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Diammonium Phosphate Production

Process Description
CH1060: Process Engineering Fundamentals

Department of Chemical and Process Engineering

University of Moratuwa

Group Members

190213N • Hanifa N.M

190220H • Herath M.D Lecturer in Charge:

190224A • Heshari K.D Prof. A.A.P. De Alwis

190233B • Hewage P.P. Miss Thejanie Jayasekara

190237P • Ilagasinghe W.N.G Date of submission:

190240T • Irugalbandara I.A.I


List of figures 3

Manufacturing process of Di-ammonium Phosphate 4

Pre Neutralization 5

Granulation 6

Scrubbing 7

Drying 8

Cooling 9

Regent Tank 9

Combustion 10

Cyclone separation 10

Primary elevation 11

Summary of unit processes 12

Summary of unit operations 12

Process Block Diagram of DAP 13

References 14

Figure 1- The pre-neutralization process…………………………………………………………...5

Figure 2 - Drum granulator…………………………………………………………………………6

Figure 3 – Granulation process …………………………………………………………………….7

Figure 4 – Industrial scrubbers……………………………………………………………………..8

Figure 5 – Rotary dryer…………………………………………………………………………….8

Figure 6 – Different types of DAP fertilizer……………………………………………………….9

Figure 7 – Final packing of DAP fertilizer…………………………………………………………9

Figure 8 – Combustion tank………………………………………………………………………10

Figure 9 – Cyclone………………………………………………………………………………..11

Manufacturing Process of Di-ammonium Phosphate
The production process of Di-ammonium Phosphate can be classified into unit operations and unit
processes as follows.

Unit operations

1. Conveying MAP to the reactor

2. Maintaining the temperature in the neutralizer
3. Introducing ammonia, KCL into the granulator
Production Process
4. Scrubbing of unreacted gasses
5. Recycling Of MAP from scrubber to process
6. Drying of di-ammonium phosphate
7. Cooling of di-ammonium phosphate
8. Screening and packing of di-ammonium phosphate

Unit processes

1. Formation of Mono-Ammonium Phosphate (MAP)

2. Formation of Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP)

The manufacturing process of Di-Ammonium Phosphate consists of six main steps.

❖ Pre neutralization
❖ Granulation
❖ Scrubbing
❖ Drying
❖ Cooling
❖ Screening

In addition to these steps, there are few other steps that represent recycle streams, chemical
injections (filler), other input streams such as steam and air, etc.

❖ Reagent tank (heater)

❖ Combustion
❖ Cyclonic separation
❖ Primary elevation

Pre- Neutralization

In pre-neutralization phosphoric acid is reacted with ammonia in the presence of a small amount
of water to form di-ammonium phosphate as described by the below set of equations.

NH3 + H3PO4 → NH4H2PO4 (Mono-Ammonium Phosphate, 10%-25%)

NH4H2PO4 + NH3 → (NH4)2HPO4 (Di-Ammonium Phosphate)

Overall reaction,

2NH3 + H3PO4 → (NH4)H2PO4

(gas) (liquid) (liquid)

In an acid surge tank phosphoric acid is mixed with 93% sulfuric acid and recycled acids from the
scrubbing process. This acid mixture has a concentration of P2O5 acid about 40% to 45%. This
mixture is then partially neutralized with ammonia. Here the molecular ratio of NH3:H3PO4 is
maintained at 1.3:1.0. All phosphoric acid and approximately 70% of the ammonia are introduced
in this vessel.

Figure 1- The pre-neutralization process

In the pre-neutralizer tank diameter of the lower section is build smaller to provide a high flow of
acids inside the tank, good reactants mixing, reduce ammonia loss, and reduce retention time. This
makes sure the maximum amount of P2O5 is soluble in the product. The pre-neutralizer is equipped
with an agitator to provide temperature, improve absorption of ammonia, reduce foaming and to
maintain solids in suspension during short shutdowns, and maintain reaction uniformity. The
temperature at this stage must be controlled in between 220℃ - 250℃ and carried under
atmospheric pressure.


Figure 2 - Drum granulator

In this section, Mono-ammonium phosphate is treated with more ammonia to form Di-
ammonium phosphate.

NH4H2PO4+ NH3 (NH4)2HPO4

The process is completed in an ammonia granulator. During the process sometimes

KCL(NH4)2CO3 and Urea act as a filler and help in easier solidification of fertilizer.

In drum excess ammonia reacts with phosphoric acid. It decreases the solubility of ammonium
phosphate and increases the control of granulation. The temperature of granular DAP in the
rotary drum reaches 850C to 150 0C while the temperature of off-gasses reaches 380C to 770C.
The granulator material is dried and then screened.

