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Yangon University of Economics

Department of Commerce

Master of Hospitality and Tourism Management (MHTM) Programme

MHTM 2nd Batch, First Year, Second Quarter

MHTM 123, Segmentation of Tourism Markets

Fill in the blank.

20 points possible (graded, results hidden)

1. Segment -------- can be visualized in a segment separation plot. Profiling

2. -------- linear models can accommodate a wider range of distributions for the dependent variable. Non

3. Marketing was originally seen as a -------- to assist in selling products, with marketers mixing the
ingredient. tool

4. In fact, the segmentation process is frequently seen as part of what is referred to as the --------
approach. segmentation-targeting-positioning (STP)

5. Typical decisions an organization needs to make when developing the -------- dimension of the
marketing mix include setting the price for a product, and deciding on discounts to be offered.

6. The key decision relating to the -------- dimension of the marketing mix is how to distribute the
product to the customers. four

7. Market segmentation analysis does not end with the -------- of the target segment, and the
development of a customized marketing mix. selection

8. If the segmentation strategy is successful, the organization should -------- be perceived as being
particularly good at satisfying certain needs. increasingly

9. In some product categories, segment members change segments regularly, they --------. segment hop

10. Motivation is an important topic in tourism because -------- are the starting point that launch decision
processes. understanding tourist behaviors
11. Market segmentation is a strategy any entity in the tourism industry can use to -------- their
competitive advantage by selecting the most suitable subgroup of tourists to specialize on and target.

12. Approaches range from simple commonsense segmentations to -------- data-driven approaches
where a set of tourist characteristics is used as the basis for grouping. traditional

13. Combination methods are done by conducting -------- independent segmentation studies based on
different segmentation bases and then simply cross-tabulating the resulting groups. two

14. All segmentation approaches can be classified as being either a -------- segmentation approaches or a
posteriori segmentation approaches. priori (commonsense)

15. Competition can be reduced from the -------- market to tourism destinations specializing on the same
segment. global

16. When segmenting a market, groups of individuals are developed which are -------- with respect to
some personal characteristic. psychographic

17. A -------- strategy is attractive for organizations who are resource-poor, but are facing fierce
competition in the market. cost leadership

18. A -------- strategy is suitable in mature markets where consumers are capable of differentiating
between alternative products. Differentiation

19. When an organization decides not to use market segmentation, it is effectively choosing to pursue
an -------- market strategy, where the same product is marketed using the same marketing mix to the
entire market. undifferentiated

20. At an organizational level, market segmentation can contribute to -------- building because many of
the tasks associated with conducting a market segmentation analysis require representatives from
different organizational units to work as a team. team

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