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Neverwinter Nights 2

Stronghold Guide

By: Paradox Jast aka xInfInIty

January 2nd, 2007
Version 1.15
Game Version 1.03.840



ACT 1 -=- GUA4
ACT 2 -=- OAK6
ACT 3 -=- JGQ3


First compilation of the stronghold guide.

Filled in a couple accidental blanks, added a bit more depth explaining the two miners in the ACT 1 portion, and updated FAQ hosts.

Patched the game - that fixed a bunch of crazy bugs and other miscellany in the game. (ver 1.03) Also added a list of conversation
options for the keep in a new section after ACT 3 called KEEP CONVOS. I don't take credit for it, I simply put it in this guide
because it... well... fits. Check the end of this guide for more info, and credits. Minor formatting changes and added a 'quick
find' feature.

Added FAQ section. Various formatting fixes (again). Added thanks/props to the contact and copyright section. More chitchat in the
INFO section.


I'm building this guide for you to read and look for things as you play the game, in a specific order. So as you travel through the game
you should be able to follow along in this guide and build up as you need to. THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH.
You'll have to look elsewhere for one. Yes I give hints at quests here and there, but all I'm doing is telling you where to look for
things you need, and then how to build up your Stronghold. While you're reading this guide through, please understand that this is not
necessarily the best way to build up your stronghold. Game patches will probably change coding and how things happen with the
keep. I'll try to keep it as up to date as possible but that may be a rather big task. This guide is so you can recognize what you
need and help you find what you may have missed. Feel free to experiment.

And if I may make a suggestion... SAVE MONEY. Loot everything, carry and sell everything you can hold onto. Upgrading your
keep costs quite a lot of gold.
I'm not telling you to skimp on equipment, I'm just letting you know that getting all the upgrades will cost you right around three
quarters of a million gold. (713,500 to be exact, as of this version)
You may have noticed the added 'quick find' feature. Look in the contents for what section of the guide you want to visit. Hit 'CTRL +
F' to open up the "find" feature in your text editor/browser, and type in the three letters and number to the right of the topic you wish
to jump to. It will take you right to it on the page. (added 12/22/06)

Also - I'd strongly recommend saving your game as soon as you enter Crossroad Keep for the first time. It would suck to go back to
the beginning, yeah - but on the bright side if you mess up you have a spot to go back to. Or alternatively, you can build your keep up
in different ways and try different options. Your choice. (added 12/27/06)

It appears that there is a new bug in the 1.03 version of the game, you can get extremely high numbers of troops, merchants, and
peasants. In the game code there is a slight error that has been found by the playerbase - the 'cap' for the growth of troops, etc... was
not put into the game correctly and doesn't register. So don't be shocked if you get some pretty high numbers. (added 1/2/07)

ACT 1 -=- GUA4

(All location names between the ~'s are the way they are listed in game on the minimap)

~West Harbor~
Once you have retrieved the silver shard from the ruins occupied by Lizardmen, make note of Orlen standing near Tarmas along the
path. You'll need him later.

~Fort Locke~
When you enter the fort, look for a weaponsmith by the name of Jacoby. Notice that when you talk to him he mentions that he's the
finest weaponsmith around, not that they have any use for him in Fort Locke. You'll be coming back here to get him later.

In Highcliff, in the very center of town there is an Armorer by the name of Edario. Talk to him and take note that he says there is no
competition and he feels as though his skills are wasted there. You'll be coming back here to grab him later on.

~Merchant District (Neverwinter)~

Go say hello to the merchant Deekin (he's along the path in the SW portion of the map) and browse his wares. Notice how he's
looking for a new home? Remember him...

~Docks District (Neverwinter)~

About the time when you have to either stop or protect the shipment of weapons in the Back Alley (depending on the path you take)
you will come across a boy named Wolf. Help him get away and he'll meet you at your Stronghold later.

Once you leave Neverwinter and head towards Old Owl Well, you're not far away from discovering your first vein of ore. Here's some
info about the ore:

Ore veins that you find in the game have up to 3 uses.

- 50xp for each vein found

- Gold reward if you get help from the miner Calindra.
- Ingot reward if you get help from the miner Pentin.
- Get both miners, and you get both rewards. (Suprise!)
- The ability to upgrade weapons and armor of your stronghold troops.

HINT: It helps when going through the various locations to hold down the 'Z' key to highlight objects you can interact with. The ore
veins will glow a bright blue.

~Ironfist Clanhold~
On your travel map you'll notice there is a spot with Dwarven Scouts. Go there before you head to the Bonegnasher area to get the ore
here and take care of this sidequest. You need to do this sidequest so you can come back later to get the Dwarves as allies, not to
mention gaining access to Mount Galardrym, where some of the most valuable loot in the game is.

--1st ore-- (iron) Pretty much straight ahead once you enter the Clanhold there is an ore vein. Remember to use the 'Z' key to

~Troll Cave~
--2nd ore-- (iron) In order to enter the Bonegnasher Lair you need to enter the troll caves to find the unstable blastglobes which will
clear the path you need to take. At the very end of the cave, there will be ore.

~Bonegnasher Approach~
It's Guyven! This is one of three times you will meet up with this traveler while you're out adventuring. He's in the SE corner, up on a

~Bonegnasher Lair~
--3rd ore-- (cold iron) Its hard to explain how to get to it, the orc lairs arent exactly a straightforward construction. But head west, its
against a wall on the western side of the loop.

On the eastern side of the lair there are jail cells guarded by some orcs. Clear out the orcs and approach the door. Its Pentin, one of the
two miners you can use later to mine all this ore you're finding. He says with you cleaning out the caves, they can actually mine here
in peace for a change.
He's heading to Old Owl Well and will meet you there later when you need his services.

~Eyegouger Lair, Level 1~

--4th ore-- (cold iron) Along the eastern side of the caves in a little niche.

~Eyegouger Lair, Level 3~

--5th ore-- (cold iron) Near the entrance to the 3rd level, follow the path and there will be a door off to the right side eventually. Go
through that door, kill the zombies to the left, then go right again and there is another door.
In that room there are more skeletons and zombies. There is an ore against the back wall in that room, however when you
select/approach it, it doesnt recognize that you've found ore.

::UPDATE 1/2/07:: In patch 1.03, the 5th ore has been fixed and you can now get it. This should allow you to upgrade your arms and
armor even sooner.
(Thanks Vellu)

~Old Owl Well~

Upon your return, Katriona and Pentin will be here. Talk to them both and remember where they are. You'll be coming back to recruit
them later.

~Githyanki Approach~
In the 2nd little camp along the path leading up the hill, Guyven will be standing there. This will be your 2nd of 3 meetings with him.
Be polite, talk to him about the lore, and then he leaves. You'll meet up with him one more time. (If you're mean to Guyven he wont
join you, but being nice has no effect on your alignment)

Thats it for Act 1! Before you go back to The Sunken Flagon, make sure you get everything listed above (mainly the ores) because
once you return to Neverwinter, the game moves into Act 2. The strategy will start to get a lot more complex shortly, and a lot more
options will open up.

ACT 2 -=- OAK6

~Port Llast~
At the north end of town is the Alliance Arms Inn (which may remind you of the original NWN) and located inside is Calindra. She's
a miner. Grab her quest and complete it. Once you do, she'll hang around in Port Llast until you need her services.

Go up the path to the side, killing the dire wolves, meet the two gnomes, and enter the cave up on the hill near the gnomes. All the
way to the back of the cave will be Calindra's mining partner that you need to complete her quest which will enable her to work for
you. Also, once you kill the werewolves, you will need to loot one of them to get the bug collection which you will give to Kistrel

Here is the last place you meet Guyven. After talking to him, tell him "You will always have a place by my fire." and Guyven will
meet you at your Keep later on once you obtain it.

--6th ore-- (alchemical silver) Go down Ember's Well once you finish topside.
As soon as you are there, turn around and look behind you. There is an ore vein that would easily be missed.

