Info Missile To Moon

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The treaty of Versailles isles restricted Germany in relation to their weapons however they did not

where are aware of the new developments FR me one example are the Rockets von Browne could

No particular weapons




Family history, aristocracy, implicito neufeld dice como su childhood conservativa afecto su
willingnes to aork with the nazis

They portray braun as he had other choice than to work with nazis due to his excellent work

He was young

Idea of space consumed him

Portrays von braun as a enthusiastic, he only cared of his dreams, he

8_01 In 1937 the Nazis presented him with a tantalising opportunity he was made technical director
of a new research centre on the north-west coast of Germany near the cold waters of the Baltic Sea
in a town called Penemundee here Van Brown still a young man in his 20s headed a team of more
than 400 workers his task to turn his amateur rocket technology into genuine weapons of warfare

(El señor con anteojos) lo en marca Avon Brown como una persona que necesitaba ayuda necesitaba
recursos para alcanzar su sueño 11:15

“Do they sold your soul to the devil to get it done”


Stephen waring: 13:30 minstates how these scientists was looking to surrender while the americans
were looking for them. Explixit plan
14:20 The plan accepted by kennedy was to To bring Nazis scientists if they had nazi connections
with the Nazi party however this was not accepted and down by the American intelligence.
Consequently, They erased their Nazi past

(El señor con anteojos) dice que si hubiesen seguido a pie de letra lo establecido porque le di
muchos científicos muy inteligentes y exitosos no hubiesen entrado a Estados Unidos

Neufeld calls the operation paperclip an explotation program 15:29

15:42 Von brown and a small group of the rocket team landed in the US in September 1945 he was
so meeting with his former adversaries at the Pentagon in Washington DC learned a new American
home would be in the wind swept desert of Southwest Texas

17:10 he writes his novel of mars to forget his past

“Eager to put warfare behind him”

18:10 Northern alabama, huntsville, all the chemical munitions that were on the area were put on
hold after the war. Al rededor de 4000 worker were sent on furlough

Neufeld: dice que esto connlevo un sense of bitterness

Entonces todos los científicos que habían sido llevados ahí, incluido von braun crearon en un futuro
mucho más moderno para esta ciudad, generando empleo

So they concentrated their rockey activity in huntsville

Huntsville population soon trippled

“And the citys future once again looked bright”

19:50 video de von braun

In 1950 he applied a mortage, he was able to build his own house, he states he felt as part of tue
comunnity there in huntsville

Stephen waring: “as it was, these were good germans,these were our germans, and they were
helpint to defend american freedom against communism”
In 1950, the usa helped south korea. The dcuntary states how he was experiecing high demand for
his weapons

He also helped in developing the redstone rocket, helping us in the cold war. “The same technology
that braun had develpoed for the dreaded v2 had now evokved into the redstone rocket”

It was the first US missile to carry a live nuclear warhead, in the 1958 Pacific Ocean weapons test,
Hardtack Teak.[1] wiki

However, (el de anteojos) dice q vin braun no estaba interesado en eso, ek queria desarollar rockets
tque llegasen al espcio

Due to all the money spent on rocket development, On 1952, braun was able to get the exposure he
wanted sharing his ideas, putting him on the public eye

Neufeld states that among other scientists, von braun helped to transmit the isea to usa civilians
than space travel wasnt as lejos o ridiculo como se veia

April 1955 he got the full citizenship

Ed buckee, founding director of us space and rocket center


He states that there was no doubt on brauns mind he was american and his team too, and was
proud of it


the navys vanguard rocket was granted the prime spot for launching americas first satellite

(Esto se puede entender que ek no era el unico con desarrolo y capacidad para llegar al espacio en

“He felt discouraged”

Tambien, rusia lanzo su primer spunik, pensaron que era una bomva que estaba en orbita y fue un

26:30 people started questioning how russian could he winning in this race

Public pressure

With this, braun put in motion his plan for going into space

In earoy December his plan had failed

It was broadcast in nationalntelevision

Sputnik 1, early october

Sputnik 2, early november

Vanguard tv 3 failure, early december

Vanguard 1, 31 january 1958

Neufeld, “braun was a famous man and a national hero”

“The space race has began and bone Brown was leading the charge against the Soviets”

