Learning Rules and Categorization Networks For Language Standardization

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Learning Rules and Categorization Networks for Language


Gerhard B van Huyssteen Marelie H Davel

Human Language Technology Group Human Language Technology Group
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Pretoria, South Africa Pretoria, South Africa
gvhuyssteen@csir.co.za mdavel@csir.co.za

ited data available, and then represent these phe-

Abstract nomena visually in a way that is compatible with
the Cognitive Grammar descriptive framework (as
In this research, we use machine learning a constructionist approach to grammar; henceforth
techniques to provide solutions for descriptive CG). Our grand goal is to develop language tech-
linguists in the domain of language standardi- nology tools that could be used in descriptive lin-
zation. With regard to the personal name con- guistics. Specifically, we aim to (1) develop a
struction in Afrikaans, we perform function
predictor that could suggest derivational forms for
learning from word pairs using the De-
fault&Refine algorithm. We demonstrate how novel base-forms; and (2) automatically extract
the extracted rules can be used to identify ir- categorization networks (i.e. constructional sche-
regularities in previously standardized con- mas and the relationships between them) from a
structions and to predict new forms of unseen dataset, which could serve as a heuristic input to
words. In addition, we define a generic, auto- descriptive linguistics.
mated process that allows us to extract con-
structional schemas and present these visually 2 Contextualization
as categorization networks, similar to what is
often being used in Cognitive Grammar. We This research originates from a practical problem
conclude that computational modeling of con- related to language standardization. Similar to
structions can contribute to new descriptive standardization bodies for languages like Dutch,
linguistic insights, and to practical language and German, the “Afrikaanse Taalkommisie” (TK)
is the official body responsible for the description
and regulation of Afrikaans spelling. The TK regu-
1 Introduction larly publishes the official orthography of Afri-
kaans in the form of the Afrikaanse Woordelys en
In the main, constructionist approaches to grammar Spelreëls (‘Afrikaans Wordlist and Spelling
focus on discovering generalizations in language Rules’; AWS (Taalkommissie, 2009)).
by analyzing clusters of usage-based instances of One of the challenges faced by the TK is to
linguistic phenomena. Similarly, computational standardize the spelling of foreign place names
linguistic approaches to grammar learning aim to (including names of countries, cities, regions,
discover these very same patterns, using automated provinces, etc.), and their derived forms (i.e. adjec-
techniques such as machine learning (ML). tives, such as Amerika·ans ‘American’; and per-
In this research, we use techniques from ML to sonal names, such as Amerika·ner ‘person from
analyze and predict irregular phenomena with lim- America’). In the absence of sufficient usage-based
evidence, many variant forms are often being ac- cally creating visual representations of such lan-
cepted, either related to spelling or derivation; guage models. For our current research, we are
compare for instance the variant spelling forms specifically interested in the personal name con-
Maskat or Masqat or Muskat ‘Muscat’, or the vari- struction in Afrikaans.
ant derivational forms Turkmenistan·i or Turkmen-
istan·ner ‘person from Turkmenistan’. The TK is 3.2 Afrikaans Personal Name Construction
therefore challenged with the task to give guide-
lines regarding spelling and derivation, while faced Formation of personal names by means of a per-
with highly irregular and sparse data containing sonal name creating derivational suffix (NRPERS) is
many variants. a productive process in many languages. The spe-
We contribute to address this challenge by dis- cific category that we are investigating in this re-
covering the constructions in seemingly unsystem- search is personal names derived from place
atic and irregular data. Based on our tools and names, such as Trinidad·ees ‘person from Trini-
outputs, the TK could then revise existing irregu- dad’.
larities and variants, or use these tools to guide In one of the standard works on derivation in
future decisions. Afrikaans, Kempen (1969) identifies a number of
NRPERS suffixes that are used in derivations from
3 Related Work place names. He finds that there is no obvious sys-
tematicity in their distribution (based on a dataset
of 132 instances), but concludes that, in derivations
3.1 Constructional Schemas of foreign place names, the -ees and -s morphemes
are most frequently used, with some distribution
Morphological constructions can be defined as also over -i, -n (especially -aan) and -r. In addition
composite symbolic assemblies (i.e. complex to some of the morphemes mentioned by Kempen
form-meaning pairings) smaller than phrases, con- (1969), Combrink (1990) also mentions a few,
sisting of component structures between which while excluding others. In as far as we know, no
valence relations hold (Van Huyssteen, 2010; see other description of this construction in Afrikaans
also Tuggy, 2005). One of the main component has been done, and based on the difference be-
structures in morphological constructions is the tween Combrink (1990) and Kempen (1969), we
