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Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Worksheet

Job Picking and Making up / Laying and Braking out BHA’s Job No 0077 Location Ben Rinnes Worksheet 1 of

Task Description Making up BHA’s using rig tongs , iron roughneck. Picking up and laying out using the rig floor tuggers and crane Date 10.05.06
Reviewed 22/12/2007
Hazard Hazard Effect Existing Control Measures L S RISK Additional Control Measures By Risk ALARP

Changing Dropped objects Ensure the hole and the pipe is M H M Be aware of pinch points. Controlled operation of Driller L YES
out BHA down the hole. covered. Ensure tools are secured tuggers and Draw works. Correct buttons pressed for
handling Lifting correctly. Use the correct the link tilt system. A.D
equipment equipment techniques for slinging elevators. Use the correct equipment the right sized elevators,
parting. Pinch slips and lifting caps.
points personnel
Picking up Dropped objects, Ensure drillers view is not M H M Correct lifting equipment used. Limit manual handling Driller L YES
or laying out pinch points, obstructed. when ever possible. When tailing loads with the crane
BHA personnel Personnel to stay clear of the load. good communication and radio contact with the crane A.D
components crushed Good communication. operator and the banksman.
Setting Crush injuries, Ensure all equipment is correct for M M M Driller to ensure the slips are set before installing the Driller L YES
connections pinch points. the operation, be aware of pinch dog collar.
and breaking Equipment points when making up the dog Use the Iron rough neck when possible. A.D
connections dropped down collar. Ensure personnel have full understanding of rig tong
or making the hole Be aware of the travel of the Iron operations, stay clear from the back of the tongs when
up. roughneck. tension is being applied.
Making and In correct Ensure the tool specialist is on the L M L Certified lifting equipment to be used. Crane crews to Driller L YES
Breaking out torques applied. rig floor when making up or be made aware of lifting points on the tools.
Specialised Damage to breaking out equipment. A.D
BHA equipment. In Tool company procedures to be
components correct followed or agreed procedures to Tool
procedures be followed. Hand
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Worksheet
Job Picking and Making up / Laying and Braking out BHA’s Job No 0077 Location Ben Rinnes Worksheet 2 of

Task Description Making up BHA’s using rig tongs , iron roughneck. Picking up and laying out using the rig floor tuggers and crane Date 10.05.06
Reviewed 22/12/2007
Hazard Hazard Effect Existing Control Measures L S RISK Additional Control Measures By Risk ALARP

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