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B1: Tổng quan đề thi +
Speaking p1, 2 LỘ TRÌNH
B2: Writing p1, 2, 3, 4
B3: Speaking p3, 4 &

B4 => B7: Chữa đề LƯU Ý

Lesson Outline
Ngữ pháp và Từ vựng: 2 phầ n – SPEAKING
25 phút WRITING

Kỹ năng Đọc: 4 phầ n – 35 phút GRAMMAR + VOCAB

Kỹ năng Nghe: 4 phầ n – 50 phút READING

Kỹ năng Viết: 4 phầ n – 50 phút CHÚNG MÌNH CỐ GẮ NG HỌC NHÉ

Kỹ năng Nói: 4 phầ n – 12 phút

Ngữ pháp: Hoàn thành câu với từ chính xác (25 câu - 10')
Từ vựng:
1. Tìm từ đồ ng nghĩa
2,3. Điề n từ vào chỗ trố ng
4. Chọn từ đúng với định nghĩa
5. Collocation: chọn các cặp từ phù hợp hay sử dụng chung
PHRASAL VERB Loại 1: Meaning (nghĩa của từ)
VD: He is known as someone who always ........ his friend
A. Catches up B. Clears up C. Backs up

Loại 2: Preposition (Giới từ)

VD: ...... Monday we go to school
A. At B. In C. On
Bored - Boring
Loại 3: Word form (từ loại)
VD: They are very ...... in music
A. Interest B. Interested C. Interesting

Loại 4: Connecting words & adverb (Từ nối và mệnh đề trạng ngữ)
VD: ..... I was very cold, I continued working until I finished the job
A. However B. Although C. Because
Cách nâng vốn từ vựng
B1:Tải ứng dụng TFLAT
B3: Chọn mục “GAME”

Sắp xếp câu theo đúng thứ

Lựa chọn từ đúng nghĩa với câu tự

Lựa chọn các chủ đề cho

Lựa chọn các mệnh đề phù hợp từng đoạn
Luyện kỹ năng NGHE


maps English podcast
distorts the distance 1. Schitt Creek
and- size of the Earth's
6 minute surface,
English 2. Friends
different projections are
- The English we
speak 3. The good place

Luyện kỹ năng NGHE

( 17 câu- 25 đáp án )

C1=>13: Map các đoạn hội thoại ngắn 2 lượt lời, hỏi giờ giấc, địa
C14: Nối tên người nói với ý kiến của họ
As maps distorts the distance
and size Nghe 1 đoạn
of the Earth's hội thoại của 2 người, 1 nam 1 nữ. Yêu
cầu chúng
different ta xác
projections are định đây là ý kiến của người nào.
C16,17: Mỗi câu là 1 đoạn độc thoại, mỗi câu chia ra làm 2
câu hỏi nhỏ. Chọn đáp án chính xác nhất
Viết 3 câu trả lời trên nền
1 Viết từ (3-5 từ) 3 tảng MXH
5 câu hỏi (30-40 từ)
3 câu hỏi

Viết đoạn văn ngắn Viết email thông thường

2 (20-30 từ) 4 và sang trọng
1 câu hỏi Thư gửi bạn: 40-50 từ
Thư gửi chủ, clb: 120-150 từ
PHẦN THI NÓI (12 phút)
1. Thông tin cá nhân: 3 câu hỏi về bản thân - 30s
2. Mô tả bức tranh và
trả lời 3 câu hỏi liên quan - 45s/câu
3. So sánh 2 bức tranh & thảo luận
trả lời 2 câu hỏi liên quan - 45s/câu
4. Trả lời 3 câu hỏi về 1 chủ đề ( nêu kinh
nghiệm và ý kiến cá nhân)- 1p chuẩn bị 2p trình bày
PHẦN THI NÓI (12 phút)
1. Thông tin cá nhân: 3 câu hỏi về bản thân - 30s

- Trả lời câu hỏi có thể mở rộng theo hướng

What? Where? When? How? Why? Which?

- Nói khoảng 5-7 ý cho 1 câu hỏi

5W - 1H
Speaking task 1
What did you do yesterday?
Work online - Cooking/Kitchen - Netflix & Chill
Tell me about your typical day

Usually do with friends:

Something you are planning to Learning english - communicate with foreign

do in the future friends - better job - CanhQuach Aptis - 2 weeks

Read book - romantic novels - evening, 5 hours -

Tell me about your hobby?
iPad - convenient
Speaking task 1
Describe a person
Please tell me about your
Friends / Film Star / Favourite Singer
- I will tell you about one of the greatest friend I ever known: name + age

- friendly -> easy to make friends with

- mature -> wise advices
+ details -> successful but she never brags
- Her characteristic melts me: - humble
- punctual + example -> shows up on time
- cheerful - always have a smile on
- hardworking - acchieve many award/

1. Mô tả bức tranh và
trả lời 3 câu hỏi liên quan - 45s/câu

1) Intro: What's in the picture?

