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Fundamental Right

Right to Equality (14-18)

➢ Article -14 Equity before law विधि के समक्ष समानता

Exception – art 361 President and Governer
➢ Article 15 – Prohibition of Discrimination on the basis of
religion , caste , race , sex and birth place
➢ Article 16- Equal opportunities of all citizen
➢ Article 17 – Abolition of untouchability from india
➢ Article 18-Abolition of Titles

Right to Freedom (19-22)

➢ Article 19 – 5 freedom ( Freedom of speech and
Expression, Flag hosting , press , Remain silent , to know )
➢ Article 20- protection in respect of convictions of offences
अपराि के दोष ससद्िी के संदर्भ में संरक्षण
➢ Article 21- Right to Life and personal liberty
Right of privacy

➢ Article -21 (a) Right to Education added by 86th

amendment 2002 act
➢ Article 22- protection arrest and detention
As per art 358 art 19 will be terminated by President
Art 359 -Except Art 20 & 21 , All FR can be terminated
Right to Exploitation (23-24)
➢ Article 23 – prohibition of traffing of human
➢ Article 24- prohibition of child labour

Right to freedom of Religion (25-28)

➢ Article 25- Follow any Religion and customs in india
➢ Article 26 – conduct any religious programme
➢ Article 27 – Every religious income tax free
➢ Article 28- Any Educational institute will not provide
religious Education

Cultural and Educational Right (29-30)

➢ Article 29- Conservation of the welfare of the Minorities
➢ Article 30- Right of Minorities established religious
institute for them
Right to constitutional Remedies (32)
Dr BR Ambedkar said soul of indian constitution
➢ 5 type of writs

• Habeas Corpus. ( To Get someone physically)

• Mandamus. (Mandamus is a judicial remedy in the
form of an order from a court to any government,
• Prohibition.-
• Certiorari.

• Quo-Warranto

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