Through a door next to the well takes you into the caverns. Beyond the goblins and past the glowstone cave sits Kistrel, a huge
magical spider. You can befriend the spider by giving it the insect collection you picked up earlier.
If you let it join you after that, Kistrel will meet you at your Keep later.
--7th ore-- (alchemical silver) Beyond Kistrel, once you wipe out the rest of the spiders there is another ore vein against the wall. And
thats it for this area.

In case you are wondering, you have a long way to go before anything else happens in regards to the keep after you get the 7th ore.

~Crossroad Keep Tunnel~

--8th ore-- (mithril) Its in the first of the side rooms thats accessible through a doorway with no door on it. Its inside, just to the left.
You'll have to kill 2 beetles to get to it. (This is the only time in the game you can access this area!)

After your assignment to clean out the keep is complete, congratulations, it's now officially yours. The next time you visit the keep,
you can already tell things are different. The fence and houses have been fixed, there are now lights along the path, the fields are
good, and you can even spot an outhouse.
You'll notice a greycloak standing outside the entrance... YOUR greycloak.
He will say a few things to you, and one you'll probably notice most is when he asks if he'll be getting better gear soon. In time, you'll
see a few more changes on the outside of the keep... including the walls. They look like crap right now. Head on inside to the
courtyard, view the cinematics, and then we'll get started on what to do.

After the cinematic, you should be standing in the courtyard. As you can see, its rather empty at the moment. Buildings are in ruins,
doors are locked, and there is only one worker wandering around. If you dont have Elanee in your party, she will be in the courtyard
off to the left from the entrance near some rocks along the path. The only place you can enter in the courtyard right now is the
Phoenix Tail Inn, so lets do that.

~Phoenix Tail Inn~

Sal, the bartender from the Sunken Flagon, has decided to run the inn for you.
When you ask him "How's Business?" he replies that there is some business, but not much. He has a bard that will come work, but the
place needs to be livlier and you need a dancer. You can get a dancer for the place in Act 3, so you will have to wait for a bit yet.
Once you have more peasants and merchants, a Minstrel will come to work for you automatically, but you still have a while to
go before that. Also, if they aren't in your current party - Bishop, Neeshka, and Khelgar all hang out in the Inn.

Lets head back outside, and up the ramp towards the keep. You will encounter Master Veedle, the one who can rebuild your keep and
surrounding areas for you. If you recall me mentioning earlier that you should build up as much money as you can, Master Veedle is
the reason why. Keep in mind, you cannot recruit people until you have their shops rebuilt. Lord Nasher was nice enough to help
you get started with 70,000 gold. Put the first bit of gold into building up the courtyard. Then Start working on the interior of your
keep. Save your private suite for last, since there is nothing vital in that room. After that, work on the roads, and finish up with the
fortifications. When you run out of funds from Nasher, it will start pulling from your own personal funds... which you can get back
gradually when taxes arrive at the keep later. You dont need to fully upgrade the keep and buy all the upgrades and improvements
until Act 3 but if you want to go ahead and get it all out of the way, feel free. This walkthrough will assume you've bought everything
by the end of Act 2.

Kana will also greet you outside, but she will talk to you more inside. Wolf, the boy from the Docks District is also outside the
entrance and will talk to you. He decided to follow you to the keep, and is helping out... not to mention he and his minions act as a
shortcut of sorts. They will take you to many locations of the keep without you having to run there if you talk to them.

Go ahead and buy the merchant or the smithy from Master Veedle, and go inside.

Keep Upgrades:

- Blacksmith - 10,000
- Merchant's Shop - 10,000

Act 2
- Captain's Suite - 15,000
- Library - 15,000
- West Wing - 15,000
Act 3
- Monastery/Church - 75,000
- Tower - 75,000

FORTIFICATIONS (must be done in order)

- Wall Repairs - 25,000
- Reinforce Walls - 50,000
- Towers - 75,000

SURROUNDING LANDS (must be done in order)

- Widen Merchant Trail - 10,000
- Cobble Trail to Keep - 35,000
- Renovate roads - 50,000
- New Bridges and Watch Towers - 100,000
These are available after you recruit the people you need.

WEAPONSMITH (must be done in order)

- Short Swords - 5,000
- Longswords - 15,000
- Mastercraft Swords - 35,000

ARMORSMITH (must be done in order)

- Leather Armor - 3,500
- Studded Leather Armor - 15,000
- Scale Mail - 30,000
- Full Chainmail - 50,000

TOTAL: 713,500 gold


Once you are inside, Kana will talk to you in the Main Hall of the Keep. She will appraise you of the situation, and will let you know
about Uncus in the hall who also wants to talk to you. Cassavir, if not in your party, will be in the back of the main hall.

When you talk to Kana, you get a ton of options. First she'll start with a greycloak report and say that they have completed basic
training. You can view the report if you want... make note that everything looks like crap, is Very Low, or Average, and that 2% of
the Keep time has passed.

Keep Time determines how much time is left in the game that you can accomplish tasks. Once it hits 100%, you are locked and cant
do anything more. The game will stop you from doing anything more with the keep at times until you finish certain parts of the main
storyline, so don't worry about getting too far ahead. Think of it as having checkpoints.

Uncus is in the corner of the main hall opposite of the door you entered from.
He's an interesting character. If you have followed the law and were a part of the Watch on your path to getting here, he will have
nothing to say to you apart from asking you to set up shop... which is your choice. He's an extra merchant if you were good, has a lot
of gold handy and buys items for up to 20,000 gold. But thats it. If you are a Shadow Thief of Amn or have ties to them, Uncus gets a
lot more interesting. He'll become like a 2nd Kana, and will reward you if you do things that are chaotic and allow the thieves easy
passage by the keep. It can mean lower morale and less organization for the troops, but more money and power for you... so that is up
to you. It is probably in your best interests at this point to keep things subtle, unless you plan on becoming a tyrant.

Let's start going over the options with Kana, starting with tithing. Talk about tithing the merchants with Kana. If you have a high
appraise skill, you can tax the merchants discreetly for a supplemental income, when they trade in the keep and stay at the inn,
without angering them because they dont know about the tax (so sneaky!) Enable that if you can, and turn off regular tithing for now.
You can turn merchant tithing on later when you get a fair number of them visiting and the roads are rebuilt and fairly secure. Other
than tithing, keep the taxes for the farmers at zero, and thats about all you can do right now.
If you want to talk about the recruitment standards, only take the best for now and thats it. (1st option) When you organize the men,
set them to training and garrisoning the keep.

Thats all you can do with Kana right now. If you explore the rest of the keep that is currently opened, you will encounter Guyven in a
small room in the part of the West Wing that is completed. Chat with him, though he doesnt really offer much info of value right now.
Head down to the Basement and you will meet up with Grobnar (if he isnt in your party) and the remains of the Construct.
When you get enough parts, the Construct can be rebuilt and join your party. Continue down the hallway, and in the end chamber will
be Kistrel the spider. He'll ask if he can stay. Let him. Thats it for down here, head back up and if you go east now (if you havent
already) you'll see Qara standing in the room there, and thats it. The other doors are still off limits until you fix up more of the
interior. So lets head back outside and talk to Veedle again. Get the merchant's shop or smithy rebuilt, whichever one you didnt last
time, and now its time to recruit people for the keep. Remember those I told you to look for earlier in Act 1? They are the ones.

WHO: Orlen
WHERE: West Harbor
KEEP: Outside next to farm house.
JOB: Farmer efficiency, lets you know farm status.

WHO: Jacoby
WHERE: Fort Locke
KEEP: In front of Blacksmith shop, right side.
TASK: Keep weaponsmith.

WHO: Edario
WHERE: Highcliff
KEEP: In front of Blacksmith shop, left side.
TASK: Keep armorsmith.

WHO: Katriona
WHERE: Old Owl Well
KEEP: Main Hall, next to Kana.
TASK: First Sergeant

WHO: Pentin
WHERE: Old Owl Well
KEEP: Outside, near the big rocks and carts.
TASK: Keep miner. (mining personell)
NOTE: If you have high appraise skill, you can demand 'rent' from Pentin.

WHO: Deekin
WHERE: Neverwinter Merchant Quarter
KEEP: Merchant's Shop
TASK: First Keep merchant.

