Your Excellency The Principal of School

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With all due the respect to the honorable Mr. Principal, to the honorable Mr.

the chairman of the

committee, to honorable Mr. and Mrs. Teachers , Judges, as well as to the dearest friends in this
spectacular place

The day will never be bright without the sun light; the night will never be bright without the moon and
the stars and this place will never be bright without my greeting then guys please answer my kind
greeting by flaming spirit.

First of all, let us express our gratitude to God for his blessing in our life so that we can gather around in
this place to commemorate one of important events in the history of our country, Youth Pledge.

Second of all, let’s give our biggest appreciation to all people who have devoted their time and energy
for the past few days in the preparation of this event so that it runs perfectly as we experience today.

My name is Klemens. I’m from SMK Negeri Solor Timur and I’m the representative of Local Youth
Community. This morning, I would like to deliver my speech about “The Meaning of Youth Pledge for

Ladies and Gentleman,

28th  October has always been an important moment for me and for all young generations in Indonesia.
In this day, we are reminded that our predecessor back in the day took part in achieving the
independence of our country. We are reminded that with all limitations that a young man such as myself
has, youth can also contribute to something great, something important, something meaningful. We are
reminded that no matter how green and inexperience we all are, our actions matters.

I remember our beloved founding father figuratively said that with a thousand elders we will be able to
pull mount Semeru off of its place and with ten youth we will be able to rock the world. This statement
illustrates just how big the role of youth to the world and how much potential that we have as young
generations of this country.

My fellow youngsters, now that we have been reminded about our great potential to do good for
ourselves and our country, I think it is time for us to wake up. I know we all have been dreaming of
betterment in our life, I know that we all have been dreaming of a greater nation. We should not let it
stay a dream! We should not wait for it to happen! Get up! Get up and join me now! Get up and let’s
build this nation with our hands! You must stand with me, because the only way for us to achieve it is if
we work together, as one, as the young spirit of this beloved country.

Ladies and Gentleman,

Youth is not about age and it certainly is not about wrinkles on your skin or even grey hair on your head.
Youth is about spirit. A spirit that is underlying our lifestyle, our way of thinking and most importantly it
is about the spirit that is underlying our every action. The youth spirit is all about passion, a hunger of
advancement in life, a dynamic desire of a life-fulfilling experience, a constant willingness to achieve the
level of content in something meaningful for self. So I need you to ask yourself now, if you are one of the
things that I just mentioned just now, then you are one of us, then you are the youth of Indonesia and it
gives you a duty to stand with me and fight for the glory of this nation, for the glory of INDONESIA.
Merdeka! Merdeka!

Thank you for your attention,

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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