- In the picture I can see... / There the picture

2) Position: Where in the picture?

In the top left At the top In the top right

On the left In the centre On the right
In the bottom left At the bottom In the bottom right

- In the background, I see...

- In the front, ...
- Next to / In front of / Behind / Near / On top of / Under...
3) Details: What they're doing, their jobs,...
Miêu tả các hành động có sẵn trong hình
It is clear that (rõ ràng là...)
We can firmly know that (ta có thể biết chắc là..)

4) Spectaculate: Talking about possibilities

Đưa ý kiến / Dự đoán: địa điểm, nghề nghiệp, cảm xúc, hành động tiếp theo
I suppose ( tôi cho rằng)...
I guess ( tôi đoán là)...

5) Spectaculate about what you can't see

VD: The photo is beautiful so it might be taken by a professional

Describe this picture ?

The last time you see the ocean?
Why do some people don’t like sea travel?
In the picture I can see a young girl

In the background, I can see the blue ocean and

In the centre, there is a girl in white outfit wearing
sunglasses and smiling

It is clear that she is on a boat traveling in the sea

I suppose:
- She’s a supermodel taking photos for a brand
- She’s enjoying her summer vacation
- She spends the lottery money to go travel around the

The photo is beautiful so it might be taken by a

2. When - Where - Who - Why - Which - How ? 5W - 1H

Q1. Last time I enjoyed the scenery of the beach:

2 weeks ago (time), Da Nang beach (location)
Waves, clear water, blue sky --> beautiful landscape
Feelings: comfortable, admirable towards my country's beauty

Q2. Seasick: say sóng

Afraid of drowning or Titanic scenarios
SeaTravel is slow and expensive
Good news: My grandmother recovered from her illness I received it from my mother, when
I was studying
How things happen: My grandmother came down with a serious cold. She's old and her
health has diminished so she had to be hospitalized --> I feel worried
Fortunately, she quickly recovered --> one of the best news I have ever heard I feel happy,
because she's the one whom I loved the most, I don't want bad things to happen to her.

Q2. Feel nervous or Feel hopeful

Q3. They celebrate when receiving good news because they want to enjoy their delightment
or to make the experience more memorable
1. Live music
2. Three people performing on the stage
A crowd joining a festival
3. Lively/ Vibrant music (Electronic Dance Music)
Gentle/ Calm music
Please describe what you see in the picture
Talk about the time when you last travelled in a group
What are the benefits of travelling in a group
Miêu tả tranh

1) There is a woman in the picture

2) In the background, there are empty seats
In the front, there is a woman leaning towards the window
There are windows filled with sun light on the left
3) It is clear that she is travelling to somewhere

4) I suppose:
- Shes going to school/her workplace
- She cant afford private vehicles
- She want to use public transport to protect the environment

5) The photo might be taken by her friends

Where? When? Who? What? Why? How?
More people, more fun
As social animals, we enjoy group outings. Travelling to a far-off place will be more fun, if we
have the right company with us.
Better planning
More travellers in a group means more brains at work. Proper dedicated planning by several
individuals will definitely yield better results than individual planning.
Medical assistance
What if we contract some illness in the middle of nowhere? For such people, group tours are
the remedy. When travelling as a group, we are mostly mindful of the needs of others in our
group. For the smooth functioning of the trip, everyone has to be hale and hearty.
Better bonding
What is the ultimate result of any tour? We come back as relaxed and peaceful individuals.
What if we share those days with our family and extended family members? Every member of
the group will have a lot to share after those happy days. Being together in a wonderful
environment will create a better bonding with your family.
What are the attractive characteristics of the two places?
How can we protect natural beauty of these destination?
1. Natural landscape / Tourist sites
2. A group of people mountaineering / The beach - coconut trees on the seashore
3. Moutainous erea / Highland Vs Maritime area
4. Personally, I prefer...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Recycling what we can reduces the amount of new materials we are making, and upcycling is a
creative way to make old items into something more valuable
Often local nature reserves or parks are looking for regular volunteers, which can give you
practical conservation experience as well as helping to restore nature your local area.
Visit and learn about natural habitats
After learning about the different habitats and wildlife, share that information with friends and
family so they can help preserve our environment, too!
Get the fresh air
Surely most people are afraid of the heat of summer. But you will have an extremely
yomost experience with the mountainous erea. Escape from the lavish city, leisurely
hiking through the hill to find the highest points to see the whole world in sight, play
with sunshine, breathe fresh air after a journey of conquering the top is such a
unique moment.
Maintain health & body shape
Not only climbing is a high physical-demanding activity to help you gain strength and
remain health, exploring a mountain alone or with a group of friends is also an
extremely memorable experience.
Swimming is a good workout
Swimming alone provides most of the health benefits of going to the beach.
Swimming gives the body a full workout and gets you to work on deep breathing
which improves lung function.
Time to unwind
Beach relaxes your mind. A leisurely walk along the beach decreases stress levels
and boosts the production of endorphins or the “happy hormones”

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