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Makaziwe's pov

Me:yhea I hear you, but you will have to prove it to me

Him:I can even do that right now
Me:How so?
Him:Eish I don't know but you know that I'm no trash
Me:What are you ?
Him:Your Knight in shining Armour
Me:Hayike Knight ,goodnight
Him:ain't you giving us a chance
Me:Not now,you have to prove it to me that
you are no trash
Him:Okay, I'm ready
Me:now can you drive me back to my flat
Him:Do you have to though
Me:I'm afraid yes Mr Knight

I quickly got ready then he drove me back to my flat ....

Masonwabe's Pov

It has been four days since I last talked to Makaziwe,

I've been missing her so much but I couldn't go see her
nor call her because according to Jayden I was being
tailed, the Lucifer's were onto me, and so if they saw
me with Makaziwe they would kidnap her in exchange
of Me or Jayden and I didn't want that, she had told me
when we last met that she will performing a play today
at the theatre so I have to go,I'm just not sure what
time it starts so i quickly create a facebook account
so I could scroll through her timeline in hope of seeing
something concerning the play, like the details

I finally created the account and now scrolling through

her time line, she is a private person I can see for there
were no pictures of her, I got what I wanted, so the
show will be starting around 17h...and now the time
was 15pm ....i slowly get up from the couch switching
off the TV then headed upstairs to get ready, my
phone rang on my way up

^^:Sir I'm calling to inform you that the proposal
considering the Law firm has been accepted and that
we can start everything by next month...
Me:okay Mark ,thank you so much
Mark:And Sir do you mind if I ask when you will be
coming back to work, it's been hectic without you
Me:Soon ,I'm sorry but I have to go and thank
you for informing me

I had even forgotten that I have work, I've been so

occupied...I head to the shower and take a quick
one ,I'm done in 15 minutes, I lotion, i put on my black
tux ,black trousers reaching upper ankles, White
airforce, black shirt...I curled my tapper fade, i put on
my cologne then head out out

I put my engine to life as soon as i get my car, I slowly

head out not forgetting to greet my security guard...I
get to the theatre in 15 minutes,I got in and it seemed
like the play had already started, I can't believe I'm late
I mean they said the play will start in..well never mind
I'm already late, atlist I will have all eyes on me when
I get in yep...I got in Makaziwe singing the song she
sang when she was at my house, I just stood by the
door as she sang, she called me up on stage as she
sang using her hand and suddenly all eyes were on
me...Amen, infact I'm now scared of the stares, how
could she do this to me though

I slowly walk towards the stage singing along with her,

I reach her and pull her close to me,it seems like that
was the end of the play because that curtain like thing
was pulled down blocking us from the Audience

Her:you came late (pinching me on my ear)

Me:Ouch ,but baby you never told me what
time I should come
Her:so you are blaming me
Him:No babe I'm not, but did you have to
pinch me though?
Her:No but I did, your bad....come let me show you
something (she said leading me towards what I
think was a back door)

She ran holding my hand with me following behind

her,she was running towards the beach, we reached
the beach and she let out a scream and I joined her...

Her:Take off your shoes

Me:MY Queen
Her:yhea Mr Knight,I want you to feel the sand

I quickly took off my shoes and my feet met the sand

Her:put your hands here and I'll put mine here

(putting my hands around her waist and pulling
her close to me)

She slowly put her hand aaround my neck, then we just

stared at each other ,i had my forehead on hers ,She
had her eyes closed , I slowly moved my one hand
from Her waist and slowly moved it to her face, I
slowly brushed her cheeks before slowly cupping her
chin bringing her lips close to mine, she let out one
loud breath with her eyes still closed, I leaned forward
about to brush my lips against hers and my wrist
watch decided to disturbed the moment, she quickly
opened her eyes as I loosed the grip around her waist
attending the wrist watch

It was a notification, I tapped to read it ...

"They are onto you, get way from there now I've
already sent someone to pick you up, you just
run south, run now they are only five minutes
away and you leave that wrist watch where you
standing,Now Mid "

Me:Shit (I cursed under my breath)...

The end...

Season 2 on its way ....


Last modified: 20 Aug 2021

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