WHO: Calindra
WHERE: Port Llast
KEEP: Outside, near the big rocks and carts.
TASK: Keep miner. (mining economics)

Upon your return to Crossroad Keep, you will notice there still isn't anyone outside. Time passes for the keep when you move from
one zone to another within the keep. So if you move from Outside to the Courtyard, time will pass for the Keep, with the only
exception being Kana and Veedle. They will only progress as you talk to them. So it would be wise to upgrade everything else before
talking with them.

Calindra will mention she has come to an agreement with Pentin, she does the economics and he will supply the manpower. With both
of them together, you will get both money and samples for any ore you find. If you only get Pentin, you only get samples. Likewise if
you only grab Calindra, you only get money. It's best to grab them both, to get both rewards. Also... you cannot upgrade your
greycloaks arms and armor unless you have at least one miner.

Move inside, talk to the weaponsmith and armorsmith, upgrade both. Go talk to Veedle, choose to upgrade something else (I chose
roads), then move inside and talk to Kana.

KANA: What do you want to do with Torio Claven?

I chose to bring her to the keep. She's necessary if you want the mage tower, and she does owe her life to you and will never betray
you. She brings much useful information, especially when it comes to locating people to bring to the keep to work for you.

::UPDATE 1/2/07:: (email from Pictures Dots) Apparently Startear now will appear outside the tower in Act III even if you have
Torio executed.

KANA: Greycloak report - they are as skilled as the Neverwinter City Watch now.

Assign Katriona to training the men, and when you organize the men, have them train as well. Go back outside, have Veedle build
something else again (I chose library) talk to the armor and weaponsmiths again, then return to Kana.

Upon entering, you meet Daerred and his crazy travelling troupe.

If you voluntarily send them on missions without lying, after three times they will send you a Ring of Positive Thinking. The mail
they send you is hilarious and worth reading. This first time ask Kana if she has any assignments they can do, and they'll take off
without her finishing. Don't worry, you'll hear from them soon.
KANA: There may be an opportunity for your men to gain some field experience.

This means there is a special mission available. We'll go ahead and do it when we organize the men. Exit the conversation and talk to
her again.

KANA: Greycloak report - they are soldiers. Only regular training and skilled sergeants can make them better now.

Good thing we assigned Katriona to train them. Go ahead and send the men on the special mission to get it taken care of. To do that,
organize them as usual, but there should be an extra option that says "What special mission is available?" toward the bottom of all the
options. Do that. If you were like me and completed the library, you can head through the east door and go check it out now if you'd
like. There are plenty of books to read and scrolls that you can grab to sell or use later. Aldanon will reside here, and will be needed
for some future quests. Sand will also be here when not in your party. Head outside again.

Get Veedle to upgrade something else, I upgraded my roads again. Remember, getting the roads upgraded is an incentive for travelers
to come visit. You can talk to the weapon and armorsmiths again, but they wont have enough supplies... you'll have to wait until Act 3
before you can do any more upgrading. But at least your soldiers are armed like normal greycloaks for now.

Also, it will be at about this time that you run out of Keep funds. It will start pulling money from your own pocket to upgrade more. If
you dont have enough to do anything else... you can wait until later in Act 3 when you get a huge supply of money from a strange
source, or you can cheat yourself some ... I won't tattle on you.

Go back inside and talk to Kana again. She'll give you an overview of what occured during the special mission. Notice she says "Due
to the training and equipment we gave the men, they dispatched the bandits quickly." Nice! You recieve 500 gold and Old Man
Morris' amulet.

Organize the men with training one more time, then pass time.

When I say 'pass time' I mean exit the keep to the courtyard then enter again. It passes time inside the keep. You can keep buying
parts of the Keep from Veedle in the meantime, or save up some money first. Just make sure you have enough to finish by Act 3. Go
back inside if you havent already.

KANA: Greycloak report - competent soldiers. As good as regular training can get them.

Set them to training again, then pass time.

KANA: Message from Daerred. They managed to stay alive and provide news.

You'll have a note that you can read in your inventory... its humorous.

KANA: Greycloak report - competent soldiers. As good as regular training can

get them.

Organize them for training again, then pass time.

When you enter, Daerred and is travelling troupe are back. You can set them out on another assignment looking for clues about the
King of Shadows, or tell them to get lost. Up to you.

KANA: Special mission available: Doman the Ogre

Go ahead and take care of the mission, then pass time.

KANA: Elite soldiers have been trained. Katriona wants to talk to you.

Katriona will inform you about the Captain's Company, your new elite squad of soldiers. You can let the company be formed or not,
its your choice. Then you get to chose a goal for them. Each of the options does pretty much just what it says... one will make you
good, the next lawful... next evil, etc. It will also most likely have an impact on the civility rating of your soldiers, but I don’t know if
I can prove that.

When you talk to Kana again, she will give you another Greycloak report, the same as before. Ask for a report and look at it... it
should be something like the following:

Time Passed: 25%

Merchants: 18 (this may vary)
Peasants: 18 (this may vary)
Peasant Civility: Average
Morale: Very High
Greycloaks: 50
Training: Best of the Best
Greycloak Civility: Average
Unit Strength: Low
Armor: Decent
Weapons: Good

Land Security: Very Low

Road Security: Very Low

Talk to Kana again, and she will tell you the men are tasked to capacity and you should check back later. This means you hit one of
the checkpoints in the game where you have to complete a storyline quest before you can pass any more time at the Keep. When you
organize the men this time, have them recruit more greycloaks this time. Kana will ask you to make sure of the quality of men you
wish to recruit... keep it at the best men only for now. Set Katriona to recruitment as well if you havent already, then head on out and
take care of your next storyline quest. When you come back, you should have some more men and we'll make some more progress
with the Keep. On your way out, you may notice an extra worker or two wandering around inside the courtyard, and a few
farmers in the fields outside. Its starting!


Upon your return, talk to Kana as per usual. You'll have another note from your good adventuring pal Daerred. More comedy. Talk to
Kana again.

KANA: It's time to send out the tax collectors.

If you're like me and dont have any taxes set to get people to come to the land, then you have nothing to worry about, and collectors
wont be sent. You can raise the tax rate once the lands are more secure... if you're a nice guy.
Pass the time. A few more turns of recruitment and you'll get another special mission - bugbears. Go ahead and take care of them.

When you can, continue to organize the men to go out recruiting. Kana will let you know when they cant find any more men. At that
point, stop recruitment efforts and start sending patrols to protect the land. Reassign Katriona to help with the patrols as well. Ask
Kana about the recruitment standards, and bump it all the way down to the last option - offer criminals amnesty if they will take up
the 'cloak. Once the security of the land reaches 'average', feel free to bump up tithing a bit if you havent already.

At another point you should be approached by the leader of the Raven's Allies Mercenaries when you go to talk to Kana. Go ahead
and accept them if you want. Your civility rating might take a hit, but you can work it back up without too much work. You need the
men to increase your Unit Strength.

Continuing on, you will get the mission results from a special mission that was started a while back: Doman the Ogre. It was a
success... you get 300 gold and Doman's club as winnings.

Another event will happen once you have secured the lands quite a bit... you'll meet Ziffer, a bailiff, and he wants you to sign a village
charter so that he can form a new village on the keep's lands. Its a win-win situation, especially since if you have a high appraise skill
you can get them to pay quite a bit in taxes - assuming you keep the lands safe. If the land security stays at average or lower for too
long, they'll leave... so dont let that happen.

Not long after you sign the charter, Ziffer will come back with men who want to volunteer for your service. Its up to you to accept or
deny them.

If at any point your Land Security hits Very High, go ahead and start patrols on the roads. You might get an opportunity to do one or
two road patrols before Kana wont let you do anymore.

KANA: Lord Nasher will want to see you soon.

