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Rephrasing Practice 5

1. Since it was very cold, we stayed at home. (DUE) (We stayed at home…weather.)
2. Although he is inexperienced, he always puts forward good ideas. (LACK) (Despite…, he always puts
forward good ideas.)
3. They took plenty of warm clothes so that they wouldn’t be cold. (AS) (They took plenty of warm
4. His ill health made him give up his job as a miner. (BECAUSE) (He gave up his job as a miner…his ill
5. There was thick fog so the plane couldn’t take off. (DUE) (The plane couldn’t take off…thick fog.)

6. His story amused us and we all laughed. (FOUND) (We … and we all laughed.)
7. She is the best singer of all. (No other singer…)
8. He is noisier than his brothers. (His brothers are…)
9. France and Spain are not as small as Andorra. (Andorra is … France and Spain.)

10. He began designing his collection last week and has not finished yet. (HAS) (He … last week.)
11. She has never been so insulted before. (HAS) (Never before … insulted.)
12. This is the first time I’ve eaten Korean food. (I have…)
13. I don’t remember Helen’s phone number. (I…Helen’s phone number.)

14. After a three-hour search, I finally found my passport. (After I…)

15. They drove all night. That’s why they were tired. (They were tired because…)
16. Nancy waited for hours, then the bus arrived. (After Nancy…)
17. This was his first time abroad. (He…abroad before)

18. Smoking isn’t allowed here. (SMOKE) (They do…here.)

19. Fiona wishes she hadn’t lent him all her savings. (Fiona regrets...)
20. Dad didn’t allow me to drive his car. (LET) (Dad … his car.)
21. It is banned to smoke in public places. (…banned in public places.)

22. Bad behaviour in the classroom is something I will not tolerate. (PUT) (I … bad behaviour in the
23. I finished the book in two days. (TOOK) (It … to finish the book.)
24. Shall we spend the day on the beach? (SPENDING) (How … on the beach?)
25. I heard that Jeff and Holly ended their relationship last night. (BROKE) (I heard that … last night.)
26. There is a business meeting taking place on the third floor. (PROGRESS) (There is … on the third
27. June doesn’t like staying up late and Terry doesn’t either. (NOR) (Neither … staying up late.)
28. Would you like to come to the cinema with me? (COMING) (How…with me?)
29. The examination lasted three hours. (HOUR) (It was…examination.)

30. You can borrow the car, but you’ve got to fill it up with petrol. (Provided…)
31. The accident happened because the driver in front stopped suddenly. (If…)
32. You didn’t visit the museum, so you couldn’t see the exhibition on the Sutton Hoo Anglo-Saxon
ship burial. (If…)
33. Alba won’t get the Skipper doll if she doesn’t tidy up her room. (Unless…)
34. He didn’t understand the homework because he hadn’t been listening in class. (If…)
35. We’ll go away unless the flights are expensive. (We’ll go away if…)
36. As there was no coffee left, we had to have tea. (If there had been coffee left,…)
37. I didn’t have his phone number, so I couldn’t invite him. (If I’d…)

In today’s world of (1) …………..………. (economy) hardship, finding a job is difficult. (2) ………………………. (employment) has reached a
record high, and even (3) ………………………. (high) qualified people are finding it (4) ………………………. (difficulty) to find work. Despite
this (5) ………………………. (depress) news, there are certain things a person can do. Firstly, it is important to read the job (6)
………………………. (advertise) in as many newspapers as possible. Secondly, it is (7) ………………………. (advise) to write letters to
companies enclosing a copy of your CV. If your (8) ………………………. (apply) is successful, it is imperative to impress the (9)
………………………. (interview). A smart (10) ………………………. (appear) is essential along with some knowledge of the company. Above
all, keep trying and you are sure to be (11) ………………………. (success).


1. Your essay was fine but there were a few mistakes ……………………….. and there.
2. Jon and Tanya …………………… it off (= congeniar, atraerse) as soon as they met because they had so much in common.
3. The head teacher told me that the exams had gone well, so it must be true. I got it straight from the ……………………’s mouth.
4. A golden ……………………….. opens every door.
5. This year Jack has ……………………….. progress in his schoolwork. (= Jack’s schoolwork has improved this year.)
6. I’ve ……………………….. a list of my ten favourite films of all time.
7. My ambition is to ……………………….. it as a singer.
8. If you put your ……………………….. to it, I know you can win.
9. When Juan found out that he’d won the competition, he was over the …………………… !
10. The government should face up the situation and make the …………………… of it.
11. Don’t make yourself a ……………………….. or the cat will eat you.
12. She always keeps her room ……………………….. and tidy.
13. A friend in ……………………….. is a friend indeed.
14. The plane crashed due to technical problems. The pilot wasn’t ……………………….. fault.
15. What have you said to Katy? She’s ……………………….. tears!
16. He’s very fussy ……………………………….. food.
17. Don’t put the blame ……………………….. us.
18. I borrowed €10 ……………………….. Jake.
19. He’s mad keen ……………………….. sport and wants to be a professional rugby player.
20. What do you think ……………………………….. the Prime Minister of Spain?

TENSES. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

Becky (1) ………………. (have) an interesting experience when she was a student. She (2) ………………. (be) at Bristol University for nine
months and she (3) ………………. (begin) to worry about money. She (4) ………………. (know) that, if she wanted to continue her studies,
she (5) ………………. (have to) earn some extra cash. “If I (6) ………………. (be) you,” her friends said, “I (7) ………………. (do) some
nude modelling for the art school. It’s easy work and the models (8) …………………. (pay) quite well.” “That’s a good idea,” said Becky. I
think I (9) ………………. (do) that.” On (10) ………………. (arrive) at the art school for her first session, Becky (11) ………………. (show)
to the dressing-room where she (12) ………………. (take off) all her clothes and (13) ………………. (put on) a robe. Then she entered the
studio where about twenty art students (14) ………………. (sit) in front of an empty chair. She walked up to it, took off her robe and sat down.
Some of the students started (15) ………………. (giggle) and Becky (16) …………………. (cannot / understand) why. She (17)
………………. (sit) there for three minutes when a professor ran into the room. “You (18) …………………. (make) a mistake,” he said. “You
are in the wrong room!” She (19) ………………. (enter) the class where the students were supposed (20) ………………. (paint) an empty

GAPPED TEXT. Fill in the gaps with the correct, most appropriate word in each case.

When was the (1) ……………… time you walked down a litter-free street? Although millions of pounds (2) ……………… year are spent (3)
……………… clearing rubbish, this alone cannot solve the problem. The solution lies (4) ……………… our hands.

Dropping litter is, in (5) ………………, against the law in Britain. You can be fined up (6) ……………… £1,000. Not (7) ……………… is
litter ugly, but it can also be dangerous. Litter encourages vermin (8) ……………… as rats. Why is there so (9) ……………… litter? Most
consumer products are over-packaged; a single item (10) ……………… be wrapped in plastic, put in a box, wrapped in cellophane and then put
in a plastic carrier bag.

What can we do about this growing problem? If every citizen (11) ……………… his or her job, together we can clean up the streets. Try
recycling paper and plastic bottles. Never drop litter; (12) ……………… the smallest piece of paper contributes (13) ……………… the
problem. Avoid buying over-packaged items from supermarkets, and take your (14) …………………… carrier bags. You could also organise
day-trips to the local countryside and beaches in (15) ……………… to pick up rubbish. If everyone makes (16) ……………… responsible for
maintaining high standars of cleanliness in their area, the problem may be solved.

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