Figure 3 – Granulation process


There are two types of scrubbers;

1. Primary scrubber
2. Secondary scrubber

Primary scrubbers use phosphoric acid as scrubbing liquid and secondary scrubbers use gypsum
pond water as scrubbing liquid.

The un-reacted ammonia (excess ammonia) gas along with acid vapors are passed through the
primary scrubber. Ammonia is recycled to pre-neutralizer in form of mono ammonium phosphate
When the ammonia is completely recovered by phosphoric acid scrubbing liquid. The un-

scrubbed ammonia-rich gasses are escaped out through the secondary scrubber. These gasses are
wet scrubbed in the secondary scrubber before exhausting to the atmosphere.

Figure 4 – Industrial scrubbers


Figure 5 – Rotary dryer

The material leaves the granulator and enters the rotary dryer to dry the DAP. Hot gases from the
Combustion Chamber up to 1.0-1.5% or even lower moisture is required. Exhaust gasses from
the dryer, go to cyclones to recover the particles. About 5 tons per ton of product produced
should be dried in the TVA process. 0.25 to 30 minutes were evaluated at ammonia pressures of
15 to 45 psi. typically operate at temperatures between 200°F and 2200°F


After the elevating, the final product and the parts that have to be recycled go through the cooler.
Final DAP comes out the cooler as lower temperature Diammonium Phosphate. And goes through
the screening processing.

Screening & Packing

Figure 6 – Different types of DAP fertilizer Figure 7 – Final packing of DAP fertilizer

As the final part of the whole process, the product goes through vibrating screens where the
larger particles and smaller particles are parted from the final product and get recycled. These
larger and smaller parts are also run through the cooler but are not mixed with the final DAP.

At last, DAP gets the desired packaging.

Reagent tank (heater)

This is a heater.

Hot steam circulates through the reagent tank provides heat energy to the pre neutralizer.

Heat supplied by the reagent tank helps pre neutralizer to maintain the necessary temperature for
reaction processes.


In this section, furnace oil is combusting and it gives energy to the granulator.

Figure 8 – Combustion tank

Cyclonic separation

Cyclonic separation is a method of removing particulates from a gas or liquid stream. This
separation is done through vortex separation without the use of filters. In the DAP manufacturing
process, ammonia-rich gasses from the dryer are passed through the cyclone. Ammonia-rich
gasses, fluorides, and particulates from cooler and packing systems are passed through the
cyclones. After the cyclonic separation remaining substance are directed to the scrubber.

Figure 9 - Cyclone

Primary elevation

After leaving the Dryer, the product enters the Primary Elevator to be divided over the oversized
screens. The oversize falls in the chain mills and the under-size sent to the recycle belt together
with the crushed particles and the particles of the product size sent to the product screen
elevator. Operate at a temperature of about 55°C for 24 hours.

Summary of Unit Processes

Unit Process Necessity

Combustion Combusting furnace oil to supply heat energy to the
Pre Neutralization Phosphoric acid reacts with anhydrous Ammonia in the
presence of Sulfuric acid and water to form Mono-
Ammonium Phosphate
Granulation Mono-Ammonium Phosphate reacts with excessive
Ammonia to form Di-Ammonium Phosphate

Summary of Unit Operations

Unit Operation Necessity

Reagent tank heater Maintaining the temperature in the neutralizer
Cyclone Separating ammonia-rich gasses from the airflow emitted by
the pre neutralizer, granulator, and dryer
Scrubbing Recycling gasses back to the process and removing
unreacted sour gasses before exhausting to the environment.
Dryer Removing moisture from the products
Primary Elevator Separate oversized and undersized particles from the dryer
and direct undersized particles to the screen elevator
Screening Elevated products sent through vibrating screens for further
separation of larger and smaller particles
Cooling & Packing Reducing the temperature of the final product and packaging

Process Block Diagram of Di-ammonium Phosphate

Reagent Tank
Emission of
(Heater) H2O H3PO4 Gasses
NH3 Particulates
H3PO4 Pre-Neutralizer
H2SO4 2200 C – 2500 C
Primary Secondary
Scrubber Scrubber
NH3 Granulator

Combustion 2000 F – 22000 F

Steam Heater Primary Elevator
55 0C Cyclones

Air Cooler



Final product


[1] "Ammonium Phosphate," EPA, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 4 2 2021].

[2] V. G. Boscak, "Evaluation of Control Technology for the Phosphate Fertilizer Industry," National
Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia, Virginia, August 1979.


EXISTING PHOSPHATE FERTILIZER PLANTS.," Environmental Protection Agency, North Carolina,
March 1997.

[4] AZEUS, "," AZEUS, [Online]. Available: https://www.fertilizer-


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