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DATE (Day One) March 6, 2023

Luke 6:36-38 The Message of the Gospel to me

Please read Learn to treat people the way you want to be treated. Anything we do to
others, whether it is good or harmful, will come back to us as a blessing or a
curse. Your actions will define how other people view you, thus it all
depends on you. If you haven't shown respect to others, don't expect them
to do the same for you.
Write an essay about the value of being a media and information literate individual.
Your essay must have a title, an introduction, a body paragraph (1 main argument with 2 examples), and
a conclusion.
Not less than 15 sentences
Refer to the rubric for criteria and grading.

Technology is advancing so quickly in our modern era that it might be challenging for us to stay up. We
must be able to keep up with all the changes that are occurring to our surroundings due to the
emergence of a contemporary and technological world because if we can't, That will greatly affect us
and the way we live if we are to keep up. Social media platforms are one of the most widely used
technological channels. There are a ton of apps on social media, including Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, Telegram, Weverse, and many others, that can provide us with information and amusement.
Apps that provide us with information include Google and YouTube in addition to social networking
platforms. But, this material is not always trustworthy, thus we must take specific steps in order to
quote a trustworthy website. Citations to other websites and a comprehensive explanation of the data
are used to support the knowledge we already had. Given that social media platforms are the most
popular ones, to avoid spreading false information that can be harmful to both us and others, we must
always consider our actions before clicking. Information and media are essential components of our
everyday lives and way of existence for those of us living in the modern technological environment.
Media and information are helpful to us in many ways and facilitate and speed up our work. They are
similar to the artificial intelligence we have that aids us in every aspect of life. Since we always have
someone around to assist us, our brain cells gradually start to malfunction. Thus, despite these new
innovations, to avoid becoming a person who constantly relies on alternative intelligence and the
media, it is better to let traditional or cultural ways remain a part of our lifestyle even after
advancements and inventions. Even if we currently reside in a modern day, staying vigilant at all times
won't harm anyone, thus it is preferable to follow that advice. We must remember how we used to
live without these technologies and learn to live in a more acceptable way despite the rise of modern
materials. It is best if we avoid becoming engulfed by technology improvements because that is how
everything began—without a cellphone, social media, or any other technical items. In conclusion, it is
crucial for us to value our media and information literacy. The media will be able to aid us in so many
wonderful ways, not just in terms of keeping us informed about trends and facts. We must understand
that everything has an impact on us, even though there are still drawbacks. We only need to use it in a
more acceptable and proper way now that we are aware of its beneficial and negative consequences
so that, in the end, we won't regret any choices we made. We must learn to adapt to changes in the
world around us in a constructive way, especially when it comes to technology. Everything has a high
cost, but if we can use it wisely in the long run, we will get a lot from it.

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