morpheme, which is simply defined as a simplex can also deduct that there is no comprehensive un-
symbolic unit in the language system (i.e. it does derstanding of this construction.
not contain smaller symbolic units as subparts). Personal names from place names can be formed
More schematic symbolic assemblies (i.e. less in four basic ways in Afrikaans: (1) suffixation
specified in their characterization) are referred to (Aruba·an ‘Arubian’); (2) zero derivation (Aber-
as constructional schemas. deen ‘person from Aberdeen’); (3) clipping and
Constructional schemas can be represented as a back-formation (Turk<Turkye ‘person from Tur-
network with relationships of categorization hold- key’; Armeen<Armenië ‘person from Armenia’);
ing between different constructional schemas; and (4) lexicalization (Cornwallis>Korniër ‘person
these categorization networks provide the structur- from Cornwallis’). In a rather large number of cas-
al description of a construction (Langacker, 2008: es (119 in our dataset of 1,034; see 5.1) none of the
222). In the representations used in CG, categori- above strategies can be applied, and then para-
zation relationships of elaboration (i.e. full instan- phrasing is being used (e.g. ʼn persoon van Akkra ‘a
tiations of a schema), extension (i.e. partial person from Accra’).
instantiations), and correspondence are specified. Variants of morphemes (i.e. allomorphs) exist
Entrenchment and ease of activation are indicated for phonological reasons, of which a linking ele-
by the thickness of boxes: the thicker the line of a ment is the most prominent (Combrink, 1990).
box, the more prototypical that unit is (Langacker, Compare for example -aar in Brussel·aar ‘person
2008: 226; see also Figure 5). from Brussels’ (where the base-form is polysyl-
The aim of descriptive cognitive linguistics is to labic) vs. -enaar in Delft·enaar ‘person from
postulate categorization networks that describe a Delft’ (where the base-form is monosyllabic;
construction in a language, based on usage data. Delftenaar could therefore also be analyzed as
Our research contributes to this aim by automati-
Delft·en·aar). For our purposes, we consider - Our research has two complementary goals, dealt
enaar as an allomorph (i.e. elaboration) of -aar, with separately: (1) to develop a predictor that can
and is identified as such in our categorization net- suggest potential derivational forms for novel base-
work (see Figure 5). Similarly, we classify mor- forms (and alternative forms for existing base-
phemes as allomorphs in cases where an allomorph forms with irregular forms); and (2) to automati-
exists due to identical vowel deletion (e.g. -an as a cally extract categorization networks that are easily
variant of -aan when it combines with a base- interpretable by linguists.
form ending on an -a, as in Afrika·an ‘person from
Africa’), as well as consonant doubling after a 4.1 Prediction of Derivational Forms
short, stressed syllable in the auslaut (e.g. -mer as
a variant of -er, as in Amsterdam·mer ‘person from In order to analyze existing and predict new deri-
Amsterdam’). vational forms, we use the Default&Refine (D&R)
algorithm (Davel & Barnard, 2004). This algorithm
3.3 Automatic Extraction of Constructional extracts context-sensitive rules from discrete data,
Schemas and is particularly effective when learning from
small training sets. It has the additional advantage
Computational modeling of morphology is a vast that rules generated are interpretable by humans.
subfield in computational linguistics, gaining When applied to the grapheme-to-phoneme predic-
popularity since the 1980s. Pioneering work in the tion task, it has been shown to outperform compar-
field has been done within the two-level morphol- ative algorithms (Davel & Barnard, 2008).
ogy framework, and elaborations on this frame- The D&R algorithm defines a set of templates
work can be considered the basis of state-of-the-art and then uses a greedy search to find the most gen-
morphological analyzers today. However, since eral rule (matching the templates) that describes
constructing such analyzers manually is hugely the training data in question. Examples that are
expensive in terms of time and human effort, the successfully explained by this rule are removed
approach does not scale well for new languages. from the data set and the process repeated. When-
To overcome this obstacle, many computational ever a new rule contradicts examples previously
linguists have developed techniques towards the dealt with successfully, these are again added to
automatic learning of morphology (e.g. Goldsmith, the training data to be “re-explained” by a later
2001). A key goal is to be able to produce a mor- rule. The rule set therefore captures hierarchical
phological analysis of the words of a corpus when default behavior: the last rule defines the default
only provided with the unannotated corpus. behavior for a specific pattern, and acts as a back-
We are interested in the related goal of function off rule to the second-last (more refined) rule,
learning: given a base-form of a word, learn other which would capture deviations from default be-
forms of the word. Most typically, function learn- havior. The second-last rule would then act as
ing takes pairs of words (base-forms plus inflect- back-off to the third-last rule, and so forth. Rules
ed/derived forms) as input to discover patterns in are therefore explicitly ordered according to the