That marks the end of your fun with the Keep for the time being. As for the report, you should be at 62% right about now. The
following numbers may vary a little bit, depending on how you've been playing your game, but this is an overall view on what it
should be close to looking like:

Time Passed: 62%

Merchants: 21
Peasants: 40
Peasant Civility: High
Morale: Very High

Greycloaks: 223
Recruits: 53
Volunteers: 70
Greycloak Civility: Average
Training: Best of the Best
Unit Strength: Average
Armor: Decent
Weapons: Good

Fortifications: Reinforced Towers

Land Security: High
Road Security: Low
Road Condition: Renovated with Watch Towers and New Bridges

When leaving the area to go questing again, make note once again at the number of people around. There should be a few more
workers wandering around, and if you explore the courtyard, you should notice a couple greycloaks standing off to the east side of
the courtyard near where the chapel will be. Guard posts! On top of that, there should be two soldiers at every entrance now, and
even one down at the world travel marker. You may also notice some cats running around outside now too.

If you have some items you want to hold onto but dont feel like leaving in your bags... there are 24 spots of storage in a footlocker in
the merchant's shop, behind the counter where Deekin is. Also, inside the keep - in the War Room in the West Wing there is a desk at
the back of the room. Grab the Crossroad Keep Key from inside that desk. Go over to your Captain's Suite and now you can open
the cabinet near your bed that you couldn't before. More storage there, plus a bag that will reduce the weight of everything that you

That will be it for this act. Once we return to the Keep, it will be Act 3!

ACT 3 -=- JGQ3

Welcome back for Act 3... hope you had fun in Castle Never. To get started, lets take a look and see whats changed so far. First, when
you enter the Keep Courtyard (you go there directly from Castle Never) you'll have another cutscene where all of your companions
talk to you briefly. After that... off to the east side of the courtyard near the entrance you may notice Nevalle standing there. If you
wish you can turn the tower into the headquarters of the Neverwinter Nine at the keep for him. More on that later though. He will be
hanging out here to talk to you when you complete quests, so update him on your status from time to time.

Next to Nevalle, you've probably noticed Bevil by now. He's back and has come to join you. Chat with him for a bit, he's going to be
one of your sergeants.
When you talk to Kana you can assign him to patrolling the roads... he can do other things but the Roads are where he really shines.
Go ahead and talk to him for a while, talk to him as much as you can, and compliment him. It increases his performance when he gets

Head up the path and chat with Veedle... he can make two new things for you in the Courtyard - the Church and the Tower. But you
have to decide who you want to build both of them for.

Ivarr the Blessed, of Tyr, wants the church for his own purposes. He has a quest if you have levels as a Paladin, Cleric, or other
good/holy PC. If you play an 'evil' character, he will want to help you repent from your evil ways.

Rolan of the Sun Soul wants to pass on his knowledge before he dies, and would like the Monastery rebuilt for himself. He is good if
you have a monk PC.

Sir Nevalle wants the Tower built for the purposes of the Neverwinter Nine. You'll want this if you have a strong melee PC, like a
fighter, or barbarian since the quartermaster there sells some rather rare armors, including Red Dragon armor.

Once you talk to Torio and have her agent look for someone interested in a mage tower, Startear will appear and stand next to the
ruined tower. Talk to him, and you can then build a tower for him. He is good for caster classes, wizards, sorcerers, and the like, since
he sells all manner of magical goods. (As of patch 1.03, Startear appears automatically in Act III if Torio has been executed.)

::UPDATE 1/2/07:: The Gambling Den did not make it into the final cut of the game. Sorry, thieves.

You'll be pulled into the library with Sand before you can enter the keep, so you'll be starting from there. Get your quest stuff taken
care of with Aldanon then head to talk to Kana. Your friend Daerred and his travelling troupe will be back for the third and final
time... they've done good so far, might as well send them out again.

You'll have to start a new conversation with Kana a few times to get through everything she has to say. One thing you will come
across in your conversations with her is that Lord Nasher is collecting a War Levy to pay for the troops. Half of the levy will go to
you, and the other half will go to Lord Nasher. Whatever you want to do here is your choice. The top choice, sparing the farmers
from the levy and paying 6,000 to Lord Nasher will shift you towards good, the middle two options have no shift, and the last one will
shift you toward evil. Do as you will. I play a 'good' evil toon, so I spared them the levy... I want to build up my lands before I tax
them big time.

KANA: Greycloak report - roads are becoming safer in many places.

You'll get that if you sent them to patrol the road a few times before the end of Act 2. Anyway... start talking about your Sergeants.
Leave Katriona as patrolling, and assign Bevil to patrolling roads as well. Then organize your
men to patrol the roads again too. A note about Bevil... once he has been assigned, he cannot be reassigned. So choose wisely.

If you're following the Shadow Thief path, you'll talk to Uncus a little bit, find out whats going through Axle's head. Do what you will
with the visitor.
Talk to Guyven too... tell him about Jerro's Haven, and about Lord Never's Tomb. He'll tell you to find the spot outside where the old
Captain of the Keep buried something long ago.

After that, head outside. You can build your Neverwinter Nine Tower now if you wish. If you want the mage tower, you'll have to
wait for Torio's agent to find Startear... if you want the Gambling Den you'll have to wait even longer. You can go check out the
church or the monastery now if you wish, assuming you have built one of them.

Also, you'll encounter Daeghun. He will give you a quest that you have to take care of, but he will sign on as a scout for the Keep.

Once you take care of that... we will want to build up our forces to give them the best arms and armor. To do that we need more ore.
So as a first stop I'd recommend talking to the Dwarves in the Ironfist Stronghold. You'll go to Mount Galardrym from there, pick up
3 more ore veins, almost 200,000 gold, tons of other items, and a Drow Merchant for your merchant shop... who you also need to
be able to get the gambling den.

~Mount Galardrym~
--9th ore-- (mithril) Upon arriving at the mountain, take the path, and when it splits into 2 paths, take the one that continues west.
There is a small encampment at the end of the path, and there will be an ore vein against the wall on the right side.

--10th ore-- (darksteel) While following the path, when you get to the main camp, this ore vein will be against the back wall of the
camp. Hard to miss.

~Seat of the Mountain~

Its a small area. After you complete the quest and get the belt, get all the really good loot and check out the prisoner area as marked on
your map. Its Caelryna, a drow merchant from Luskan. Send her to Crossroad Keep and have her talk to Uncus. He'll get her set up.
Not to mention she's another merchant to peddle your items to... namely the ones you picked up on this mountain.

~Fiery Canyon~
--11th ore-- (darksteel) This is against the wall at the back of Tholapsyx's Lair. Go visit Tholaspyx before you visit the fire giant
king... you can come back and drool over her hoard later when she is dead. If she's already dead, what are you waiting for? When you
approach her hoard, remark about how you'll send the greycloaks to get it, if you want a decent amount of coin to be in the keep's
coffers when you get back. Otherwise, you can loot individual chests and other storage containers in the hoard. Quite the haul too...
you should have no more money problems at all after this.

After you're done on the Mountain, go to Port Llast.

~Port Llast~
As soon as you enter the area, you'll see Light of Heavens. Talk to her, engage her in combat, and beat her. If you win, she'll meet you
later at another undisclosed location.

~Neverwinter Merchant Quarter~

As soon as you enter you will see people walking past you, evacuating. And also not to far into the Quarter is Light of Heavens again.
Engage and beat her in combat once more, and she says she will meet you again later for the final test... but again not where. Don't
worry, you'll see her again soon. Before we leave here, you can dump any of the loot you picked up on the two traders in the area.
And also, near the park... be sure to talk to Joy. She is the dancer that you need for the Phoenix Tail Inn back at the keep. Recruit her,
then head back towards the Keep.

A few things when you get back to the keep.

- Light of Heavens is waiting for you outside. Talk to her, engage her in combat for the third time. Defeat her again, and she will join
you as on of your sergeants. Remember to assign her when we talk to Kana.

- Give the locations of ore you found on Mt. Galardrym to Calindra.

- Talk to Pentin. He wants to leave. If you have high diplomacy or intimidate, you can get him to remain on board. If not, it was nice
knowing him... I guess.

Go to the Courtyard. You can enter the merchant shop and talk to Caelryna, she has set up shop next to Deekin. Ask her about
Underdark or just browse her wares. Talk to both the weaponsmith and armorsmith, you have more ore so you can upgrade again.
You should be able to go all the way to best with both of them at this point. Go inside the Inn after you finish chatting with them.

