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Dear Mark,

How are you ? I hope you are feeling well. I just can’t wait to tell you what happened last week at my
school. We organised a fashion show to raise money for a charity. The fashion show went on very
well and the programmes and games we set in the fashion show were awesome. Let me explain this
to you in detail.

Two weeks ago, we were asked to organise a show to attract people to donate money for a charity
that helps students in urban areas to get in to fashion. Some of them may want to be a designer or a
model so they can get the access to fashion! This is such an interesting project that you’d like to do.
Our plan A is about asking for some fashion celebrities to talk about their own experience about
their own feelings about fassionfashion. However, this plan had been cancelled very quickly-you
must know the reason-since we always had no money. So we were extremely busy, discussing what
programme we should makelaunch. Fortunately, your cousin, Dora, gave us a silver bullet on the
next day that we had cancelled plan A. “Why don’t we design our own clothes or other things that
are related to fashion?” she said, “This is a good way to talk about our own fashion style and to
communicate with others’ fashion tastes. That’s going to attract more potential donators and these
ideas can also be used in the charity to help the other students to create realise their own dream
about fashion.” Almost all of us agreed with that and we started to prepare for the show. [TOO

Firstly, we made some posters to attract other students to design their own things and sent their
ideas to us. We also created our own designs by ourselves. Then, we put our final works into the
powerpoint. Unfortunately, it seemed that not that many students were interested in fashion and
only few of them gave us their ideas very late, you know, students at out age were SUPER
procrastinators. Thus, during the last night before the show, all of us burnt the midnight oil to finish
printing their designs.

Finally, during the day the show took place, every aspect was just perfect with an interesting
introduction part and some incredible sharing parts. Our schoolmates explained why they had
designed their own clothes, book-covers, decorations or something else and showed their passion
and feelings about fashion. Almost all the audience gave the performers a round of applause and
they donated some money to the charity. According to our calculation, we have raised about

And this is the end of my story. Do you have anything interesting in to share? Looking forward to
your e-mail!


Interesting plot

1. Word count (More than 450 words!!!) It’s too convoluted!
2. The meanings of some sentences are ambiguous.
3. Format!!

The score will be given later.


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