the data. This is also the paradigm used in the cur- reverse rule extraction order. (The rule extracted
rent paper. first is matched last.)
Several ML techniques have been used to solve Once a set of rules have been generated, these
specific function learning tasks (such as learning describe the training data completely. In addition,
the past tense form of the English verb). Ap- by tracing each of the possible rules that may apply
proaches include the use of decision trees, neural to a new pattern (in order), various alternative der-
networks, inductive logic programming, and statis- ivational forms are identified, along with the evi-
tical approaches (Shalonova & Flach, 2007). dence supporting each option (as in Table 2).
We are not aware of any work related to the au-
tomated learning of categorization networks spe- 4.2 Extraction of Categorization Networks
While the D&R rules extracted in Section 4.1 pro-
4 Approach vide a perspective on the phenomena that occur,
these rule sets could become extremely large and,
accordingly, more difficult to interpret. We there-
fore attempt to extract categorization networks (a that match a longer string currently in the best
la CG) as visual representations in a fully automat- string list. If so, partition the set into subsets
ed fashion. These networks are more easily inter- accordingly. (Each subset is therefore identi-
pretable, especially by humans. fied by both a transformation class and a best
An iterative string matching process is used to string. For example, three different sets, each
structure “potential morphemes” within a directed with a different best string may be related to a
tree. Our main assumptions are that: single transformation class. This makes it pos-
 the only input to the process consists of a sible to identify situations where an allomorph
set of unannotated word pairs: base-form + is created in other ways than simply adding the
derivational form; morpheme as a suffix.)
 a morpheme is added as a suffix; 5. For each subset, update the set best string
 allomorphs are either shorter than the main based on the latest partition; update the best
morpheme (i.e. characters removed) or string list to reflect new best strings created.
longer (i.e. characters added); and 6. Repeat steps (4) and (5) until no further chang-
 preference is given to longer strings that es are made. The set of morphemes are consid-
occur systematically in the training data. ered stable, and it now remains to structure
The following steps are followed: these elements into a visual categorization
1. Generate a list of initial transformation classes network.
based on the word pairs provided. These are 7. In order to create the categorization network,
derived through a comparison based on the we start with an empty directed graph. For
longest common substring of the derivational each set best string, create a list of all the trans-
form and its respective base-form (see Table formation classes that are applicable (as calcu-
1). The classes specify the character string to lated above) and add these transformation
be removed from the base-form (if any), and classes from largest to smallest to a single
the replacement string; note that ellipses indi- branch of the tree. (One branch is created for
cates the base-form (or part of it), and curly each string in the best string list, and is a first
brackets indicate deletions (i.e. in China, de- attempt at capturing a morpheme along with its
lete the -a, and then add -ees). If a place name different variations.)
and its personal name are identical, the class 8. Consider the nodes at each level (all nodes that
will be “0”. have the same node as parent) and wherever
one node fully contains another, move the con-
Table 1: Examples of transformation classes tained node to become the parent of the other
Place Personal Class (constructional (cutting the link between the original parent
name name schema) node and the contained node). This process en-
Aberdeen Aberdeen [[x] [0]] sures that morpheme candidates that are actu-
Amerika Amerikaner [[…] [ner]] ally variations of other morphemes are
China Chinees [[…{a}] [ees]] suppressed at each level of the tree.
9. Now combine any nodes that occur in different
2. Create a list of all transformation classes and, places in the tree but have identical transfor-
per transformation class, a set of all deriva- mation classes, by merging the lower node
tional forms (referred to as the transformation with the higher node. Only identical transfor-
derivations set). mation classes are merged.
3. For each transformation derivations set, find 10. For each node in the final tree, consider
the longest end-of-word string common to all whether the left hand side of the transfor-
members of that set (the set best string). The mation class can be refined, specifically by
set of all “set best strings” are referred to as the adding additional matching characters based
best string list and can be interpreted as a set on the final transformation derivations set.
of candidate morphemes. The result of this process is a set of final transfor-
4. For each transformation derivations set, con- mation classes, each describing a constructional
sider the elements in the best string list, and schema, and the relationships among these con-
determine if any subsets of the current set exist
structional schemas, displayed as a categorization mations supported by 6 or more instances.) In Fig-
network. ure