~Phoenix Tail Inn~

Its definitely a lot more busy than it used to be, thats for sure. There are peasants inside now, and Joy the dancer is there to. She's also
got a Bard and a Minstrel that are playing while she dances. You can talk to Sal (you might have to talk to him a few times, he has a
lot to say if you havent been talking to him regularly) and find out about business... its hopping, literally.

When you exit, you can talk to Light of Heavens, she's over next to the Church or Monastery, depending on which one you got. On
the way you should talk to Edario the Armorsmith, and upgrade the armor one last time. If you need money and have to wait till after
you talk to Kana, thats fine.

When you're all done exploring the courtyard, head inside. Talk to Kana and she will tell you about the Dragon's Hoard you found on
the mountain. She dispatched some men to go retrieve it. And now you have a fun amount of 170,000 gold in the Keeps coffers. Nice
stuff. Talk to her again.

KANA: Greycloak report - the roads are extremely safe.

Organize the men and set them back to patrolling lands, as they have gotten a bit worse in our absence. Set Light of Heavens to
recruiting efforts. After thats done, head back outside, talk to Khravler and take his assignment. Its time to grab another ore (the rest
of the ore will not be used, but might as well get for exp and money) and our 4th sergeant.

--12th ore-- (adamantine) As soon as you zone in, before talking to Khravler again, look to your left. The ore will be right there.

When it comes to getting Jalboun, when the appropriate moment arrives in your conversation with Sydney and Jalboun, offer him
double whatever she was paying to him. After that, you have to make sure he stays alive... he will help you but he doesnt have a lot of
health. When the fighting is done, he will ask for payment, instead of paying him offer him a job to work at Crossroad Keep. He
will accept and meet you there.

Back at the Keep, talk to Ammon, then go outside, turn in your ore, then go back into the courtyard and talk to Jalboun. He is located
next to the Inn. After that, go inside the keep and chat with Kana.

Kana will have a note and a package for you from Daerred... the Ring of Positive thinking I mentioned way back. This will be the last
time you hear from him, so enjoy his last note. Organize the men to patrol the lands, to get it secure again, and put Jalboun on Special
Assignments. After thats done, go ahead and pass time.

When you enter the keep again, if you followed the thief path, you'll have to fight assassins disguised as Greycloaks. If you followed
the good path, then you can ignore this and read on...

KANA: Set up dealings with merchant caravans.

If you have a high appraise skill, you'll know what all three caravans deal in. Its up to you to choose. Good, nuetral, or evil, all in a
row. Of course the evil choice gives the greatest profit. Other than the caravans, keep your men patrolling roads or lands, whichever
needs it most, until both are at Very High status.

After another pass time, Kana will stop you from doing anything else, stating that the Shadow Reaver is causing too much havoc, and
you need to take care of it. Another checkpoint. At this point, tie up any loose ends, finish up alliances, and then take care of the
shadow reaver. That means investigating the Wendersnaven, finishing up your business with the Dwarves, visiting Highcliff to talk to
the Lizardmen, and returning to the Merchant Quarter to deal with Axle if you are following the thief path. After you finish those,
take care of the Shadow Reaver, then head back to the Keep.

~Road to Highcliff~
--13th ore-- (adamantine) After you have dealt with the Lizardmen, turn around and look behind you, near some rocks where you
arrived into the area. There is some ore hidden under the rocks, behind a small hill.

When you return to the Keep, your tasks for the greycloaks are now rather straightforward. You'll keep repeating 2 things, then after a
while, just one.

- Recruit until you cant anymore. Light of Heavens will keep volunteers coming to the Keep.

- Set the men to patrol the lands, or the roads if one of them is below Very High in security.
- If lands and roads are Very High with security, and you cant recruit any more Greycloaks, then organize the men to patrol the roads
and lands at the same time until the Time Passed reaches 100%. Patrolling both at the same time wont make either of them better, but
it will keep them the same way they are.

At around 92%, Kana will tell you that you need to reform your sword before you can progress any more. So you might as well get

~Ancient Valley~
--14th ore-- (adamantine) As soon as you enter the valley, turn immediately to your right. The ore will be there, perhaps a little bit
behind you.

--15th ore-- (adamantine) This one is in the center area, near the crystal heart. It should be off to the left, underneath one of the black
dragons which is perched on the cliff.

~Wendersnaven Glade~
--16th ore-- (adamantine) Assuming you go to take care of the Wendersnaven before you continue on to reform the sword, the last ore
vein in the game can be found here. When you approach the middle of the area, look to the right and you'll see the last ore vein in the

When you get back to the Keep, continue doing as you had been doing before. Recruit, if available, patrol individually if needed, and
patrol both to maintain Very High Security on both roads and land if there is nothing else to do.

You will hit 100% at some point. However, before then... if you have Ammon in your party and go into the basement, he will make
some comments regarding the summoning circle you have there. He will give you this recipe:

Gold Filigree Charm: Used for summoning Mephasm in Crossroad Keep

Ingredients: Faint Power Essence, Glowing Fire Essence, Star Sapphire, and a Gold Necklace
Spell: Darkness

Create that, and summon Mephasm.

Infernal Focus 1: Used for bargaining with Mephasm in Crossroad Keep

Requires: Caster Level 1, Mephasm Quest
Ingredients: Glowing Power Essence + Ruby + Darksteel Ingot
Spell: Darkness

Infernal Focus 2: Used for bargaining with Mephasm in Crossroad Keep

Requires: Caster Level 1, Mephasm Quest
Ingredients: Glowing Fire Essence + Sapphire + Mithral Ingot
Spell: Darkness

Infernal Focus 3: Used for bargaining with Mephasm in Crossroad Keep

Requires: Caster Level 1, Mephasm Quest
Ingredients: 1 Faint Power Essence + Faint Fire Essence + Blue Diamond
+ Iron Ingot
Spell: Darkness

All these do is give your character stat bonuses, gold, and the like. Nothing spectacular, but hey, feel free to do this if you want to.
Remember that you need to have craft wonderous arms and armor feat in order to be able to make them, and have the spell Darkness

And that is pretty much the end of the guide. You can continue forward now, and progress to the battle for the Keep. It should be
fairly straightforward since from this point forward the game gets linear and takes you towards the end. I hope you had fun building
your keep!


As a foreward - I take no credit for this section of the guide. I didn't go into that much detail other than covering the basics, revealing
locations, and giving you a basic walkthrough for building your Keep up.
Credit for this section goes to Dexter111, a poster on the official NWN2 boards, who compiled this list. I'm merely formatting it for
FAQ posting purposes. What follows below is a list of all the conversation topics regarding Crossroad Keep, or while you are in the
keep. You know what I mean. His guide is much more in depth if you check out the boards there. Search the forums there for
"Companion Influence / Nasher / Keep Guide" and it should bring up his topic. It covers conversations for the rest of the game as
well, I only pulled topics relevant to the keep.

I added this section if people want more control over the various aspects of the Keep, more than what I've already explained to this
point. As you come across conversations in the game, check here to see if any responses will affect the status of your keep.

Keep specific influence changes are at the end.

I believe that each rating is based on a scale of 0 to 100, 50 being 'Average' though I'm probably wrong. Most of the values listed
below are either immediate bonuses or status modifiers which impact the values as you pass time. You can interpret the values as you
wish, this is how the game script lists them.

This is how I understand the values:

Road Security - Changes the Road Security Value listed in the report.
Land Security - Changes the Land Security value listed in the report.
Civility - Changes the Peasant Civlity listed in the report.
Greycloak Civility - Changes the Greycloak Civility listed in the report.
Growth Modifier - Merchant or Peasant, increases the 'maximum' amount of peasants or merchants you can have come to your keep
per turn.
Unit Strength - Changes the Unit Strength value listed in the report.
Greycloak Elite Modifier - I have no clue on this one, but I assume it adjusts how well they do all their tasks?
Tax Adjustment - Merchant or Peasant, modifies amount of taxes you receive based upon what your tax settings currently are. For
example, if you have it set so you arent taxing anyone, this value wont change anything. But if you have it set to light taxes and the
modifier decreases, you will receive less taxes than what you currently have them set at.
Greycloak Unit Count - When recruiting or getting volunteers, you receive fewer.


