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Media Literacy
- It is the ability to access, analyze,
evaluate, and create media in a
variety of forms.
- It is a tool you can use to consume
information in communicating.
- It is the ability to read, analyze,
evaluate and produce
communication in a variety of
media forms.

Technology and media

They are both literacy that literacy are connected to one
could evaluate things in another wherein media
variety of forms. literacy is engaged to new

All of these are composed

of both knowledge and
abilities that are essential
when applied to dispute
Information Literacy conflicts towards Technology Literacy
misinformation, abuse and
- Ability to find, evaluate, toxicities across all media - Ability to acquire relevant
information and use modern tools
organize, use, and
to get, manage, apply, evaluate,
communicate information in
create, and communicate
all its various formats.
- Ability to recognize - The ability to use networks, and
information when needed and These literacies could communication tools to find,
use it efficiently. acquire and communicate
evaluate, and create information.
information. These are
- The set of skills needed to - Is the ability to help one to
essential to us 21st learners.
find, retrieve, analyze, and communicate, solve problems, and
use information. enhance life- long learning skills
for future progress.

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