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WEEK 1 / DAY 1

1. VORACIOUS /vəˈreɪ.ʃəs – very eager for something, especially a lot

of food / needing a lot of something to be satisfied გაუმაძღარი
2. Indiscriminate - not showing careful choice or planning, especially so
that harm results განუსჯელად
3. Wisdom - the ability to use your knowledge and experience to make
good decisions and judgments ბრძენობა
4. Eminent - famous, respected, or important
5. Replete - full, especially with food / well supplied
6. Warfare - the activity of fighting a war,
often including the weapons and methods that are used.
7. Combatant - a person who fights in a war
8. SOAKED - extremely wet
9. Drench - to make someone or something extremely wet
10. Saturated /ˈsætʃ.ər.eɪ.tɪd/ - completely wet
11.Steeped – soaked
12.Humble - not proud or not believing that you are important / poor or of
a low social rank
13.Eat humble pie – to admit your error and apologize

WEEK 1 / DAY 2
1. Abound - to exist in large numbers
2. Appliance - a device, machine,
or piece of equipment, especially an electrical one that is used in
the house, such as a cooker or washing machine
3. Prognosticate /prɒɡˈnɒs.tɪ.keɪt/ - to give a judgment about what
is likely to happen in the future, especially in connection with
a particular situation / to give a medical judgment about
the likely or expected development of a disease
4.  Abode /əˈbəʊd/ - the place where someone lives /
a home or permanent place to live
5. Automaton  /ɔːˈtɒm.ə.tən/ - a machine that operates on its own without
the need for human control, or a person who acts like a machine,
without thinking or feeling
6. Contend - to compete in order to win something / to say that something
is true or is a fact / to have to deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation :
At the  age  of nine, he had the  death  of both  grand-
parents  to  contend  with.
7. Scour - to remove dirt from something by rubbing it hard with
something rough / to search a place or thing
very carefully in order to try to find something
8. Disposed - to have a specific feeling or opinion about someone or
something/ To be disposed to do something is to feel that you
may want to do it
9. Overlook - to provide a view of, especially from above /
to forgive or pretend not to notice something: I'm  prepared  to overlook
his  behaviour  this  time
10. Slaughter /ˈslɔː.tər/ - the killing of
many people cruelly and unfairly, especially in a war /
the killing of animals for meat/ an occasion when one team is
very easily defeated by the other
11.Settler - a person who arrives, especially from another country, in a
new place in order to live there and use the land / a person who goes
to live in a new place where few people have lived before
12.Foretell  /fɔːˈtel - to say what is going to happen in the future
13.Poke - to push a finger or other pointed object quickly into someone or
something / to greet someone on
a social networking website by leaving them a special short message/a
Hawaiian dish containing food cut into small pieces, especially squares of 
raw ahi (= a type of tuna, a large sea fish)
14.A pig in a poke – an item you purchase without having seen; a

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