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I. Rewrite the following sentences putting the adjectives between brackets in the correct order. Justify your order by identifying, in each case, the adjective type:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. She was wearing a coat (leather, elegant, black, new). The Browns bought a car (German, second-hand, big, cream-coloured). They used to spend their weekends in a house (small, lovely, country, modern, brick). He offered his wife a dress (velvet, scarlet, evening, gorgeous, long). I happened to find a statue (antique, little, marble, cheap, yellow). We were impressed by the waters (cold, turbulent, greyish, deep). They all sat down at a table (French, huge, dining, old, oak, brown, round). He was very proud of his stick (black, stylish, walking, old-fashioned).


Underline the correct form in each of the following sentences:

1.We were all struck by her stone/stony expression when she entered the room. 2. He couldnt afford buying her a gold/golden ring, so he got a silver/silvery one instead. 3. Is this a metal/metallic chair? No, it is made of wood, but it has a metal/metallic colour. 4. She is a high/highly competitive gymnast who hates losing. 5. Some workers were laying lead/leaden pipes outside the house. 6. He insisted that the goods should be sent to him direct/directly. 7. The new shampoo is supposed to give you silk/silky hair in a matter of months. 8. How are your parents? They enjoy fair/fairly good health. 9. The only heating device in the house was an old wood/wooden stove. 10. I have travelled wide/widely, and, in one of my expeditions, I came across a woman who lived alone deep/deeply in the forest.


Put the adjective at the end of each sentence into the correct place:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. After one years preparation, well start the courses . (proper strictly so called; itself) The neighbours called the police. (concerned worried) Tom has always been a boy . (responsible with a sense of duty) I think that, given the circumstances, he had a reaction . (proper suitable) The chemicals killed any bacteria . (present at an event, in a place) Nobody understood Marys long explanation . (involved complicated) The man was sent to jail. (responsible who is/should be blamed for smth.) You should go and talk to the teacher . (concerned connected with this) The situation cannot be allowed to continue. (present existing or happening now) The person has just left the office. (involved affected by or included in an event or situation)


Circle the variant(s) that can fill each gap:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The child was comforted by his mother. (sick, afraid, frightened, ill) They had stories about their travels around the world. (unlikely, galore, a-plenty, countless) A speedy solution is . (main, principal, chief, crucial) He was taken by the ferocity of the criticism. (aback, unawares, surprised, unaccustomed) The train is almost never on time. (last, late, early, stopping) This is reward for twenty years of loyal service. (due, scant, meagre, proper)


Use the correct form of the adjective between brackets:

1.Without (far) delay, she took her coat and left. 2. Have you seen the (late) issue of the magazine? 3. The (old) brother is ten years (old) than the youngest. 4. Which is (good) of the two books? 5. I wont be able to finish the project without (far) help. 6. Surprisingly enough, the (late) half of December was unusually warm. 7. I should have entered the (near) shop and bought some more bread. 8. Although Jane is an extrovert, nobody can be sure

about her (in) thoughts and feelings. 9. Unfortunately, he is considered to be the (little) of the two critics. 10. Who is the (old) member of your department? 11. Is this really her (late) show? Does she intend to give up acting? 12. The matter they are discussing now is of the (out) importance. 13. If you want to get to the opera, take (near) turning to the left. 14. As she was quite poor, the old lady decided to rent one of the (up) rooms.


Complete the similes in column A with suitable elements from column B:

Column A as melancholy as as ugly as as sick as as proud as as calm as as merry as as old as as poor as as sweet as as drunk as as dead as as light as as heavy as as cold as as sober as as quick as as strong as as like as as large as as deaf as as easy as as flat as as good as as busy as as pretty as Column B a church mouse two peas a picture a flash sin/ a scarecrow a bee a clock honey a judge a horse a board the hills a feather a cat/ a sick monkey a dog a cucumber gold a cricket a lord a peacock lead a doornail A,B,C life post/doorpost


Rephrase the following sentences using various phrases and constructions with adjectives:
The Alps are a lot higher than the Pindus range. The Pindus range is nothing I dont mind carrying this box. It is extremely light, as opposed to the other one, which was very heavy. I dont mind carrying this box. It is 3. We used to be much closer than we are now. We are nowhere near 4. The children were very well-behaved while you were out. The children were as 5. They are by no means as intelligent as their father. They are far 6. Our special offer was taken up by as many as 70 000 people. No 7. There are hotels completely covering the landscape to the horizon. There are hotels as 8. If we climb higher, the view will be more beautiful. The 9. Anne is a funny girl. Do you mean amusing or strange? Do you mean funny 10. In my opinion, this novel is worse than his last one. I dont think this novel is 1. 2.


Translate into English:

1.Care sunt ultimele nouti legate de conflictul dintre conducere i sindicaliti? 2. Dac ai avea de ales ntre teatru i cinematograf, ai opta pentru prima sau pentru a doua dintre alternative? 3. Cu ct mergeam mai departe, cu att ne simeam mai uurai. 4. Am dou mere: ia-l pe cel mai mare. 5. Dei sora mea mai mare era mai n vrst dect mine cu 4 ani, semnam ca dou picturi de ap. 6. Dac mi poi mprumuta chiar tu cartea, cu att mai bine. 7. Tot mai puini tineri sunt interesai de astfel de probleme. 8. Ultimul su roman este foarte reuit. Acum l ateptm cu nerbdare pe urmtorul. 9. Nu arat cu nimic mai ru n urma accidentului. 10. Ne este din ce n ce mai greu s-i rezolvm problema. Ai minit, i asta i face greeala cu att mai grav.

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