- Arrival of Halfling Village Sherriff. (Land Security Rating >= 10)

"Send half of our ready men to Leeves. Have them wait until the bandits show up."
-4 Road Security, -4 Land Security, +1 Civility, +1 Greycloak Civility

"Station one patrol to their village to assist them."

-4 Road Security, -4 Land Security, +1 Civility, +1 Greycloak Civility

"This isn't my problem."

-1 Greycloak Civility

"Just a few days ago the Cloaks station at Leeves intercepted the bandits."
+1 Greycloak Morale, +1 Peasant Growth Modifier, +1 Land Security

"Our Cloaks stationed at Leeves fought the bandits a few days ago. It was... a bloody fight."
+1 Greycloak Morale, +1 Peasant Growth Modifier, +1 Land Security

"Our men fought the bandits a couple days ago. Few survived - they were outmatched, Captain."
-1 Greycloak Morale


- When Daerred and his Travelling Troupe arrive.

"Kana, is there anything these adventurers can help us with?"

+1 Unit Strength


"Keep them out of trouble."

+1 Unit Strength
They will visit the Keep three times. If you want them to survive and get a reward called the Ring of Positive Thinking, send them to
Port Llast first, then look for information regarding the King of Shadows, then info about the Guardian. Your other choices are to send
them away, or to get them killed - pick either one of those and you'll never hear from them again.
Kana will send them to Port Llast automatically... and accidentally... if you ask her if they can help with anything.


- Katriona inquires about the 'Captain's Company'.

Yes or no:
"Then let the Captain's Company be formed."
+20 Greycloak Morale, -10 Unit Strength

"I have to refuse."

-10 Greycloak Morale

If formed:
"Protect the land and its people."
+2 Greycloak Civility, +1 Civility, +1 Peasant Growth Modifier

"Preserve and uphold the laws of Neverwinter."

+2 Greycloak Civility, +1 Civility

"Strive for perfection in all things."

+10 Greycloak Morale

"Cause terror amongst our enemies, and sow fear among those that serve us."
-2 Greycloak Civility, -1 Civility, -1 Peasant Growth Modifier


- Ziffer arrives to form a new town and needs you to sign the charter.
(If # of Peasants >= 30)

"Sign the charter."

+2 Civility

If you don't sign the charter, nothing will change and Ziffer won't return.

- Ziffer arrives for a second time, offering peasants to join the Greycloaks, if you signed the charter.

"Any villagers that volunteer are welcome to join the Greycloaks."

-2 Greycloak Elite Modifier

If you make any other choice, these are possible answers:

"I still appreciate your protection, Captain, I really do. But I think I'll keep our unworthy lot out of your Greycloaks."
+1 Unrest

"I bring you some of our most capable souls, and you insult me and them by saying they're not good enough!"
+1 Unrest


- Kana talks to you about Dobbson and his collection practices. (random)

"All laws must be followed. Dobbson should be disciplined."

-1 Greycloak Morale, -1 Merchant Growth Modifier, +1 Greycloak Civility

"Make an example of Sergeant Dobbson - this behavior won't be tolerated."

-2 Greycloak Morale, -1 Merchant Growth Modifier, +2 Greycloak Civility

"We shouldn't blindly follow laws. Dobbson did the right thing."
+1 Greycloak Morale, +1 Merchant Growth Modifier

"This is in the grey area - just let him go."

+1 Greycloak Morale, +1 Merchant Growth Modifier
"Let's get a cut of the gold, and see if we can make more out of this."
-2 Greycloak Morale, -1 Merchant Growth Modifier, -2 Greycloak Civility


- Tax Collectors special mission.

"I want to spare my farmers from this levy."

+2 Peasant Growth Modifier, you lose 6k

"No taxes for the farmers."

+1 Civility, +1 Peasant Growth Modifier

"[Bluff/Lie] Ask them for donations to help with war veterans and widows."
-1 Greycloak Civility

"We should assume that generally the farmers are truthful..."

+2 Peasant Growth Modifier, +2 Greycloak Civility, +1 Greycloak Morale, -2 Peasant Tax Adjustment

"Tell the men to use their best judgment, but strive to maintain good will with the farmers."
+1 Peasant Growth Modifier, +1 Greycloak Civility, -1 Peasant Tax Adjustment

"If someone can't pay take anything that isn't nailed down."
-1 Peasant Growth Modifier, -2 Greycloak Civility, +2 Peasant Tax Adjustment

"If the men see anything valuable make the owners give it up in tribute to me."
-3 Peasant Growth Modifier, -2 Greycloak Civility, +4 Peasant Tax Adjustment


- Kana asks about the travelling merchants. (# of merchants >= 50)

"I've heard the Circle of Friends coster is a conservative one with a long history of honest dealings. Accept their offer."
+1 Civility

"The Forgotten Lords coster is knowledgeable and cunning, and they are not above questionable trades. We will side with them."
-1 Civility, +10 Merchant Tax Adjustment

"The coster of The Fated Winds is rumored to have dark dealings - some whisper they deal with the Zhentarim. But the profit is
greatest with them, so they are my choice."
-2 Civility, +25 Merchant Tax Adjustment


- Results of sending the men to bring the Red Dragon's Hoard back to the Keep.

200k - If general and greycloak civility is Very High, and road security is High
170k - If training is Best of the Best, and road security is High.

Unknown if you can get any less.


- If you get the following:

Unit Strength: Very High

Weapons: Best
Armor: Best
Training: Best of the Best

You should recieve a Short Sword +5.


- Kana says that some local lords recruit everyone they can as conscripts because of the war.
"Recruit every able hand."
+1 Unrest

"We need everyone we can get - grab them by force if necessary."

-5 Peasant Growth Modifier, +2 Unrest


- When talking to Veedle.

"Have the men work on making the trail to Crossroad Keep wider and easier for merchant wagons to travel."
+10 Road Security

"Have the men cobble the trail to the Keep."

+10 Road Security

"The nearby roads need extensive work."

+10 Road Security

"The nearby roads need better bridges and watch towers for safety."
+10 Road Security

"Start repairs on the walls."

+10 Land Security

"Go ahead and reinforce the walls."

+10 Land Security

"Start construction on the towers."

+10 Land Security

"Build a wizard's tower for Startear then."

+10 Land Security


"Rebuild the guard tower for Sir Nevalle then."

+10 Land Security


- Various conversations with Uncus.

"Have Kana remove them from the Greycloaks"

-2 Greycloak Unit Count, -1 Greycloak Morale

"They've betrayed me - now they die."

-2 Greycloak Unit Count, -1 Greycloak Morale, -1 Greycloak Civility

"I don't want this tracked back to me - at any cost."

-4 Greycloak Unit Count, -2 Greycloak Morale, -2 Greycloak Civility, -1 Civility

"Order them to patrol the Mere of Dead Men. Immediately."

-4 Greycloak Unit Count, -1 Greycloak Morale, -1 Greycloak Civility

"However you see fit."

-4 Greycloak Unit Count, -2 Greycloak Morale, -2 Greycloak Civility, -1 Civility

"Let's carefully get our men in place and not step on too many toes."
-1 Greycloak Civility

"It's better to make a clean break - have Kana arrange the demotions and promotions shortly."
-1 Greycloak Morale, -2 Greycloak Civility

"Purge those that pose any obstacle to my ambitions."

-2 Greycloak Morale, -3 Greycloak Civility, -10 Greycloak Unit Count
"Take care of it however you like."
-1 Greycloak Morale, -2 Greycloak Civility


- Attacking Crossroad Keep Influence checks

+2 Bishop, -2 Shandra "It's just another corpse, we're not going to waste any tears or prayers on it."
+2 Shandra -2 Bishop "Thank you - this poor man deserves as much."
+1 Bishop "If you're not going to help me destroy him, then get out of my way."