1858 creation od NASA with eseinhower

By 1960 all his team and braun wnet to nasa

Ne started paying full atettnion to his dream of space


Ed duckee, states that von braun was the one who made kennedy had commitment towards aircraft
in relation to the moon, he send him a letter to kennedy, stating that hey couldnt beat the soviets in
the orbit but they could beat them incthe moo
Esto demuestra como segun el documental braun fue el maximo influyente en que estDos unidos
quiera y invierta energia para llegar a la luna. Sino hubiese esraso el, tal vez no hubiese ido con ese

Kennedy did a speech saying “ we chose to go to the moon, not because it is easy but because it is
hard” this gives una fe a la población americana, alentandonolos, dandoles fe nacional, esto por von

Fue un speech publico

His greatest strength eas his leadership and management skills

He was strong, he could talk to politicians

Good at public outreach, good at running

Waring declares that everyone would want someone like him


Waring, he declares braun manage to get all the diverse people to comento an accomodation


Waring, his persona was so big, portrays him as “disney star, exotic mad german scientist, but also a
skillfull technological manager”


El de anteojos: i think he was the maestro of his team, he was aware of everything they had to have”



He seldom lost some member of the team,

Muchos de los integrantes se pudieron haber ido a empresas privadas en los 60 y ganar mucha mas
plata, oero se quedaron ganando lo que kes daba el gobierno

“He never forget his audience, ever have a charming and eloquent he played consistently to the
national media and political powers in Washington


Kennedy told braun when he went to huntsville “ that’s the most impressive machine I ever seen”

He was really moved

Bon braun was the star of the show that day


Local economy and culture flourished

Shops, symohony, ballet, lutheran church,planetario y observatorio



Still faced a major obstacle to progress the racist discrimination and segregation of the Jim Crow
south view had African-Americans who had struggled for equality their entire lives struggled for
acceptance struggle for access to good schools struggled to get good jobs and hear you had foreign
immigrants who came in with great jobs and immediately were making connections the city in the
state began building new schools for their kids and so from the perspective of African-Americans this
was not altogether a positive story it revealed fractures and problems in huntsville



In brauns Credit, although he did not initiate his efforts to promote civil rights in the south he did not
dawdle either and once he took on the job he was a powerful force and helping in huntsville

(El de anteojos)


I think what really motivated him as always was his pragmatic side, he knew what NASA leadership
wanted he knew what president Kennedy and then what president Johnson want it done, what kind
of a state Alabama needed to be to move into a brighter future and I wasn’t gonna be one where
bus were segregated door children been killed in the streets and that was in the state that van Braun
wanted to live in and he knew that wasn’t a good future

The first manned Test of the Saturn 1B ended in tragedy. A Fire in Apollo 1s command module killed
astronauts Gus Grissom Ed White and Roger Chaffee. That brought nasa to its knees, many of us
thought it was over, rwe would never get to the moon

But bom braun and other key people, said we can fix this and we can continue to fly

He managed to alzar la moral y la fe de la gente en ka nasa. A la vez demuestta como aunque haya
muerto gente em seguia seguro de su plan. Otro ejemplo que estaba absorbido por su sueño,
muerte de gente de los judios en Alemania, y ahira en usa


1973 tiene cancer y su health se debilita, y ek flaco sigue trabajando en desarollo de cosas rn
relación al espacio, satelites

He develop the space telecosoe

June 16 1977 muere


“He is a complicated person, and that what makes him fascinated

His oegacy is not simple


He inspired the people to design

(Ek de anteojos) 51:20

That’s why it’s important to see him as thhemaestro he doesn’t play the instrumentsHe’s just doing
all of the orchestration

von braun impact persists in the US space program today, from the International space Station to
NASAS new space launch systems. The ideas, techniques and technology that he and his team
developed decades ago continue to shape the way we explore space. Among his monumental
legacies, von braun left his mark on huntsville as well, the US space and rocket Centre continues to
thrive as a public museum, and stands as a perpetual reminder Of von Brown’s grand vision. And for
programs like space camp von brauns work continue to inspire America’s youth


He like to talk about the next generation he loved to communicate with young people and he felt it
was important for the country to nurture the next generation who might become the innovators, the
problem solvers and creators of of new equipment and new tecnology

El de anteojos


All government programs that we’ve ever had I don’t think any motivated young people more than
nasa has. I think the human spaceflight aspect of nasa has been at the top of that. Nasa is the best
agency to stimulate that in our young people and I just hate to see that aspect of the goverment go


400.00 men and women that eere connected yo a mission

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