case someone buys it.
• Production or Service Process and Controls:
Turn on the stove and place the pan, turn down the heat so that the pan does not
burn immediately. If the pan is hot, put oil on it and wait for it to heat up again to cook our
cheese stick. When the oil is hot, you can put the made cheese stick. Wait for it cook and
when we know it is cooked we can remove it from the pan and take a mayonnaise and ketchup
and mix it to make a sauce.

• Distribution Logistics
• Regulatory and Other Compliance Issues

III. Market plan

• Marketing & Sales Strategies

Marketing is important because it assists you in selling your goods or services in the
area by introducing and promoting the service. It is, without a doubt, one of the most important
aspects of business because it contributes significantly to the organization's performance.
Every business's bottom line is to make money, and effective marketing strategies should
beimplemented to effectively launch services, gain a competitive advantage in the market,
andachieve that end goal. In an effort to expand the popularity of our stock, we will receive a
discount on our cheesestick from those who have been willing to.
• SocialMedia

One of our first choices for promoting our product will be. We can quickly reveal our
product using social media, and they will be able to access fast browsing on our website.
Businesses may also use social media to engage with consumers and spread information in a
comfortable and interactive approach.
• Advertising

A type of marketing that allows us to advertise a product, increase revenue, and help
raise awareness about the product while also promoting the company. Advertising can also be
used to provide basic facts and pique people's attention. Flyers can bea perfect way to get the
word out about your product.

• Interactivity

We would have two lines of contact between the manufacturer and the customer in
a cheese stick company to talk about problems and also to get more advice and suggestions
to make the business more convenient. It allows consumers to engage by allowing them to
provide input or join the marketing conversation.

IV. Financial Plan

Expenses Cost/pc. Total Qty./Month Year 1
Cheese (160g) 58 3,596 43,152
Wrapper (30pcs) 50 1,550 18,600
Gas 50 350 4,200
Cooking oil 27 837 10,044
Sauce (4kg) 309 309 3,708
Others 2,325 2,325 27,900
Total 8,967 107,604

Notes:All data used are not 100% accurate this is for study purposes
*total cheese used per day approx. 320g
*cost of 160g of cheese 58 pesos.
Fomula used:
*since 320g of cheese used per day, it will cost of 116 pesos ,total qty. per month multiply by
31 days
116 x 31
for 1 year:
3,596 multiply by total of months
3,596 x 12
*for wrapper, 30 pcs used per day and the cost is 50 and multiply by total days of the month
50 x 31 = 1,550
for 1 year:
do the same process above 1550 multiply by total of the months
1,550 x 12 = 18,600
*for others, all of the necessary equipment are included, for ex paper plate, stick, and etc.

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