- Crossroad Keep Control Influence checks

+1 Grobnar (About Construct) "Sounds good, if we can restore him completely, he'll be an asset."
-1 Grobnar if you tell him to leave the Construct alone.
+1 Bishop (In party or at Inn) "Do you think I really care about nobility
besides of the coin?"
-1 Bishop if you take the "righteous path" with him.


- Crossroad Keep General Influence Checks, Act II

+2 Grobnar (when you give him all 3 pieces required to repair the Construct) "I'm impressed you got it working again - good job."
-2 Grobnar "Proud of it? It looks like it's barely holding itself together."
+1 Ammon Jerro [Bluff/Lie] (20/suc) "I only wish to protect Neverwinter, and all its people."
-1 Ammon Jerro [Bluff/Lie] (20/fail) "I only wish to protect Neverwinter, and all its people."
+1 Ammon Jerro "Fine. I agree." or "I need all the help and allies I can get, so I accept that - for now."
-1 Ammon Jerro "Kill the few to save the many?" and then "An ill-thought idea for anyone who's willing..." or "It is not acceptable to
me, and furthermore...
+1 Ammon Jerro (if you talk with him about Zhjaeve) "She has her uses, as do you."
-1 Ammon Jerro "Her service has earned her some respect. She deserves nothing less."
+1 Ammon Jerro "If they were to enter the conflict, the Githyanki would fight them instead of the King of Shadows."
+1 Ammon Jerro "Is there wisdom in being tied to politics and laws if there is so much at stake?"
-1 Ammon Jerro "Zhjaeve is brave in risking herself to help us..."
+3 Ammon Jerro if you talk to him about his past and take the confrontational answers at the end and then use Diplomacy
-3 Ammon Jerro if you talk to him about his past, take the confrontational answers at the end and fail using Diplomacy or you take
any of the other answers


- Crossroad Keep General Influence Checks, Act III

+2 Grobnar if you talk to him about Shandra and you say "I am sad that we lost her..."
-2 Grobnar if you talk about Shandra and say that you don't care.
+1 Elanee (When Daeghun shows up)"I won't have you sending her on dangerous missions like you did with Bevil and I."
-1 Elanee "You're here for her?"
+1 Elanee "If these druids are as powerful as you say, they would make valuable allies." or "They may be in danger. We should go to
them immediately."
+1 Elanee "He has a duty, and he takes it seriously..." or "Daeghun has a good heart. He sacrificed much to raise me properly."
-1 Elanee "As a father, he was useless to me - he'd best do a better job serving this Keep."
-1 Elanee "Is this for you or for me? I'm not going off on some fool's errand to give you peace of mind." or "I don't want to deal with
this now."
+1 Ammon Jerro (if you go near the summoning circle in the basement) "With you around, I think I'll be in little danger."
-1 Ammon Jerro "Leave me be, I know what I am doing."
-1 Ammon Jerro (when talking to the Mephasm) "Couldn't I just sell you..." and then "I was just joking."
+1 Ammon Jerro if you have bargained 3 times with Mephasm, you'll also get a feat "Infernal Bargaining"
+1 Ammon Jerro if you say "I don't care about the price. I want to be more powerful." and then "Thanks for your advice, but I need
this power to defeat the King of Shadows."
-1 Ammon Jerro if you instead say "I didn't ask for your advice. I'm doing this."
+1 Grobnar if you talk to him about the Wendersnaven and tell him he may have a point at the end
-1 Grobnar if you tell him they don't exist and he's imagining them at the end.
+3 Ammon Jerro if you talk to him about Shandra and tell him about her adventures with you.
+2 Bishop -2 Casavir (if you talk to Pentin and he says that he wants to leave) and you use Diplomacy (10) "I helped to secure your
fortune..." and fail you'll get the option to say "I've had enough - you'll not live to see tomorrow."
+1 Bishop -1 Casavir if you use Intimidate (6) "Leave then, but be careful. The world is a dangerous place. Very dangerous." on him
and succeed.
+1 Sand "You owe me some gold, Pentin. Time to pay up." and then use Appraise (3) on him "According to trade law - I own part of
your profits."
+1 Bishop -1 Casavir "Simple - give me what you owe, or die." then "Get out of here."
+1 Ammon Jerro (after you "met" the druids and Khralver appears near Wolf if you decline) and then you say "And that fool can
afford to wait - perhaps by playing for time..."
-1 Ammon Jerro if you say "I do not wish to use him - nor anyone else." or "We'll come back for him when I've taken care of a few
things." or "You follow me - if you don't like it, then leave."
-1 Ammon Jerro if you say "Don't contradict me again."
+2 Ammon Jerro if you say "Acting impulsively is how Shandra..." or "This envoy cannot leave until we do - he will wait, and so will
you." or "I have made my decision."
-2 Ammon Jerro if you say "Do not question me again."
+1 Qara (if when talking to Sydney Natale, Jalboun comes up and you say) "Sydney, send your thug away before I let Qara use him
for target practice."
-1 Qara if you say "I think he's pretty amusing actually - let him speak."
+1 Ammon Jerro -1 Zhjaeve (after returning to the Courtyard when you got the True Names from Sydney Natale) if you say "Zhjaeve,
give the papers to Ammon Jerro. He won't damage them."
+1 Ammon Jerro if you say "Enough. We need to trust each other if we are to survive."
-1 Ammon Jerro if you say "I think Zhjaeve should hold onto the True Names for now, for safety." or "Your squabbling over pieces of
paper is pathetic."
+1 Ammon Jerro (after you defeated the first Shadow Reaver) if you say "Ammon, can you offer any insight?"
-1 Ammon Jerro if you say "And you're telling us this now?"
+1 Ammon Jerro if you say "Then let's make use of this fellow enemy of the King of Shadows."
+1 Zhjaeve if you say "There must be something you can tell us, Zhjaeve."
+1 Ammon Jerro -1 Zhjaeve if you say "I think both of you need to be more forthcoming with information." or "Ammon did not think
it could help us, that is all."
+1 Zhjaeve -1 Ammon Jerro if you say "I agree this seems... convenient."
+1 Casavir -1 Bishop (when Callum fights against the Reaver) and you say "Callum delayed the Reaver, allowing us to stop that
abomination. He died a noble death."
+1 Ammon Jerro (after the battle with Koraboras when Ammon leaves the Keep and you follow) "I can't afford to lose you and the
part of the Ritual you possess."
-1 Ammon Jerro if you say "Calm down, I just thought you might need help." or "Me? You're the one who's caused nothing but
+10 Ammon Jerro if you say anything but "Let's go" and then continue the conversation (if you had a influence of over 10 with
Shandra only), it's more of an influence transfer from daughter to father
+1 Ammon Jerro (when he leaves the Keep after Lord Nasher's battle at Highcliff) "You shouldn't leave without telling us where you
went." and then "We are both needed to defeat the King of Shadows..." or "You're here because I need you..."
-1 Ammon Jerro if you instead say "Keep it up, and your next journey's going to be to a grave."


- Crossroad Keep Siege sequence general influence

+10 Elanee (during the Romance sequence) "I thought we could get some sleep. Together."
-10 Elanee "I have use for you soon, but not now. Leave me." (After you say "The walls await. Let's form a group and set out." during
the briefing)
+1 Bishop if you say "Bishop." and then "I need someone with good eyes and good aim, Bishop, and you're one of the best."
-1 Bishop if you say "Bishop." and then "Only if we're lucky."
+1 Casavir if you say "Casavir." and then "As it shall be mine, Casavir. We need your strength on those walls both for this Keep's
sake and the morale of soldiers."
-1 Casavir if you say "Casavir." and then "You're merely a tool of convenience against the undead, nothing more."
+1 Grobnar if you say "Grobnar." and then "You're wrong, Bishop, I need Grobnar up there."
-1 Grobnar if you say "Grobnar." and then "Bishop's right. I need someone to draw arrow fire away from the troops, and your singing
might do it."
+1 Khelgar if you say "Khelgar." and then "Good, your fighting skills are what we need on the walls."
-1 Khelgar if you say "Khelgar." and then "I don't need you to fight, I need you to look for a weakness in those towers."
+1 Neeshka if you say "Neeshka." and then "I need someone watching my back... and putting daggers in the enemy's."
-1 Neeshka if you say "Neeshka." and then "There isn't much choice. For some reason, you may be useful."
+1 Qara if you say "Qara." and then "I don't want you to hold back - wipe out as many of the enemy as possible and keep the walls
-1 Qara if you say "Qara." and then "Just restrain yourself and save your spells for the towers."
+1 Zhjaeve if you say "Zhjaeve."
+1 Zhjaeve -1 Ammon Jerro (if you pick Zhjaeve first, then Ammon) and say "At least Zhjaeve I trust."
-1 Ammon Jerro if you instead say "I need both of you, so do your duty."
-1 Bishop (if you picked Casavir before) and either say "We need you, Bishop... in case hard decisions need to be made." or "Both of
you, quiet - Bishop, you're with us." or "Yes, I want you where I can see you, ranger."
-1 Qara (if you picked Qara first, then Sand) and you say "Try to follow Sand's lead, Qara."
-1 Sand (if you picked Qara first, then him) and you say "Actually, Sand, try to give Qara room to cast spells... I'll only need you to
cover us if she falls."


