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ACTIVITY 01 Eco-friendly Routine

Competencia: Lee diversos tipos de textos en inglés como lengua extranjera.
Beginning activities:
1. Match the objects with the correct picture. There is one extra option.

A. Plastic bag
B. Plastic cup
C. Glass container
D. Plastic bottle

2. Pre- reading: Answer the teacher´s questions.

3. During the reading: Read and look for the global and specific information in the reading.
Process activities:
4. Write the correct name. Who is Camila and who is Muriel?

1. 2.

5. Complete the chart with an “X” in the right column.

Activity Camila Muriel

Wakes up at 7 o’clock X X
1. Goes to the market at 10 o’clock.

2. Plays soccer on Saturdays.

3. Buys plastic cups of juice.

4. Watches TV at 3 o’clock.

5. Takes recycled bags and glass containers to the market.

6. Uses plastic bags from the supermarket.

7. Sorts the garbage into plastic, paper and organic.

8. Waters the plants on Sunday mornings.

Closing activities:

Metacognition: Students answer some questions by the teacher.

- What did you learn today?

- Did you know that there are actions and eco-friendly routines?
- What of the eco-friendly routines do you practice?
- What of the eco-friendly routines would you like to add to your daily routine? Why?
1) Read with a partner and circle in blue some actions and in red the eco- friendly routines in the text.
2) List some eco-friendly actions
3) Now, read the text again and circle T (true) or F (false) to each sentence.

1. Anna Carina wakes up late in the morning. T F

2. María Pía is not an eco-friendly girl. T F
3. Anna plays tennis with her husband. T F
4. María Pía never goes to the supermarket on Fridays. T F
5. María Pía takes recycled bags to the supermarket. T F
6. Sunday is Anna Carina´s favourite day. T F

Teacher: Sugél Tapia Dávila.

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