Figure 1: Number of words, rules and (initial) trans- Figure 2: Cross-validated rule accuracy for the per-
formation classess for the various person-x data sets son-x and adjective-x data sets.

5 Experimental Setup and Results 1 the number of words and number of unique
transformation classes are displayed for each per-
son-x data set.
5.1 Data In order to verify the accuracy of our extracted
The dataset that we use is the list of foreign place rules, we use 10-fold cross-validation to obtain a
names and their corresponding personal names mean accuracy per data set, as depicted in Figure 2
from the AWS (Taalkommissie, 2009). For pur- (labeled “person”). We also generate a rule set
poses of brevity, we only report on suffixation and from the training and test data combined: this larg-
back-formation, and exclude cases with variant er set is used to extract categorization networks.
morphemes, zero derivation and clipping, as well When the rule set is structured as a graph (called
as all cases of paraphrasing. 732 instances are re- a rule network), the data can be interpreted as fol-
tained (from the original dataset of 1,034 instanc- lows: the root node indicates the default transfor-
es). mation, which applies unless any child node is
A supplementary dataset consisting of adjectival matched by the base-form, which again only ap-
derivations of place names was also taken from the plies unless a child of the child node matches the
AWS and treated in the same manner as the per- base-form (and so forth), which indicates that a
sonal names; this dataset is used in Section 6.3 to more refined rule should be applied. A small part
verify certain of the findings. This set contains 786 of a rule network is displayed in Figure 3, with
instances. each node listing the end-of-word string of the
base-form that will trigger the rule, the transfor-
5.2 Development of Predictor mation rule that will be applied, and the number of
instances of the rule in the training data. The com-
The full dataset is highly irregular, containing plete rule network is very large: 266 nodes for the
many transformation classes that occur only once. person-1 data set, as indicated in Figure 1.
We are interested in these irregularities (in order to As was expected, a large number of exceptional
identify words that may need further review), as rules are generated, indicating much inconsistency
well as in more systematic phenomena that occur in how derivations are formed. For the person-1
in the data. We therefore create different data sets; data set, 217 exceptions are identified. For each of
in each set (referred to as person-x) we only retain these exceptions, alternatives are suggested in or-
those instances that occur x or more times in the der of prototypicality by tracing the rule network,
transformations. (The person-1 set therefore con- as illustrated for the base-form Smirna in Table 2.
tains all training data, including all exceptions, Automatically generated tables like these provide a
while the person-6 set only contains transfor- practical tool for language standardization.
6 Discussion

6.1 Predictor

The extracted rules immediately provide us with:

 An indication of the predictability of the
data (rule accuracy);
 A set of all exceptions (single instances
that require an individual rule to describe
that instance); and
 A predictor of new forms (applying the
Figure 3: A small subsection of a rule network
rules to unseen words).
From the accuracies depicted in Figure 2, it is clear
that the full data set, including all phenomena that
Table 2: Alternative suggestions for the exception: only occur once, describes a difficult learning task,
Smirna -> Smirnioot with an overall accuracy of only 63.2% achieved.
Alternative Instances Examples When more systematic phenomena are investigated
Smirnioot 1 Smirna>Smirnioot (i.e. transformations with six or more instances),
Smirnees 1 Navarra>Navarrees our classification accuracy quickly increases above
Smirnaan 58 Sparta>Spartaan 80%, indicating that the predictor is in fact usable.
Astana>Astanaan An error analysis reveals that improvements may
Smirnaer 155 Hiroshima>Hiroshimaer
be possible by taking pronunciation information
into account (stress patterns, syllable information,
consonant categories, etc.).
5.3 Development of Categorization Networks A standardization body such as the TK could
use the automatically generated list of exceptions
The categorization network in Figure 5 was com- (similar to Table 2) to review prior standardization
piled automatically, as described in 4.2. Note that decisions. In addition, the predictor can be used to
this specific categorization network is based on suggest derivational forms for novel base-forms,
construction schemas with three or more support- which could then be verified with usage data.
ing examples per node; for the sake of brevity, we
do not include the full categorization network 6.2 Categorization Networks
(based on all the examples) in this paper. From Figure 5, observe that we have identified
The relative prototypicality of constructional
seven basic morphemes (i.e. nodes on the highest
schemas (indicated by the thickness of lines in
level), viz. -aan, -aar, -ees, -er, -i, -iet and -ër;
Figure 5) is determined post hoc by observing dis- with the exception of the latter, all these corre-
tribution frequencies. We obtain four natural clus-
spond to the morphemes identified by Kempen
ters in this way: highly prototypical (hundred or
(1969) and Combrink (1990). Linguistically speak-
more instantiations), prototypical (twenty or more ing, -ër is actually an extension of the [[…] [er]]
instantiations), less prototypical (three or more in-
construction, since the e-trema is used in Afrikaans
stantiations), and unprototypical (less than three
orthography as a variant of the letter “e” to signify
instantiations, therefore also including exceptions); a syllable with a null onset, preceded by a syllable
the latter category is not included in Figure 5.
without a coda. However, our algorithm treated -er
Full instantiations of a schema (i.e. relationships
and -ër as two separate morphemes.
of elaboration) is indicated with solid arrows; the We can also observe that the [[…] [er]] con-
highest node in our network represents the seman-
structional schema can be considered the most pro-
tic pole, and is here simply indicated as [[PLACE X]
totypical schema (based on frequency). Other
[NRPERS]]. For each node in the network, we also prototypical constructional schemas include [[…a]
indicate the class frequency, and provide three ex-
[an]], [[…] [ner]] and [[…] [ër]] (with the latter
amples of the base-form.
two actually instantiations of [[…] [er]]). Within a
CG framework, it is assumed that these prototypi- 6.3 Supplementary Data: Adjectival Deriva-
cal constructional schemas are more likely to be tions
activated for the categorization of novel examples.
This observation contradicts Kempen’s (1969) In order to validate the generic process, the full
finding that there is no obvious systematicity in the process (as described in 4.1 and 4.2) is repeated
distribution of personal name forming suffixes, as using the supplementary data set of adjectival
well as his finding that the -ees and -s morphemes forms described in 5.1. Results are positive: a simi-
are most frequently used. Conversely, we did not larly efficient learning curve is obtained (see Fig-
find in our data significant evidence for the promi- ure 2) and the categorization network, although
nence that Kempen (1969) and Combrink (1990) quite different, is similarly interpretable (Figure 4).
give to morphemes/allomorphs such as -der, -lees,
-naar, -aner, -een, -ein/-yn or -ioot; that does not
mean that these do not exist – they are just not as
prominent as these previous descriptions might
have made us believe.
Furthermore, if we look at allomorphs due to
linking elements, we identified six, viz. -nees,
-enaar, -iaan, -ner, -ter and -iër. With the excep-
tion of -nees, all these have also been identified by
Kempen (1969) and Combrink (1990). If we look
closely at the instantiations of [[…] [nees]], we see
that all base-form examples end on the stressed
syllables [an] or [on], with the exception of Bali
and Mali. A standardization body could therefore
investigate whether these two examples could not
be classified better under the [[…] [ër]] construc- Figure 4: Categorization network for the adjective-4
tional schema, resulting in, for example, Bali·ër, as data set
we also find in Dutch. If this could be the case,
then it would make sense why -nees has not been 7 Conclusion and Future Work
identified by other morphologists, since it would In this paper, we presented a methodology to au-
then be a case of an allomorph due to consonant tomatically discover constructional schemas from
doubling, and not due to a linking element. highly irregular data, and to represent these in a
A similar closer look at -ees vs. -nees shows that way that is both interpretable by computers (pre-
all instantiations of the base-forms of [[…] [nees]] dictive rule sets) and humans (categorization net-
end on a stressed syllable, while those for [[…] works). The graphical representation is by and
[ees]] are unstressed. In the data, there is only one large compatible with one of the major Construc-
exception to the latter schema, viz. Gaboen·ees tion Grammar theories, viz. CG: we show proto-
‘person from Gabon’. Since Gaboen ends on a typical examples (based on frequency), and also
stressed syllable, it would actually fit better under indicate relationships of elaboration. In future
the [[…] [nees]] constructional schema. Support work, these representations could be further re-
for this hypothesis comes from Donaldson (1993), fined, to also indicate relationships of extensions
where he indicates that it should be spelled and correspondences. We have illustrated how
Gaboen·nees. In the absence of usage data, and these representations could provide insight in our
based on this categorization network, the TK could knowledge of the morphology of Afrikaans, as
therefore reconsider the spelling of Gaboen·ees. well as providing practical language solutions for
Several similar observations can be made re- language standardization (such as the predictor and
garding inconsistencies in the data (e.g. inconsist- the tables with alternative suggestions).
encies regarding base-forms ending on [stan]). In Other future work will continue in two direc-
this sense, categorization networks like these could tions: (1) refining the current tool for predicting
be a helpful descriptive tool for a standardization derivational forms by taking additional features
body in finding systematicity in data and rules.
into account, incorporating data that was left out in
our current experiments (such as zero derivations),
and benchmarking our results with regard to alter-
native approaches; and (2) applying our algorithm
to describe other morphological constructions.

Van Huyssteen is jointly affiliated with North-
West University. Support by NWU is hereby
Part of this research was made possible through
a research grant by the South African National Re-
search Foundation (FA207041600015).
We would like to extend our gratitude to Handré
Groenewald and Martin Puttkammer for their help.

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