- Bevil Influence and Good/Evil

+1 "I'm sorry about your family."

+1 "Are you going to be all right?"
+1 "If you need time away from your duties, I can speak to Kana..."
-1 "I'll send you packing if you start falling apart over this."
+1 "Just call me Name - it's still just me."
-2 "I'm not here to reminisce - so be silent."
+1 "We all have to be good people first, and warriors second." (also +1 Greycloak Civility)
-1 "Teach them obedience and achieving objectives at all costs. That's what makes an ideal soldier (also -1 Greycloak Civility)
+1 "Ever consider adventuring with me again?"
+1 "We're friends, you can talk to me."
+2 "I should be asking your forgiveness for what you've suffered. It's because of me..."
+1 "Many heroes have had problems - you can overcome them."
+1 "You'll serve the Keep well, Bevil. Have faith."
-1 "You're weak. If you fail and break, I'll find someone to replace you."
-1 "I'm not really interested in your problems."
+1 "You will know what to do when you need to. I have confidence in you." (also +10 Greycloak Morale) +0 "It's our job to make
sure that if we ask them to pay in blood the price is worth it." (also +10 Greycloak Morale) -1 "Many deaths await before my tasks are
done." (also -10 Greycloak Morale)


Nevalle/Neverwinter Influence and Good/Evil

+1 "I shall go immediately."

-1 "Callum can take care of himself."
-1 "I'm not facing that thing. Let it come to the Keep and we'll attack it from the walls."
+1 "Her motives were treacherous, but the True Names we got from her could turn the tide."
+1 "We claimed the True Names of the Shadow Reavers that can be used to make them vulnerable."
-1 "What we discovered is not your concern."


Q. In the Crossroad Keep Report, what does each of the listed items stand for?

Time Passed - How much time has passed since you started at the keep. At certain %'s of Time Passed, the game will not let you
proceed any further until you have completed a part of the main quest. Once you hit 100%, you can't do anything else, so plan
Merchants - How many merchants currently regularly visit your keep. The higher the number, the higher your base keep income gets
from them visiting your inn and merchants located within the keep, as well as income from merchant tithes if you have them set to
anything other than zero.
Peasants - Like the merchants, this represents how many peasants reside on your lands surrounding your keep. The higher this
number, the higher your base income gets, as well as taxes you recieve if you have them set higher than zero.
Peasant Civility - High Civility means your peasants are generally helpful and good natured, and this will lure more peasants to your
keep faster. Low civility means you'll have a hard time getting new peasants coming to your land.
Morale - The overall morale of your keep. The higher this is, the faster you will be able to get peasants, merchants, recruits, and

Greycloaks - The number of greycloaks you have.

Recruits - How many of your current greycloaks have been recruits you tried to get.
Volunteers - How many of your greycloaks volunteered to join your forces.
Greycloak Civility - How civil your greycloaks are. It determines how nice they are when it comes to collecting taxes, tithing
merchants, following orders, etc. High civility will increase the rate at which you get merchants and peasants coming to your land,
and how easily you can recruit.
Training - The level of training for your greycloaks.
Unit Strength - Depends on how many 'cloaks there are, how well equipped, trained, and led they are.
Armor - How good your troops armor is, compared to the 'standard'.
Weapons - How good your troops weapons are, compared to the 'standard'.

Fortifications - Tells you how fortified your keep is.

Land Security - The security level of the land, ranging from Very Low to Very High.
Road Security - Same as land security.
Road Condition - Explains what kind of condition the roads on your lands are in.

Q. Can I keep doing anything when my keep hits 100% Time Passed?

A. No. Once you hit 100%, thats it.

Q. Building up my keep is expensive, how can I get more money?

A. If you read the beginning of this guide, you'll recall I said to grab and sell everything you can get your hands on and carry. Also in
Act 3, you'll get a dragon's hoard that you can have returned to your keep and that will give you a nice chunk of change. Taxes at your
keep won't net you much, but you can give it a shot if you're desperate, just keep in mind that it will slow the rate at which people
come to your keep. If you want a really easy way to get gold and your morality permits it, cheat yourself some. (dm_givegold # when
your PC is selected)

Q. How does the status of my keep when it hits 100% determine anything in the game later on?

A. It doesn't do much, but the keep is in the game to let you have fun and feel like you are important. The status of your keep
determines how hard the fights are when you reach the point in the game where your keep comes under attack. If the stats of your
keep are lackluster, you'll face stronger enemies, and more waves of them too. The difference is so minor its hard to notice, but if
you've actually tried to run your keep into the ground, you'll notice it.

Q. What is Unit Strength, really?

A. Take everything added together about your greycloaks, and that determines how strong they are. Ten greycloaks with the best
training, armor, sergeants, and morale are better than 100 greycloaks with no training, armor, etc.

If you're a person that can read scripting code, the game calculates it as follows:

(Unit Count * (1 + Weapon + Armor + Sergeants) * (1 + Training) * (1 + Morale) * (1 + Elite)) = Unit Strength

All variables are given numbers in the game code. The above is just the example as to how the game determines the Unit Strength.

Q. So can you get a Gambling Den or not?

A. All signs point to... no. It seems that the gambling den did not make it into the final cut of the game. As gamers go through the
coding, it appears as though there were other things cut too. Naevan, a druid from the Mere was supposedly going to be able to join
you at the keep and turn the Church into a Park. There were six options total for the Tower and Church originally, but only four made
it into the final game. Bah.

There are believers out there who are praying its just a bug. I guess we shall see...

Q. Why does my recruitment always suck so bad? I can never get many men!

A. Save recruitment for later, when you have a lot of peasants. The more peasants you have (and if you have the new town on your
land - you signed that charter, right?) the better your chances are of getting more recruits. If you can manage to hold off till Act III to
do any recruitment, do that. Your troops will do fine on recruitment, but if you want them to have the best bonus have Light of
Heavens tag along (+25% bonus). Bevil is a close 2nd, assuming you've talked to him to make him better.

Along the lines of recruitment, apparently its in the game now that you're not supposed to be able to get any more than 600 troops.
(No Dev comments on this, but several gamers seem to know so much about coding its hard to doubt.) But the bug I mentioned in the
beginning of this guide allows people to get many, many more than that. I haven't managed to break 500 myself (I suck, I guess)
but I'll see if I can manage to boost my numbers higher.

Neverwinter Nights is copyrighted and/or the property of Obsidian Entertainment, Atari, Hasbro, Wizards of the Coast, and Bioware.

All I can ask is that you please respect my wish to ask me before you post this FAQ on your site before you do. If you see it on a site
that is not listed below, I have not said they could. Not that I can do anything about it, but hey, everyone has their own moral standard.

Though I didn't visit the official NWN2 boards until the end of December, it seems as though a Stronghold 'helper' thread formed
there mid-November - started by dakkonzerth. You can check it out here:

If you've read this guide through, then you pretty much know about all the sergeants already. If you want a little more in-depth
information about them, check out the NWN2 Wiki:

This FAQ was originally posted on:

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