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QUESTION 1 (2 points)

Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true or F for false in the spaces
numbered 1 – 8.

__T__ 1. One of the teacher’s main aims should be to help students to sustain their motivation.

__T__ 2. Good teachers need to be flexible enough to cope with unforeseen events.

_F___ 3. Most successful teachers tend to spend most of their class time in one place- at the front of

_T___ 4. Successful classroom management also involves being able to deal with difficult situations.

__F__ 5. The best lessons are ones where TTT is maximized.

_F___ 6. Teachers need to shout to be audible.

__T__ 7. Effective teacher personality is a blend between who we really are and who we are as teachers.

__F__ 8. Mother tongue (L1) should never be used in an English class (L2).

QUESTION 2 (2 points)

Choose one of the words/phrases a A- L in the box to match the descriptions 1- 8. Write the letters of
your choice in the column ANSWER. There are some options you do not need to use.

A. Grammar- D. Inductive approach G. Separate tables J. TTT

translation method

B. CLT E. TPR H. Deductive K. TTQ


C. TBL F. Warm-up I. STT L. Solowork


0. In this method, the emphasis is on the task rather the language. C

1. Student Talking Time I

2. This is a teaching method that teachers often use to help students A

compare parts of a foreign language with parts of learners’ own
mother tongue.

3. In this approach, students are given grammar rules before they start H
considering the examples and making sentences.

4. The focus of this method is on students communicating real messages, B

not just grammatically controlled language.

5. Teacher Talking Time J

6. This is one of the stages a teacher should do to review what students F

learned in the previous lesson or to get them in the good mood for the
lesson that is to follow.

7. In this method, instructors give commands to students in the target E

language, and students respond with whole-body actions.

8. In this approach, students see the examples of grammar rules and try D
to work out some related exercises before the teacher explains the
grammar rules.

QUESTION 3 (2 points)

There are various activities teachers may use to get students to practice their speaking skill. Describe an
activity that you think is helpful in a class of fifteen young learners. Your answer should include:

- A brief introduction of the activity (name, benefits, ways to use…)

- An example of the activity














QUESTION 4 (2 points)

Analyze this text and make a brief lesson plan you will need to teach your students.

Nick Middleton, a geography lecturer at Oxford University, likes bad weather. In National Geographic’s
four-part TV series Going to Extremes, Nick travels to the places with the most extreme weather in the
world- the hottest, coldest, wettest and driest places. In one episode of the series, Nick visits the Danakil in
North East Ethiopia. The Danakil is a desert of salt. It’s 100 metres lower than sea level and it’s hot! The
temperature is often higher than 50 degrees. The highest average temperature. In summer, it’s never lower
than 400. The local people, the Afar, are very tough. The men carry guns and long knives. But Nick finds
their softer side: hair. These men spend two hours a day working on their big Afro hair. In this heat, they
say, their hair is better than a hat.

Description of students: _____________________________________________________

Objectives: ______________________________________________________
Skills: ______________________________________________________
Materials: _______________________________________________________
Relevant previous knowledge: __________________________________________






QUESTION 5 (2 points)

Describe two qualities a teacher of English should have to be a good one.














___________THE END___________

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